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Improving Outcomes For Children and Young People - Workshop Three Main Objectives For The Workshop To introduce the concept of outcomes based planning;

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Outcomes For Children and Young People - Workshop Three Main Objectives For The Workshop To introduce the concept of outcomes based planning;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Outcomes For Children and Young People - Workshop Three Main Objectives For The Workshop To introduce the concept of outcomes based planning; To provide some information about the Outcomes for Children Project and the notion of a Locality Planning Group; To get people thinking about the role of a local planning group and their possible role on it.

2 Programme for the Workshop Some introductions The Outcomes for Children Project – what is it? Case study Identifying what's good and not so good in the area for children and young people What information/data is available to assist in planning? What is a Local Planning Group? Who needs to be at the table? Next Steps Plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions Break about halfway through Lunch afterwards

3 Our Children and Families South West Donegal, Demographic Profile Friday 16 th April 2010

4 South West Donegal Corkermore, Crowkeeragh, Crownard, Dunkineely, Glencolumkille, Inver, Kilcar, Kilgory, Killybegs, Largymore, Malinbeg, Tieveskeelta

5 Population Profile Data Source: CSO 2006 4.8% of the total child population of Donegal live in the South West Donegal area.

6 Deprivation Data Source: SAHRU 2006

7 Lone Parent Families Data Source: CSO 2006

8 Education Data Source: CSO 2006

9 Persons on the Live Register February 2010 Data Source: CSO Over 60% of persons on the live register aged under 25 years are Male. This is the case in all areas i.e. South West Donegal, Donegal and Ireland. * Includes those on Jobseekers Benefit or Allowance

10  3 main tools to use: Interactive Mapping Family Support Database Data Catalogue

11 Locality Planning Group: What is it & what would it do? To engage and work with a range of agencies: statutory, community, voluntary, private To examine data & information To develop multi-agency action plans To involve children, young people & families in the planning process To influence commission of services & resources

12 Support Available Local knowledge & expertise Project Board Community Development Worker (p/t) Information Support Officer Funding:- engagement & participation of key stakeholders (£11k), small grants to develop initial projects (£15k)

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