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A Plan for HEP Data Grid Project in Korea Kihyeon Cho Center for High Energy Physics (CHEP) Kyungpook National University CDF/D0 Grid Meeting August 5,

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Presentation on theme: "A Plan for HEP Data Grid Project in Korea Kihyeon Cho Center for High Energy Physics (CHEP) Kyungpook National University CDF/D0 Grid Meeting August 5,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Plan for HEP Data Grid Project in Korea Kihyeon Cho Center for High Energy Physics (CHEP) Kyungpook National University CDF/D0 Grid Meeting August 5, 2002

2 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2  HEP Data Grid Project in Korea  Current Status and Plan  Inside of CHEP  CHEP and EU Data Grid  CHEP and Fermilab  Conclusions Contents

3 HEP Data Grid Project in Korea

4 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 4 In Korea, HEP Data Grid Project has started on March 2002 funded by Ministry of Information and Communication. Five year project (2002-2006) 30 High Energy Physicists (Ph.D level) from 5 Experiments (CDF, AMS, CMS, K2K, PHENIX) are involved in this project. This project includes to make Regional Data Center (Tier-1) for CMS, AMS, CDF(?) in Asia. The Regional Data Center will be located at CHEP (Center for High Energy Physics) at Kyungpook National University. HEP Data Grid in Korea

5 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 5 Center for High Energy Physics ( C H E P ) Kyungpook National University Daegu, Korea 1. CMS Tier-1 Regional Center (CERN) 4. Belle Exp (Japan) 5. K2K Exp (Japan) 3. CDF Grid (USA) 2. AMS Regional Center (CERN) 6. PHENIX Grid (USA) Data Grid Cluster Korea U Sungkyunkwan U Chonnam N U Gyeongsang N U Konkuk U Ewha W U Dongshin U KBSI … Other users CHEP Kyungpook N U Seoul N U Yonsei U Established in July 1, 2000. A national center designated by the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology and supported by the Korean Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) 47 HEP physicists with doctoral degrees and 120 graduate students from 12 institutes inside Korea participate in the center. Participation of Institutions in the HEP Data Grid Project 

6 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 6 Europe CERN (CMS) US FNAL (CDF) US BNL (PHENIX) Space Station (AMS) Japan KEK (K2K) Korea CHEP Experiments for HEP Data Grid Project in Korea

7 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 7 Networking  Multi-leveled hierarchy (both for data and for computation)  Tier-1 : CHEP  Tier-2 : SNU, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Network Services  Videoconferencing  OO Database access Data Storage Capability in Data Center  Storage : 1100 TB Raid Type Disk  Tape Drive : 60 Tape Drives of IBM 6590  TSM Server/HPSS : 3Pbyte Computing powers (1000 CPU Clusters)  Tier-1 Institute (CHEP) : 600 CPU linux clusters  Tier-2 Institute (SNU, SKKU) : each 200 CPU linux clusters Final Goal Project (2002-2006)

8 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 8 Processing Fabric 1000 CPUs Commodity PCs 3 PBytes storage Gbit Networks KOREN Supercomputers National network LANs (1) For Data Grid abroad  Network between CERN(Tier-0) and CHEP(Tier-1), Korea  TEIN ( Gbps)  Network between Fermilab, USA and CHEP(Tier-1), Korea  APII (1 Gbps)  Network between KEK, Japan and CHEP(Tier-1), Korea  APII and Hyunhae (1 Gbps) (2) For Domestic Data Grid  Network between CHEP(Tier-1) and Tier- 2  155 Mbps ~ 1 Gbps  Network between CHEP(Tier-1) and Other  45 ~ 155 Mbps The Goal of HEP Data Grid Network Project (2002-2006)

9 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 9 KOREN/TEIN and APII Test beds APII JAPAN (KEK) APII USA (Chicago) TEIN (CERN) APII C hina (IHEP) USA StarTap, ESNET Fermilab, BNL etc. KOREN Topology CHEP Daegu 1 Gbps Seoul Daejeon Daegu

10 Current Status at CHEP Current Status at CHEP Korea CHEP

11 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 11 Current Resources CPU : 40 CPU (1.7 GHz) Clusters HDD □about 3 Tbyte (80 GB IDE X 40) □100Gbyte Raid + 600 Gbyte Tape library Network CHEP ----- KNU ---- KOREN ---- Star tap ---- Fermilab 1Gbps 1 Gbps 45Mbps ? The actual network performance between CHEP and FNAL is 3~5 Mbps (30~50 Gbyte/day). Hardware

12 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 12 Server s … IBM 8271 PCs L3 Switch (3 군 ) Gigabit Ethernet C6509 KOREN Gigabit Switch … Servers Gigabit Ethernet FNAL CERN APII 45Mbps TEIN 10Mbps Current Network between CHEP and FNAL (Actual 3~5Mbps) Star Tap  40 Kyungpook Nan’l Univ. CHEP

13 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 13 ObjectItemQuantity File ServerPentium III 866MHz (dual) 2 Login and Compile ServerPentium IV 1.7 GHz AMD 1.47 GHz 1111 Main CPU Pentium III 1 GHz (dual) Pentium IV 1.7 GHz AMD 1.47 GHz AMD 1 GHz 1 16 14 5 UPS10 KW (30 min)1 NAS 100 GB HDD (RAID)+ 600 GB Tape library1 Network Switch24x100Mbps + 2 x 1 Gbps 1 PC Clusters Current Status at CHEP

14 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 14 Installed Globus 2.0 on 12 PCs. (10 @CHEP, 1@SNU, 1@Fermilab) Constructed Private CA (Certificate Authority). Installed MDS (metacomputing directory service). Installed GridFTP, Replica Catalog, Replica Management. Test the Grid test-bed □ between CHEP(Tier-1) and SNU(Tier-2) □ between CHEP(Tier-1) and Fermilab Current Status at CHEP Data Grid Software and Middleware

15 CHEP and EDG (EU Data Grid) Europe CERN Korea CHEP TEIN (Tran Eurasia Information Network ) EDG (EU Data Grid)

16 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 16 Actual network topology (map) of the TEIN Pilot Project The bandwidth of the TEIN □ Current :10 Mbps with 20M PCR □ At the end of this year : 45 Mbps Proportion of traffic exchanged with other Asian and European countries □ This project will also include connectivity with KEK in Japan. Possible future extensions of the TEIN Pilot Project □ The ultimate goal of the connectivity between CHEP and CERN is more than Gbps (Lambda). CERN 10 Mbps 1 Gbps CHEP GEANTGEANT TEINTEIN KORENKOREN TEIN (Trans Eurasia Information Network)

17 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 17 Three researchers have visited CERN for EDG test bed between July 14~24, 2002. PKI was created for Korean test bed. □ C=KR,O=KCHEPDG,OU=SNU : Seoul National University □ C=KR,O=KCHEPDG,OU=KNU : Kyungpook National University Representatives for institute: □ Bockjoo Kim : Seoul National University □ Kihyeon Cho : Kyungpook National University We got the certificates from France. We have learned basic components of EDG. □ UI : User Interface □ CE : Computing Element □ SE : Storage Element □ WN : Worker Node □ RB : Resource Broker, Gate Keeper □ LCFG : Server for installing EDG software for each component The Status of EDG test bed in Korea

18 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 18 User submits job to UI and requests data to SE from UI Check resources for given job Submit job to Worker node and send output to user EDG Jobs Life Cycle

19 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 19 Future plan for EDG test bed CHEP will join VO (virtual Organization) as CMS. To install basic components at CHEP. To register the server for CA inside of Korea. To maintain the test bed by running CMS simulation code. We will have better network between Europe and Korea. □ At the end of this year the bandwidth of TEIN will be 45 Mbps.

20 CHEP and Fermilab Grid Korea CHEP Fermilab in USA KCAF (DCAF in Korea)

21 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 21 CHEP has a plan to make a cron of CAF. CAF (Central Analysis Farm) –Limited resources and spaces at FCC –At Run IIb, data size is 6 times more than now. –In case of network problems at FCC, it is dangerous. DCAF –Users around regional area and/or around the world –Korea, Toronto, Karstrule, …. Let us call DCAF in Korea as “KCAF”. Why DCAF/Grid in the future?

22 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 22 DCAF DCAF in Korea (KCAF) …. Central Analysis Farm (CAF) users Resource Broker Proposed schemes

23 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 23 CAF in USA Center for HEP (CHEP) at Kyungpook Nat’l University Daegu, Korea DCAF in Korea (KCAF) APII (Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure) DCAF in Karstrule DCAF in Toronto Where is KCAF?

24 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 24 Step 1. To make MC production farm using KCAF –First, we start to construct 20/40 CPU test bed for KCAF. –After policy inside of CHEP (another test bed for EDG) and between CDF, we will decide how many CPUs for actual MC generation farm will be used among this year’s planed 100 CPUs. Step 2. To handle real data –To extend the KCAF to the real data handling system using SAM, Gridftp, etc after settling down real data handling system. Step 3. Final goal of CDF Grid –A gridification for KCAF related with EDG and CDF Grid The Step for the Goal of KCAF


26 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 26 Cron of CAF (Central Analysis Farm) Users –Korean Group –Other Asian Group –Other around the world Technical Request –KDC for Kerborse –Data Handling System –To connect between 1 Tbyte buffer and fcdfsam at FCC A Design of KCAF

27 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 27 1TB buffer (FCC) CAFGUI ICAFGUI SAM Station (KCAF) User Desktop Remote Desktop KCAF Head Node rcp, GridFTP bbftp cp KCAF Cluster FCC (CAF) CHEP (KCAF) ICAF FTP server CDFen (Raw Data) dCache rcp fcdfsam Smaster FSS, Stager stager Technical Request STKen Calibration Data dCache rcp

28 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 28 100 PC clusters will be constructed at the end of this year. 6 Tbyte HPSS system is supposed to come. Contribute 1 T byte hard disk (now) + 4 T byte hard disk (December) to CDF for the network buffer between CHEP and FCC. On early November, 2002, International HEP Data Grid Work Shop will be held at CHEP, Kyungpook National University in Korea. Future Plan (This year)

29 KIHYEON CHO CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 29 Conclusions Grid is one of world trend at High Energy Physics area. Someday we should use it. Our government is very interested in Grid project. HEP Data Grid project in Korea is very active for both EU and USA side. Any comments?

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