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Presentation on theme: "AMERICA: LAND OF INVENTORS US History: Spiconardi."— Presentation transcript:



3 Inventor: Samuel Morse  Telegraph  Device that sent electrical signals through wires  Allowed information to travel faster, almost instantaneously, over long distances.

4 Inventor: Samuel Morse  Morse Code  A series of dots and dashes created for the telegraph  SOS SOS

5 Inventor: Cyrus Field  Transatlantic Cable  An underwater cable that ran through the Atlantic Ocean, so telegraph messages could be sent between US and Europe  Made US and Europe closer; allowed for quicker communication




9 Inventor: Alexander Graham Bell  Telephone  device that uses a receiver and a transmitter so that people can speak and hear one another over long distances  Made communication even faster than telegraph No need to go to a telegraph office. One could communicate from home or office Improved business Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.

10 Inventor: Thomas Alva Edison  Phonograph Phonograph  Played recorded sound  Allows for music to reach the masses

11 Inventor: Thomas Alva Edison  Motion Picture Camera  Forever changes the world of entertainment  Development of cinema

12 Inventor: Thomas Alva Edison  Incandescent Light Bulb  Replaced gas, candles, and oil lamps as most efficient way to light streets and buildings  Extended the work day  Makes cities safer


14 Inventor: Thomas Alva Edison  Electric Power Plant  Edison Illuminating Company (precursor to ConEdison) allowed for homes to entire cities to be illuminated  “We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles.”

15 Inventor: Gustavus Swift  Refrigeration  Developed first ice cooled railcar  Led to modern day refrigerator  Allowed food to last longer & stay fresher  Made beef cheaper

16 Inventor: George Eastman  Kodak Camera  Made photography more convenient to the public Ability to record life and history  No longer had to carry bulky and heavy equipment for photography  And most importantly…

17 Inventor: George Eastman  Leads to you having the ability to post photos on Facebook

18 Inventor: Henry Ford  The Assembly Line  Method of production, in which workers are stationed in one place as products move along a belt. Each person is responsible for one task on the belt & by the end of the belt, the product is finished

19 Inventor: Henry Ford  Mass Production  Making large quantities of a product quickly and cheaply Allows for faster and cheaper production of cars/products Cars become affordable to average American

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