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Presentation on theme: "PLANTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Evolution of Plants

3 Monocots and Dicots

4 The Plant Body

5 Plant Tissue Systems Dermal Vascular Cuticle Guard Cells Xylem Phloem
Tracheids Vessel elements Phloem Sieve-tube members Companion cells

6 Xylem

7 Phloem

8 Plant Tissue Systems Ground Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma

9 Ground Tissue

10 Plant Growth Apical meristems Primary growth Lateral meristems
Secondary growth

11 Root Structure Epidermis Cortex Endodermis Vascular cylinder
Root hairs Cortex Endodermis Casparian strip Suberin Vascular cylinder Pericycle Xylem,phloem, pith

12 Primary Root Growth

13 Primary Stem Structure
Epidermis Cutin Cortex Vascular cylinder Xylem, phloem, pith Vascular cambium

14 Secondary Stem Structure
Vascular cambium Secondary xylem Secondary phloem Cork cambium Periderm

15 Leaf Structure Epidermis Palisade Spongy Guard cells Vascular bundles
Cuticle Cutin Palisade Spongy Guard cells Stomata Vascular bundles

16 Transport in Plants

17 Transport in Plants Osmosis Capillary action Water potential
Root pressure Capillary action Adhesion Cohesion Water potential

18 Lateral Transport

19 Xylem Sap Transport Root pressure Transpirational pull
Guttation Transpirational pull Adhesion / Cohesion

20 Control of Transpiration

21 Pressure Flow Model


23 Photoperiodism Circadian rhythm Flowering plants Phytochrome, Florigen

24 Plant Tropisms Gravitropism Phototropism Thigmotropism
Peter Boysen-Jensen Coleoptile F.W. Went Auxin

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