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Balance-Training Concepts Chapter 9 Personal Training.

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1 Balance-Training Concepts Chapter 9 Personal Training

2 Objectives Describe balance and its purpose Rationalize the importance of balance training Design a balance-training program for the clients in any level of training. Perform, describe, and instruct various balance-training exercises.

3 The importance of balance Is a component of all movements, regardless of whether strength, speed, flexibility, or endurance dominates the movement. Maintenance of postural equilibrium (or balance) is an integrated process requiring optimal muscular balance (or length-tension relationships and force-couple relationships), joint dynamics (or arthrokinematics), and neuromuscular efficiency. The integrated performance paradigm shows that adequate force reduction and stabilization are required for optimum force production.

4 Importance of Properly Training the Balance Mechanism Balance training should constantly stress an individual’s limits of stability (or balance threshold). An individual’s limit of stability is the distance outside of the base of support that he or she can go without losing control of his or her center of gravity. This threshold must be constantly stressed in a multiplanar, proprioceptively enriched environment, using functional movement patterns to improve dynamic balance and neuromuscular efficiency.

5 Importance of Properly Training the Balance Mechanism Appropriate Progressions for Functional movements: –Floor –Half foam roll –Airex pad –Bosu Ball or Dyna Disc

6 Importance of Properly Training the Balance Mechanism The design and implementation of balance into a program is critical for developing, improving and restoring the synergy and synchronicity of muscle-firing patterns required for dynamic joint stabilization and optimal neural muscular control.

7 Benefits of Balance Training Dynamic Joint Stabilization: –The ability of the kinetic chain to stabilize a joint during movement.

8 Benefits of Balance Training Multisensory Condition: –Training environment that provides heightened stimulation to proprioceptors and mechanoreceptors.

9 Benefits of Balance Training Controlled Instability: –Training environment that is as unstable as can safely be controlled by an individual.

10 Balance and Joint Dysfunctions The majority of fitness clients have decreased neuromuscular efficiency and problems with balance.

11 Balance-Training Design Parameters Stabilization Level –Single-leg balance –Single-leg balance reach –Single-leg hip internal and external rotation –Single-leg lift and chop

12 Balance-Training Design Parameters Strength Level –Single-leg squat –Single-leg squat touch –Single-leg Romanian deadlift –Step-up to balance –Lunge to balance

13 Balance-Training Design Parameters Power Level –Multiplanar hop with stabilization –Box hop-up with stabilization –Box hop-down with stabilization

14 Balance Training Program Design OPT Level Phase(s) Number of Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest Stabilization 1 1-41-3 12-20 Slow 0-90sec Strength 2,3,4 0-42-3 8-12 Medium (3/2/1-1/1/1) 0-60sec Power 5 0-22-3 8-12 Controlled (hold the landing position for 3-5 s) 0-60sec

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