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Destinations and Destination Management: concepts and implications Douglas Pearce Victoria University of Wellington.

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Presentation on theme: "Destinations and Destination Management: concepts and implications Douglas Pearce Victoria University of Wellington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Destinations and Destination Management: concepts and implications Douglas Pearce Victoria University of Wellington

2 Key message Successful destination management is based on how we view destinations and on the concepts of destinations that we use.

3 What is a destination?

4 Characteristics of destinations -Provide a bundle of products and experiences -Have a geographical dimension – associated with places at a range of scales -Can be seen from supply or demand perspectives- or both

5 ClustersNetwork System Social Construct Concepts of destinations

6 Clusters “… are geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field”. (Porter, 1998) Clusters are critical to competition: -Increasing productivity access to employees, suppliers, specialized information complementarities – whole greater than the sum of its parts better motivation & measurement -Driving innovation -Stimulating the formation of new businesses

7 Silva Vera 2002

8 Timur & Getz (2008) Calgary Tourism Network

9 Leiper (1979) Systems

10 Barrado Timón (2004) Concept of tourist destination

11 Manente & Cerato(1999)

12 ‘Tourism is a social process as much as it is a form of economic development.’ (Ringer 1998) Saraniemi & Kylanen (2011) Destination as social Construct

13 Destinations are places shared, and changed, by tourists and residents Lemasson & Violier (2009)

14 ClustersNetwork System Social Construct Implications for destination management

15 NetworkCluster Who & how rather than what Emphasis on relationships & governance Potential for innovation Lacks concern with spatial structure & physical planning. May assume stability

16 Jackson & Murphy (2002) Criteria for diagnosing destinations

17 Merinero Rodríguez y Pulido Fernández (2009) Relationships in the tourism management of Spanish destinations Antequera Úbeda Écija relationships & levels of tourism development

18 Barrado Timón (2004) emphasize role of local factors engagement with local population & processes places are dynamic not stable transformation of places by & for tourism

19 Manente & Cerato(1999) Systems emphasize a more comprehensive approach

20 Leiper (2009) What is the right balance of DMO’s internal vs external activities? e.g. marketing vs managing impacts Barrado Timón (2004)

21 ClusterNetworkSocial Construct Common factor: destination management involves working together How can we best do this ?

22 Thank you for your attention

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