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DOL PRESENTATION Parliamentary Joint Monitoring Committee 21/09/07.

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Presentation on theme: "DOL PRESENTATION Parliamentary Joint Monitoring Committee 21/09/07."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOL PRESENTATION Parliamentary Joint Monitoring Committee 21/09/07

2 CONTENT OUTLINE  Basic Conditions of Employment Act  Employment Equity Act  Skills Development Act


4 PROHIBITION OF EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN  BCEA prohibits the employment of children under 15 years.  Those between 15-17 years old if work is in-appropriate for child’s age or bad for his / her development.

5 Definitions All regarding work by children under 18 years Child labour is work by a child that is  exploitative, hazardous or otherwise inappro- priate for the child’s age;  detrimental to the child’s schooling; social, physical, mental, spiritual or moral development. Child work  is work that is not bad for a child’s health, schooling or development  Example: reasonable household chores Worst Forms of Child Labour  Commercial sexual exploitation of children  Children used by adults to commit crime  Child trafficking  Hazardous work Increased seriousness

6 Prioritisation of action Child labour  Investigate and take action as appropriate.  Take measures to eliminate child labour. Child work  No action needed, unless work is excessive Worst Forms of Child Labour –  Investigate and take appropriate action.  Take measures to eliminate worst forms of child labour. Action to be prioritised

7 Child Labour Action Programme (CLPA)

8 APPROACH OF CLPA  It follows an intersectoral approach  It seeks to integrate Child Labour into new and existing programmes of Government

9 ACHIEVEMENTS  CLPA updated.  Inclusion of Child Labour clause in the Children’s Act.  Inclusion of Wosrt Forms of Child Labour Clause in the Children’s Amendment Bill.  Implementation of “No Fee School Policy”.  DoL is now participating in the Trafficking in Persons Task Team driven by the NPA.

10 ACHIEVEMENTS (Cont)  Child Labour Regulations on hazardous work finalised.  Children Used By Adults to Commit Crime (CUBAC) study recommendations submitted to Dept of Justice.  National Awareness Campaign conducted (Road shows, print media, radio & TV).

11 Children in the Performing Arts (CIPA)  Sectoral Determination.  Varies conditions of employment for children in the Performance of Advertising, Artistic and Cultural Activities.  1154 Applications for permits were granted in 2006 – 2007 involving 5377 children.  28 Applications for permits were refused due to extended hours of work and inadequate rest periods.  CIPA rolled out to provincial departments.


13 BACKGROUND Employment Equity Act was promulgated in 1998; Regulations to implement the act were introduced in 1999/2000 as amended; Code of Good Practice on the employment of disabilities were published in August 2002; and Technical Assistance Guidelines on the Employment of People with disabilities were introduced in August 2003.

14 PURPOSE OF THE CODE  To unpack key principles in the Employment Equity Act relating to disability

15 PURPOSE OF THE TAG  To assist employers, employees, trade unions and people with disabilities to, amongst others: Clearly understand the Employment Equity Act and the Disability Code; and Provide practical guidelines on how to implement affirmative action measures to eliminate unfair- discrimination.

16 KEY ELEMENTS OF THE CODE & TAG  Key elements of the Code & TAG include, but are not limited to: Definition of disability; Reasonable accommodation Recruitment and selection; Medical and psychological testing; Education and awareness

17 KEY ELEMENTS OF THE CODE & TAG (Cont) Training and career advancement; Termination of employment; Employee benefits; Confidentiality and disclosure; and Employment Equity planning.

18 IMPLEMENTATION OF CODE & TAG  Material was produced in different formats, including Braille, audiotapes, large print & electronic format;  A seminar was conducted where material was distributed to various organizations on disability and interest groups; and  Capacity building to DoL Provincial offices was provided in order to enable them to advocate and assist employers.

19 IMPLEMENTATION OF CODE & TAG (cont)  On-going support is provided to employers both nationally and provincially on the Code and TAG.  Continual interaction with Office on the Status of Persons with Disabilities in the Presidency and Disability organizations

20 DISABILITY INTEGRATION  Disability mainstreamed to eliminate unfair discrimination & promote AA.  Disability forms an integral part of this entire process.

21 SHELTERED EMPLOYMENT  12 of these factories exist in the country  They offer short or long term employment to PWD’s, especially to those with very severe disabilities or limited education.  Proudly SA – produces tables, desks, chairs, pillow cases, body bags, etc.  Collectively they employ 1100 people with disabilities.  Budget allocation for 2007/2008 R48,371,514.

22 DG REVIEWS  Section 43 empowers the DG.  Six companies were reviewed in 2006 – all of these companies either made very little or no effort to comply with the Act.  In 2007/2008 – 33 JSE listed companies are being reviewed.


24 BACKGROUND  Enhancement of skills in workplaces and for the unemployed is part of DoL’s programme of action as mandated by SDA  NSDS (2001-2005) was launched to ensure achievement of this mandate  NSDS principles is to ensure that designated groups benefit from skills interventions by SETAs and other Skills development institutions

25 BACKGROUND (Cont)  NSDS prescribe targets for learners entering learning programmes as follows:  85% Black,  54% Women, and  4% people with disabilities.  Mechanisms to support and monitor the implementation and ensure corrective measures are in place to evaluate the extent of achievement.







32 UMSOBOMVU YOUTH FUND  Umsobomvu play a key role in the development of youth. The following contributions were made thus far:  Supplier Development Training: Aim of the programme is to train entrepreneurs & 74 young entrepreneurs established new ventures.  100 beneficiaries assisted through the implantation of New Venture Creation Learnership in 3 FET Colleges.

33 UMSOBOMVU YOUTH FUND (Cont)  Business Opportunity Support Services: BOSS involves facilitation of linkages between youth entrepreneurs and matching business opportunities, while at the same time provide technical assistance, mentorship and facilitate access to funding. A database of Youth Entrepreneurs has been developed and is managed on a continuous basis in line with identified opportunities.

34 UMSOBOMVU YOUTH FUND (Cont)  During 2006/7 financial year Business opportunities raised totalled over R183.7 million, the programme assisted 143 young entrepreneurs to access retail trade opportunities with the following companies:  Nestle (ice cream on wheels business, where youth were provided with carts/ motorcycles to cell ice cream nationally),  Massmart (hot dog carts) and MTN (container cell phone business)


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