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Servant Leadership I am among you as the One who serves Luke 22:27.

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Presentation on theme: "Servant Leadership I am among you as the One who serves Luke 22:27."— Presentation transcript:

1 Servant Leadership I am among you as the One who serves Luke 22:27

2 Servant Leadership Bi-directional servanthood OT - 1 Kings 12: 7 –The king = servant of the people –The people = servant of the king Jesus Christ, The Servant of the Lord = the Messiah (Isaiah 42:1, 42:19; 43:10; 49:3, 49:5- 7; 52:13; 53:11). Bi-directional servanthood NT –Our Lord serves us, John 13 – the foot-washing –We the Lord’s slaves Luke 17: 10, Rom.1: 1

3 Quality of servanthood: Col 3: 22-24 22.Slaves, obey the lords according to flesh in all respects, not with eye-service as men- pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing God. 23.And whatever you may do, work from the soul as to the Lord and not to men, 24.knowing that from the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance. For you serve the Lord Christ.

4 How do you know whether you are a good servant leader? By the way you react when people treat you like a servant. Lorne Sanny

5 What servant leadership is not: Bureaucratic leadership Autocratic leadership Laissez faire leadership Celebrity leadership Lone Ranger leadership Orchestra conductor  Legalism  Authoritarianism  Negligence  Idolatry  Individualism  Overdependence

6 Character Competence Vision Servant Leadership Inept leadership Immobile leadership Immature leadership Servant Leadership Qualities Adapted from a model developed by Jeff Russell

7 1. Servant leaders are called The general calling of all disciples –Learn to serve; learn to follow; learn to submit –Debtors: to share blessings from God The specific calling of the leader –Meeting with God Crisis encounter: Isaiah (Isaiah 6), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1), Paul (Acts 9) Gradual introduction: Paul and Timothy –Confirmed by leaders under God, Acts 13: 1-3

8 2. Servant leaders lead 1.Inspiration 1.Inspires others to fulfill God’s plan 2.Turns groups into teams 3.Creates agape love environment 2.Constancy of purpose 1.Focuses the team on God’s outcomes / results 2.Cuts out that which distracts, dilutes, detracts 3.Sacrifice 1.Lays down his/her life for the sake of the team fulfilling its God-given outcomes in God’s way

9 3. Servant leaders manage

10 Individuals have competencies (Competencies = the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that enable performance) They use these competencies to behave and act in interdependent processes (Performance = behaviours plus activities) Their performance in the processes generates products and services that are provided to others (Outputs = the generated products and services) The quality of these outputs and the reactions of those who receive them lead to results with consequences that may be positive, negative, or neutral for the organization and its customers. (Results = the consequences of performance) A simple overview of the management aspects of servant leadership

11 4. Servant leaders ask questions 1.How can I make sure that the people under my leadership have the competencies they need to fulfill the Lord’s calling on their lives? 2.How can I inspire them to use these competencies optimally to provide the products and services God requires of us? 3.How can we collaborate synergistically so that our products and services enable our target groups to build God’s kingdom in healthcare?

12 5. Servant leaders use tools HCFI Staff management policy HCFI Support Cell concept HCFI training for NAT’s Spiritual gifts inventory; Personality insight tools OMR or other planning tools Team building Outlook, Skype, Website EFQM and/or other TQM tools Networking with other ministries in healthcare

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