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VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON Te Whare Wananga o te Upoko o te Ika a Maui COMP 203 / NWEN 201 Computer Organisation / Computer Architectures Virtual.

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Presentation on theme: "VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON Te Whare Wananga o te Upoko o te Ika a Maui COMP 203 / NWEN 201 Computer Organisation / Computer Architectures Virtual."— Presentation transcript:

1 VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON Te Whare Wananga o te Upoko o te Ika a Maui COMP 203 / NWEN 201 Computer Organisation / Computer Architectures Virtual Memory Lecturer : Dr. Pavle Mogin

2 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 1 Plan for Virtual Memory Topic What is a virtual memory (VM) Virtual Memory: benefits and costs How is Virtual Memory provided? –The page table Address translation – from virtual to physical addresses Writes and the dirty bit Page replacement policies Translation lookaside buffer Reading 7.4

3 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 2 Virtual Memory: What Is It? ‘Real’ or ‘physical’ computer memory is made out of –Processor registers, e.g. $0, $1, … $31 –Cache slots, e.g. slot 0, slot 1, … slot 1023 –DRAM cells, e.g. 0, 1, … 33,554,431 (32M) –Hard disk locations, e.g. sector 108 of track 2 of cylinder 3,294 Using more hardware and system software we can hide most of this nastiness from the programmer ‘Virtual’ computer memory is made out of –Addresses, e.g. 0, 1, … 4,294,967,295 (2 32 ) –That’s it!

4 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 3 The Benefits of Virtual Memory A single, ‘flat’ address space –No need to worry about where data is in the hierarchy –(actually, you can still access the registers directly, if you want) A large address space that is limited only by the size of your registers A separate address space for each program (!) –No need to worry about one program corrupting another’s data –Possibility of ‘segments’ for text, data, etc With read/write/execute permission per segment

5 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 4 Before And After Virtual Memory program A program B A’s stackB’s stack B’s data Many Mbytes After virtual memory program A program B A’s stack B’s stack A’s data 8 Mbytes B’s data Before virtual memory A’s data 1.2 Gbytes disk A programmer has to divide a program into segments. To load and unload segments Paging and swapping is done by OS

6 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 5 Virtual Memory Versus Physical Memory The programmer’s viewThe computer’s view 1 Gbyte DRAM 100 Gbytes disk program A program B A’s stackB’s stack B’s data Many Mbytes A’s data

7 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 6 The Costs of Virtual Memory Every address used in your HLL program… –Be it the address of the next program instruction –Or the address of some data you want to read or write must be translated on the fly into a physical address This physical address is then satisfied from –Cache –Or DRAM if the caches misses –Or hard disk if the DRAM misses But the translation and ‘satisfaction’ are invisible to the programmer

8 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 7 How Is VM Provided? (1) The computer treats each VM space as a series of ‘pages’ –Similar to blocks in the cache –Typically between 512 and 4096 words per page –With a large VM many pages are, in fact, empty and unused –Pages that contain some data, text, or stack are stored In DRAM as a unit (of 512 to 4096 words, etc) On disk as a block (of 512 to 4096 words, etc) –‘Paging’ between DRAM and disk is done by OS Pages are used to exploit spatial locality –And because disk bandwidth is better for large blocks

9 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 8 Pages Move Between DRAM and Disk data code program C data code program B data code program A page 0 page 1 page 2 page 0 page 1 page 2 page 0 page 1 page 2 DRAM Hard disk A page 0 A page 2 B page 0 A page 2 B page 1 C page 2 All pages are on disk Virtual addresses Physical addresses A page 0 B page 2 C page 2

10 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 9 How Is VM Provided (2) When the processor generates a (virtual) address –How do we know if the required page is in DRAM? –If it is, how do we know what physical address to use? –If it isn’t, how do we know where on the disk it is? The computer maintains –A ‘page table’ for each program in the system –A page table register that points at the page table of the currently executing program –(parts of the current table my be cached in hardware to make lookup faster) –Page table must be consulted for every address generated by the program

11 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 10 Data code program C code program B Example Page Tables data code program A page 0 page 1 page 2 DRAM Hard disk B page 0 A page 2 B page 2 C page 2 PAGE TABLE FOR PROGRAM A Page 0 is in DRAM at address 0 Page 1 is not used Page 2 is on disk at cylinder C 1, track T 1, sector S 1 PAGE TABLE FOR PROGRAM B Page 0 is in DRAM at address 3070 Page 1 is on disk at cylinder C2, track T2, sector S2 Page 2 is on disk at cylinder C 3, track T 3, sector S 3 A page 0 C page 2 (unused page) 0 1024 2046 B page 1 A page 0 data B page 0 3070 Virtual memory view Physical View

12 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 11 Address Translation 31 30 29...… 14 13 12 11 10 9...… 3 2 1 0 virtual page numberoffset inside the page … 14 13 12 11 10 9...… 3 2 1 0 offset inside the pagephysical page number 29 28 27... (no translation) page table Suppose the current instruction is lw $4, 200($10) –$10 + 200 is a virtual address –It must be translated to a physical address so the read can happen address generated by processor address presented to DRAM

13 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 12 Example Suppose pages are 100 bytes in size Suppose the currently executing program has this page table: –Page 0: maps to DRAM address 500 –Page 1: not in use –Page 2: maps to DRAM address 300 –Page 4: … Then virtual addresses 0, 1, 2, … 99 –Map to physical addresses 500, 501, 502, … 599 respectively and virtual addresses 200, 201, 202, …, 299 –Map to physical addresses 300, 301, 302, … 399 respectively

14 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 13 Example Page Table virtual address virtual page no. data code 0 1 2 0 100 200 300 data code physical address 500 100 400 0 200 300 600 DRAM physical page no. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 All numbers in decimal, page size is 100 bytes. Program A’s virtual address space Program A in main memory

15 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 14 Physical page number or disk address Offset within page Page Table Lookups 0 means on disk 1 means in DRAM 2 means page not used ValidPhysical page number Offset within pageVirtual page number Page table register Page Table

16 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 15 Handling Writes Many caches use write-through, as we saw Virtual memory uses write-back: –Since writing pages to disk is so inefficient –Writes are accumulated in the page (‘dirty’ bit is set) –On replacement, page is written back to disk –Nothing need be done if no writes to page

17 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 16 Page Replacement Policy A ‘page miss’ means page is on disk The operating system initiates a disk read –(this usually takes so long that it’s worth running another program in the meantime) An important design consideration: how to make space in DRAM –i.e. what page replacement policy to use? Possible solutions –Keep a ‘dirty’ bit in the page table, overwrite a clean page (saves having to flush dirty page to disk) –Keep an ‘age since last access’ count in the page table ‘least recently used (LRU)’ policy –Other policies discussed in COMP305

18 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 17 Where Are the Page Tables Stored? How big are they? –Assume virtual memory space is 2 32 –Assume pages are 4 K in size –Each page table entry requires approx 1 word –Each page table is 2 32 / 2 12 = 2 20 = 1 Mwords in size How many page tables are there? –One per program (10s of programs) In fact, page tables are stored in DRAM –(they even get paged out to disk - but don’t think about the implications of this) So to translate a VM address you must first search the page table in DRAM?!?

19 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 18 Translation Lookaside Buffer Since page tables are stored in the main memory, each memory reference from a program requires at least one memory accesses to translate virtual into physical address and then to try to satisfy it from cache On the cache miss, there will be two memory accesses The key to improving access performance is to rely on locality of references to page table. When a translation for a virtual page is used, it will probably be needed again in the near future because the references to the words on that page have both temporal and spatial locality Translation lookaside buffer - a special cache used to keep track of recently used translations

20 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 19 Introducing the TLB 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 virt. page no. DRAM Disk Page table in DRAM tagPPN V V Translation Lookaside Buffer CPU virt. page no. 0 1 new page

21 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 20 Using TLB Look up VPN in TLB –On hit, concatenate PPN in TLB with offset –On miss, check page table On hit, copy page table entry to TLB –Use replacement policy to make space in TLB On miss, do a page fault TLB is direct mapped (hence valid bit and tag field) For the purpose of acting as a page table, TLB has: –Use bit (to monitor usage for replacement), –Dirty bit (to monitor alterations). Typical performance figures –32 - 4K entries –Block size: 1 or two PPNs –1 cycle hit time, 50 cycles miss time

22 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 21 Virtual Memory Summary CPU virtual address TLB physical address Cache Disk disk address physical address Page table VPN PPN cache block Main Memory page word On a TLB miss On a Page Fault On a cache miss

23 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 22 Summary (1) Virtual memory –hides the memory hierarchy –protects programs from each other –involves swapping pages between DRAM and disk Operating system controls the virtual memory: –Executes paging between DRAM and disk –Maintains page table for every program in the execution –Controls page table register of the active program Page table must be consulted for every address issued by the program

24 COMP203 / NWEN201 2008 Virtual Memory 23 Summary (2) Page table –Valid, dirty, last-accessed-time bits –Physical address or disk address Address translation –Virtual address = VPN + offset –Physical address = PPN + offset Page replacement policies TLB: a cache for the page table

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