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Team Driven Tertiary Process: The Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Model

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Presentation on theme: "Team Driven Tertiary Process: The Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Model"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Driven Tertiary Process: The Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Model
Rose Iovannone, Ph.D. Carie English, Ph.D. University of South Florida Developed under grant H324P04003 from the Department of Education.

2 Acknowledgements USF UCD Don Kincaid Kathy Christiansen Sarah Donadio
Glen Dunlap UCD Kelly Wilson Patricia Oliver Ted Bovey Edy Purcell Phil Strain

3 Objectives Participants will:
Describe an individual positive behavior support process for use in the classroom List factors impacting the effectiveness of an individual behavior support process

4 Individualized PBS (Tertiary)
For high-risk students: History of severe problem behaviors Demonstrated resistance to intervention An intensive system of support is needed ~5% ~15% Students who are at the top of the triangle need more intensive, individualized supports. These students are not or have not responded to other supports in your school. Not all students at the top of the triangle will need an individual behavior support plan. Many will benefit from a targeted group intervention. Those who do not, however, need additional support. Many of these students are classified as EH, ED, SED, etc… These are the students with the most frequent and/or most severe problem behavior. ~ 80% of Students

5 Conceptualizing an Array of PBS Supports
Universal/Primary School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems Classroom Interventions Targeted/ Secondary Tertiary (Intensive) Group Interventions Analyze Student Data Assessment Interviews, Questionnaires, etc. Simple Student Interventions (ERASE) Intervention Observations and ABC Analysis Complex Individualized Interventions (PTR) Team-Based Wraparound Interventions Multi-Disciplinary Assessment & Analysis Scott, 2001

6 Tertiary Supports in Schools
Traditional process: Specialist/expert-driven Complete an observation Write a support plan Call me if you have questions Often contextual fit ignored Limited support/follow-up/training provided

7 Prevent Teach Reinforce Process
Team driven process Goals, assessment, intervention plan Support provided by facilitator Direct observation Training and classroom implementation assistance Contextual fit Greater buy-in and likelihood of implementation

8 Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Model
Funded by US Dept. of Education/ Institute of Educational Sciences Randomized control group design Two sites—USF and UCD Three school districts central Florida Two school districts Colorado Compare prescriptive, simple model to “business as usual”

9 Sample 200 students 100 treatment; 100 wait-list control Any student in K-8 grades who exhibit problem behavior Problem behavior criteria Minimum 5 critical events indicated on Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD) Behaviors disruptive, durable (6 months), chronic (at least 1 time a week)

10 Sample Data Measures Repeated measures at student level
Problem behaviors, social skills, academics Mediator and moderators at multiple levels: Student Teacher/Classroom System *USF site only

11 Process Standardized approach
Five step process facilitated by PTR Consultant Team Development Goal Setting Assessment Intervention Coaching—up to 12 hours Evaluation Manual including information and forms

12 Preliminary Data Results

13 Student Demographics by Ethnicity and Gender
%age American Indian 3 1.3 Asian 2 .9 Black 42 18.7 Hispanic 64 28.4 Other 7 3.0 White 112 49.8 Gender Female 43 19.1 Male 182 80.9

14 Student Demographics by Primary Disability
% Autism 25 9.8 Developmental Delay 5 2.0 Emotional Disturbance 38 14.9 Mental Retardation 28 11.0 Multiple Disabilities 4 1.6 OHI (not ADD/ADHD) 1 .4 OHI (ADD/ADHD) 8 3.1 Specific Learning Disability 20 7.8 Speech/Language Disability 10 3.9 Visual Impairment 2 .8 General Education 99 38.8 Unknown 15 5.9 TOTAL 255

15 d = .57 Follow-up N 29/17 p < .000

16 d = .48 p < .000


18 NBRCC Report 10-10-07 PTR Intervention more effective in:
Increasing social skills and decreasing problem behaviors with students having most severe behaviors (measured by SSBD Maladaptive Behavior Scale) Increasing social skills and decreasing problem behaviors of males

19 NBRCC Report 10-10-07 Teachers participating in PTR indicated:
High social validity 98% liked PTR 91% felt PTR reasonable High alliance (relationship) with consultant Overall mean = 4.8 (SD = 0.45) Consultant is approachable Consultant and I trust one another Overall, consultant has shown sincere desire to understand and improve the situation

20 Social Validity Comparison USF—Sample Items
Pre Post Like procedures 3.2 4.4 Acceptable 3.6 4.3 Teach appropriate behavior 3.5 Fit into existing routine 3.8 Total Social Validity Score

21 Fidelity Most teams reaching 80% fidelity and maintaining into post-test Quality scores lower than adherence scores Part of the plan implemented although not entirely as plan written

22 The Process: A Case Study Example

23 Step 1: Team Development
Members and roles identified Teacher Behavior specialist/school psychologist Family members, paraprofessionals, special area teachers Work styles inventory Teaming survey


25 Case Study—Step 1: Team Building
Mike is a 9-year-old male in a self-contained autism classroom Nonverbal—uses signs, Dynamite, and pictures to communicate 1 teacher, 2 aides, and 6 students

26 Case Study—Step 1: Team Building
Teacher-- Ms. Wonderful Aides Ms. Needs Help Ms. Also Needs Help Facilitator—PTR Consultant Results of teaming information indicate a great team that meets regularly to brainstorm

27 Step 2: Goal Setting Identify team consensus on:
Academic behavior Social behavior Problem behavior Appropriate behavior Develop and begin baseline data collection

28 Case Study—Step 2: Goal Setting
Behavior Social Academic Decrease Increase Broad Mike will communicate his wants and needs appropriately Mike will interact with peers appropriately Mike will comply with nonpreferred activities and requests Mike will decrease screaming, hitting, and getting out of his seat Mike will decrease hitting, screaming at, and bossing his peers Mike will decrease screaming and hitting Mike will ask for a break or for attention when needed Mike will initiate peer interactions using his Dynamite Mike will engage in nonpreferred activities and communicate his frustration using his Dynamite or an appropriate tone

29 Case Study: Operational Definitions of Problem and Replacement Behaviors
Screaming—loud, high pitched noise heard outside the classroom Hitting—anytime Mike touches peers or adults with an open hand, fist, foot, or object while screaming or protesting Expressing Frustration—using Dynamite, pictures, or signs to ask for a break or attention Transition to nonpreferred activities—moving to nonpreferred activity and engaging with appropriate verbal expression (screaming level)

30 Case Study: Behavior Rating Scale With Anchors
Date Screaming 9+ times 7-8 times 5-6 times 3-4 times 0-2 times 5 4 3 2 1 Hitting 8+ times 6-7 times 4-5 times 2-3 times 0-1 times Expressing Frustration 40%+ 30-40% 20-30% 10-20% 0-10% Transition to Nonpreferred Whimper or squeal Louder than indoor voice Outdoor play voice Louder than outdoor play Ear penetrating

31 Step 3: Assessment Checklist format:
Antecedents or Triggers (Prevent) Function(s) of the problem behaviors (Teach) Consequences following the problem behaviors (Reinforce) Assists team to link function of behavior to intervention plan






37 Case Study—Step 3: PTR Assessment Problem Behavior
Prevention Data Teach Data Reinforce Data Non-preferred task Reading, Math Transition Preferred to non-preferred Change in schedule Denied item, told no, or to fix something Other students upset/mad Teacher attending to others Gain attention Peers, adults Delay Access to items Redirected Reprimanded Calm/soothe Personal space Later must complete task Loses/delays reinforcers Screaming, Hitting

38 Case Study—Step 3: PTR Assessment Appropriate Behavior
Prevention Data Teach Data Reinforce Data Independent work One-on-one attention Specials Peer interaction Getting attention Raising hand Sharing attention Conversation skills Taking turns Waiting Self-management Asking for break Expressing emotions Treasure box Movie Attention Helping teacher Going to media center Going outside Walk Food Prosocial

39 Step 3: PTR Assessment—Developing the Hypothesis
When…. Student will…. As a result… Inappropriate Behavior Appropriate Behavior Prevention data = antecedents or triggers Teach data = replacement behavior and possible function Reinforce data = function and reinforcers

40 Case Study—Step 3: PTR Assessment Possible Hypotheses
When…. Student will…. As a result… Mike is asked to complete non-preferred task (Reading, Math), stop preferred activity or transition to nonpreferred activity, fix an error, or when teacher attending to other students scream and hit Mike is able to gain attention and delay the transition/activity Mike is asked to complete non-preferred task (Reading, Math), stop preferred activity or transition to non-preferred activity, fix an error, or when teacher attending to other students express his frustrations appropriately complete the assigned task Mike is able to delay the transition/activity Mike is able to gain attention Inappropriate Appropriate

41 Case Study: Tips on Linking Interventions to Hypothesis
Prevention strategies must address: Getting Mike attention more often Changing non-preferred task Particular student How it is done (format) Changing what happens when he makes a mistake Do part of it (rather than all of it) over Allow him to find what is wrong Provide social story Signaling end of preferred activity Teach strategies must address: How to get attention/assistance How to get break/delay appropriately Reinforce strategies must address: Giving Mike attention/help Giving Mike break/delay

42 Step 4: Intervention Team ranks top three intervention strategies in each of the PTR components Multi-component intervention that teacher states s/he can implement Prevent Teach Reinforce Implementation plan

43 Case Study: Tips on Linking Interventions to Hypothesis
Prevention strategies must address: Giving Paris attention more often Changing non-preferred task Presentation (how it is given to Paris; how it looks) Content (embedding preferences) Changing environment surrounding independent work time Teach strategies must address: How to get attention appropriately How to get a delay appropriately How to access preferred item appropriately Reinforce strategies must address: Giving Paris attention/help Giving Paris a delay Giving Paris access to preferred activities


45 Case Study—Step 4: PTR Intervention
Prevent Strategies Specific Strategy steps Environmental Support A wait card will be placed on Mike’s desk to assist him in remembering to wait his turn. 1. Prior to group work, tell Mike, “Remember, when it is someone else’s turn, you sit quietly and wait,” while pointing to his card. 2. If Mike calls out, point to his visual to remind him what to do. 3. Use a verbal prompt if the point prompt does not work. Mike’s visual schedule will be modified to detail the number of and type of activities he is to complete during non-preferred activities. For example, if math involves listening to a lesson, doing a hands-on activity, and completing a worksheet, his visual schedule will list each activity under math using either a picture of the type of activity or using numbers that correspond to a number on the worksheet. 1. Prior to the start of the activity, Mike should review the visual schedule. 2. As Mike completes an activity, he should X off the activity.

46 Specific Strategy steps
Prevent Strategies Specific Strategy steps Curricular Modification Mike will be given an easy, independent activity, such as a worksheet, to complete upon transitioning to a non-preferred activity or an activity that requires him to wait, such as group activities

47 Specific Strategy Steps
Teach Strategies Specific Strategy Steps Replacement Behavior Mike will be taught to use his Dynamite to express his need to calm down. 1. Mike’s device will be programmed to say “I need to calm down.” 2. Prior to transitioning to a non-preferred activity or at the end of a preferred activity, remind Mike that “if you start to get mad, you can choose to calm down.” 3. As soon as Mike starts to get upset, prompt him to use his device. 4. Once Mike communicates “I need to calm down”, present him with the choice board of calming strategies and ask him, “What do you want?” 5. As soon as he is calm, praise him. 6. Allow Mike to engage in his choice until he is calm for 1-minute. 7. If Mike does not return to his area, then start having a fun time in that area with those students present

48 Specific Strategy Steps
Teach Strategies Specific Strategy Steps Self-Management Mike will be taught to independently use his calming strategies. 1. A tracking sheet with smiley faces and sad faces will be given to Mike at the start of each day. 2. Role-play with Mike about when he needs to make the choice to calm down. 3. Practice completing the tracking sheet. 4. Set and review the daily goal for using the calming strategies. 5. Prompt Mike to complete the tracking sheet if needed

49 Specific Strategy Steps
Reinforce Strategies Specific Strategy Steps Replacement Behavior Anytime Mike “says” “I need to calm down”, his choice board should be given. 1. Praise Mike for communicating (“thank you for telling me.”) 2. Provide his choice board. 3. Allow him to calm for 1 minute 4. Praise him as soon as he is quiet 5. Praise him for returning to the group Self-Management Anytime Mike scores his behavior, attention should be given. 1. When Mike marks his tracking sheet, praise him for doing so. 2. At the end of the day, review the sheet with Mike. 3. Talk about the sad faces. 4. Provide his reward if his goal is met. Waiting Mike will earn a skittle paired with attention if he waits. This will be faded to an intermittent schedule.

50 Specific Strategy Steps
Reinforce Strategies Specific Strategy Steps Transition Mike will earn stars during Reading Centers if he transitions and completes his work without screaming. 1. A social story will be reviewed prior to Reading Centers to remind Mike that he can earn a star if he comes to centers and works. 2. At the end of each reading center, an adult will review Mike’s behavior with him and ask him if he earned his stars. 3. Provide his stars if earned. 4. During the teacher’s group, Mike can earn 2 stars: 1 for transitioning to the group and 1 for working during group. 5. Allow Mike to participate in his chosen activity if he earned his stars.

51 Coaching of Interventions
Training of teacher 1 to 2 hours 80% accuracy on all strategies Assistance in classroom Up to 12 hours Fidelity measures recorded 80% implementation terminates assistance in classroom

52 Case Study: Training

53 Case Study: Fidelity

54 Step 5: Evaluation Data-based decision-making
Identifying what is working; what is not and WHY Expanding into other routines Generalization Continuing team meetings Planning time Cohesiveness

55 Step 5: Evaluation 1 is a lot of screaming, 5 is no screaming

56 Step 5: Evaluation 1 is a lot of hitting, 5 is no hitting

57 Step 5: Evaluation 1 is a little appropriate expression, 5 is a lot of appropriate expression

58 Step 5: Evaluation 1 is inappropriate transition, 5 is super appropriate transition

59 Step 5: Evaluation Other Outcome Data
Measure Baseline Post-test Change SSRS-PB 123 112 -11 SSRS-SS 87 102 +15 AET .34 .57 +23

60 Wrap Up: What We Have Learned
PTR process may not be enough for all students Some need wraparound Not all students need PTR 3-tiered model of individual support Teachers report the coaching piece and collaborative process to be keys

61 How to Make PTR Work in Your School
Steps are the key components not how your organize them Must create a system that will work for your school or even each student Things to consider Tertiary team Identification/Nomination process Facilitator Set-up of meetings for efficient results

62 Organizing the PTR Process
Is Team Building needed? Small team, team works well together, no paraprofessional If small team or no paraprofessional, skip and start with Goal Setting If well functioning team, combine with Goal Setting

63 Organizing the PTR Process
Few problem behaviors or all in same response class? Same antecedents &/or function Small team Combine Assessment with Intervention Development Condense the steps to meet the needs of your school

64 Final Thoughts: System Changes
Process may require more time up front but less time overall Must provide assistance in the classroom until desired outcomes achieved Will pay off in the end Teams more likely to implement the plan Ownership Fits the class and the student Continued contact

65 Questions?

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