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Veterans Re-Entry Education Program (VREP) Transfer Specialists Conference October 19, 2011 Jennifer Parta Arno Counselor, Veterans Re-Entry Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Veterans Re-Entry Education Program (VREP) Transfer Specialists Conference October 19, 2011 Jennifer Parta Arno Counselor, Veterans Re-Entry Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Veterans Re-Entry Education Program (VREP) Transfer Specialists Conference October 19, 2011 Jennifer Parta Arno Counselor, Veterans Re-Entry Education Program Minnesota Online Support Center Michele Jersak Counselor & GPS LifePlan Outreach Coordinator Century College & Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

2 Slide 2 Supporting Veterans Reintegration

3 Total Deployed (Federal Title 10) between 9-11-01 and 7-31-10: 2.1 million Currently Deployed Worldwide: 252,000 Since 2001, more than 19,000 Minnesota National Guard members have been deployed & served in more than 33 countries worldwide. As of Sept. 22, 2011 more than 2,700 Minnesota National Guard Soldiers and Airmen are deployed to multiple locations in support of the global war on terrorism. Over 2,400 expected to return next spring/summer. 43.7% increase in student veterans between ‘08 & ’10 in Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. Each person impacts at least 60 other people. By the Numbers

4 Slide 4 Credit for Military Experience - Transcript Review of official military transcript- ACE Recommendations –Army and NG - AARTS (Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System) –Navy and Marines – SMART (Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript) –U.S. Coast Guard –**Air Force – Community College of the Air Force** Review: –Consistent Training –AIT (Advanced Individualized Training) = occupation producing course

5 Slide 5

6 Slide 6 American Council on Education (ACE)

7 Slide 7 American Council on Education (ACE)

8 Slide 8 Veterans Education Transfer System- VETS 2.0 Service member interested in college/program – what credit can they get for their military experience Process: request review of military occupation (MOS)– NOT military transcript/individual Benefits: –Information provided to service member to make informed decision – may become your student –Information put into DARS; work already done for next evaluation request with same MOS –More informed student in terms of registration selection and progression toward graduation

9 Slide 9 Minnesota State Colleges & Universities Military Resources @

10 Slide 10 VETS – Veterans Education Transfer System

11 Slide 11 VETS – Veterans Education Transfer System

12 Slide 12 VETS – Veterans Education Transfer System

13 Slide 13 VETS – Veterans Education Transfer System

14 Slide 14 VETS – Veterans Education Transfer System

15 Slide 15 VETS – Veterans Education Transfer System

16 Slide 16 VETS – Veterans Education Transfer System

17 Slide 17 Minnesota Statute 197.775, Minnesota Statutes 2006 Subd. 2. Recognition of courses. (a) Minnesota State Colleges and Universities must recognize courses and award educational credits for courses that were part of a veteran's military training or service if the courses meet the standards of the American Council on Education or equivalent standards for awarding academic credits.

18 Slide 18 Credit for Prior Learning Procedure 3.35.1., Part 3, Subpart C. Subpart C. Credit for military training or service. Each system college and university policy shall reference Minnesota Statute 197.775, Subdivision 2, Recognition of Courses, which directs Minnesota State Colleges and Universities to recognize courses and award credit for a veteran’s military training or service if the courses meet the standards of the American Council on Education or the equivalent.Minnesota Statute 197.775 MnSCU System Policy 3.35/ Procedure 3.35.1 Credit for Prior Learning

19 Slide 19 Deployment Cycle Support –Other military branches –Family Preparation Academies –Mobilization –Family Readiness Academies –De-mobilization –30-day/MIRT –60-day –1-year Beyond the Yellow Ribbon

20 Slide 20 20 Click on the tabs to view each category of the MyMilitary GPS LifePlan. Click here to view tutorial overviews of the GPS LifePlan and eFolio.

21 Slide 21 21 Main Topics Additional topics may appear after clicking a section. Hot links for each category

22 Slide 22 22

23 Slide 23 23

24 Slide 24

25 Slide 25 25 Education benefits for veterans, service members, and dependents.

26 Slide 26

27 Slide 27 27 Wellness topics include physical and mental health resources.

28 Slide 28

29 Slide 29 Contact Information Military Transfer of Credit Questions: Gina Sobania 651.201.1654 Michele Jersak 651.779.3221 Jennifer Parta Arno 1.800.456.8519

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