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Wellington City Council Supporting the Open Government Information and Data initiative Presentation to Inner City Association 8 Sept 2015 Channa Jayasinha,

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Presentation on theme: "Wellington City Council Supporting the Open Government Information and Data initiative Presentation to Inner City Association 8 Sept 2015 Channa Jayasinha,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wellington City Council Supporting the Open Government Information and Data initiative Presentation to Inner City Association 8 Sept 2015 Channa Jayasinha, Manager Business Information & Technology

2 Going Digital New Services Access to Council Data Topics

3 Our 2014 – 2017 Vision & Mission: Aligned to “Smart Capital” Our Vision: To enable our customers to deliver services sooner, simpler, smarter Our Mission: The BIT team provides relevant customer-centric technology and information services that are fit-for-purpose and affordable

4 4702319

5 A simpler approach to using the City’s District Plan. The District Plan sets out how the Council wants the city to grow and what landowners can do with their property. The ePlan allows a user to easily find rules that apply to any property e.g. height restrictions. ePlan features include the ability to:  Filter the District Plan to only show what’s relevant to a specific property.  Use a modern map-based interface.  See any relevant Plan Changes for a property  Generate a property report with area-specific features that apply to a property, for example hazard areas and heritage features.  Click on defined words and see their meaning.  Quickly click between sections. E-Plan (Released 2 Sept 2015)


7 Heritage Building Information. Can search by Heritage Areas, Heritage Buildings, Architects. Out of scope for this release are Heritage trees, Archaeological sites, Sites of significance. Over 600 Records Detailed descriptions with images Wellington City Heritage (Released July 2015)


9 New Services

10  I’m recognised by the Council, and you know my history.  I’m easily able to access services relevant to me/what I am doing - self service where possible.  I can access a single view of all my interactions with the Council.  I have a single identity across WCC services/facilities. My Council – Customer Centric Service delivery


12 ‘I want to…’

13 Differentiat ed experience between authenticat ed and non authenticat ed.

14 Parking Smart (Trial) – Using Sensors Customer Find parks Pay and walk Top-up and control Mobility parking assurance Transport Less congestion Less CO 2 Improved asset management Informed policy Compliance More payment Fewer pay machines Lower printing, cash costs Streamline channels (trade coupons etc.) Enforcement Faster and more targeted No chalk Clearways, FH, zones enforced



17 Council Data

18 Over 50 data sets published on Examples:  Dog Exercise Areas  1900 Thomas Ward Maps  Potential Flood Hazards  Wellington City Building Footprints  Civil Defence Centres  Community Centres & Halls, Swimming Pools  Playgrounds, Recreation Centres, Sculptures  Tsunami Evacuation Zones  Wellington City 1m Contours (2011)  Wellington City Aerial Imagery (1996 – 2011) Open Data available from WCC



21 1900 Thomas Ward Maps

22 Wellington City Suburbs

23 Dog Exercise Areas

24 4702319 Questions

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