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The Executive Branch Mrs. Cox Paisley I B Civics- 7.

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1 The Executive Branch Mrs. Cox Paisley I B Civics- 7

2 The Office of the President President is leader of the executive branch. President is leader of the executive branch. To be president-age at least 35 To be president-age at least 35 Must be born in US Must be born in US Lived in the US for at least 14 years Lived in the US for at least 14 years So far all presidents have been male. So far all presidents have been male. Most have been lawyers Most have been lawyers

3 The Office of President All presidents have been Protestant Christians except for John F. Kennedy who was Catholic. All presidents have been Protestant Christians except for John F. Kennedy who was Catholic. Presidents serve 4 year terms Presidents serve 4 year terms The Constitution did not state how many terms a president could serve. The Constitution did not state how many terms a president could serve. The 22 nd amendment limits a president to two terms. The 22 nd amendment limits a president to two terms.

4 The Office of the President The Vice President is elected with the president. The Vice President is elected with the president. VP qualifications are the same as those of the president. VP qualifications are the same as those of the president. VP leads the Senate but does not vote unless there is a tie vote. VP leads the Senate but does not vote unless there is a tie vote. The VP becomes president if the president dies, resigns or is removed from office. The VP becomes president if the president dies, resigns or is removed from office.

5 The President’s Job The Constitution gives the President many powers. The Constitution gives the President many powers. To call special meetings of Congress To call special meetings of Congress To reject bills passed by Congress To reject bills passed by Congress He is commander in chief of the armed services. He is commander in chief of the armed services. With Senate approval the president can make treaties with other countries With Senate approval the president can make treaties with other countries

6 The President’s Job Can appoint government officials (judges, ambassadors) Can appoint government officials (judges, ambassadors) Constitution requires the president to make reports to Congress-this is done through the State of the Union address every January. Constitution requires the president to make reports to Congress-this is done through the State of the Union address every January.

7 Roles of the President Chief executive Chief executive Commander in chief Commander in chief Legislative leader Legislative leader Chief diplomat Chief diplomat Head of state Head of state Economic leader Economic leader Party leader Party leader

8 Roles of the President As chief executive, the president executes laws passed by Congress As chief executive, the president executes laws passed by Congress Sometimes the president issues executive orders to make sure that laws are carried out. Sometimes the president issues executive orders to make sure that laws are carried out. Appoint federal judges Appoint federal judges Grants pardons- which allows people to avoid punishment for crimes they committed. Grants pardons- which allows people to avoid punishment for crimes they committed.

9 Roles of the President President can grant reprieves and amnesty. President can grant reprieves and amnesty. Amnesty is a pardon for a group of people. Amnesty is a pardon for a group of people. A reprieve delays punishment. A reprieve delays punishment. Commander in chief of the armed services. Commander in chief of the armed services.

10 Roles of the President Congress and the President share the power to make war. Congress and the President share the power to make war. Congress declares war Congress declares war The President has the power to order troops into battle The President has the power to order troops into battle This allows a president to back up decisions with force. This allows a president to back up decisions with force.

11 Roles of the President The president can influence which laws are passed. The president can influence which laws are passed. The president can present plans that suggests laws for Congress to pass. The president can present plans that suggests laws for Congress to pass. Congress considers bills that might or might not support the president’s plan Congress considers bills that might or might not support the president’s plan

12 Roles of the President As chief diplomat, the president directs foreign policy As chief diplomat, the president directs foreign policy President greets foreign visitors President greets foreign visitors President does ceremonial duties such as awarding medals for bravery. President does ceremonial duties such as awarding medals for bravery. President is also the countries economic leader. President is also the countries economic leader.

13 Roles of the President President is also the nation’s economic leader. President is also the nation’s economic leader. President deals with unemployment and other economic issues. President deals with unemployment and other economic issues. President plans the federal budget. President plans the federal budget. The president leads his political party. The president leads his political party. The president also helps those that are running for president and other elected offices. The president also helps those that are running for president and other elected offices.

14 Presidential Succession In 1947 Congress passed the Presidential Succession Act. In 1947 Congress passed the Presidential Succession Act. This act states that the Speaker of the House becomes president if both the president and the vice president die or leave office. This act states that the Speaker of the House becomes president if both the president and the vice president die or leave office. The president pro tempore of the Senate is next in line. The secretary of state comes next. The president pro tempore of the Senate is next in line. The secretary of state comes next.


16 Presidential Succession Passage of the 25 th Amendment helped answer other questions about presidential succession. Passage of the 25 th Amendment helped answer other questions about presidential succession. 25 th Amendment explains other questions about presidential succession. 25 th Amendment explains other questions about presidential succession. If the president dies or leaves office the VP becomes president and chooses another VP. If the president dies or leaves office the VP becomes president and chooses another VP. Congress must approve the new VP. Congress must approve the new VP.

17 Presidential Succession The amendment also allows the VP to help determine whether the president is disabled and cannot do the job. The amendment also allows the VP to help determine whether the president is disabled and cannot do the job. If the president is not able to do the job, the VP would then act as president until the president is able to go back to work. If the president is not able to do the job, the VP would then act as president until the president is able to go back to work.

18 Presidential Advisers and Executive Agencies In 1801 few people helped President Thomas Jefferson do his job. In 1801 few people helped President Thomas Jefferson do his job. Today, more than 2,000 people work for the Executive Office of the President (EOP) which was created in 1939. Today, more than 2,000 people work for the Executive Office of the President (EOP) which was created in 1939. Many different offices make up the EOP. Many different offices make up the EOP. The White House Office works directly for the President. The White House Office works directly for the President.

19 Organization of the Federal Branch The EOP includes the White House staff made of the president’s 10 to 12 closest political advisers. The EOP includes the White House staff made of the president’s 10 to 12 closest political advisers. The most powerful member of the White House staff is the chief of staff. The most powerful member of the White House staff is the chief of staff. Other top advisers are the deputy chief of staff an the press secretary, who provides news to the public. Other top advisers are the deputy chief of staff an the press secretary, who provides news to the public.

20 Organization of the Federal Branch The Office of Management and Budget ( OMB) prepares the national budget and monitors how much money the government spends. The Office of Management and Budget ( OMB) prepares the national budget and monitors how much money the government spends. The National Security Council (NSC) helps the president manage military and foreign policy. The National Security Council (NSC) helps the president manage military and foreign policy.

21 Organization of the Federal Branch The Office of Administration provides support to the groups that work for the executive branch. The Office of Administration provides support to the groups that work for the executive branch. Finally, the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) helps guide the president on issues such as inflation and foreign trade. Finally, the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) helps guide the president on issues such as inflation and foreign trade.

22 The Cabinet The president chooses a group of 14 people to advise him or her. The president chooses a group of 14 people to advise him or her. This group makes up the cabinet. This group makes up the cabinet. Each cabinet member leads an executive department. Each cabinet member leads an executive department. Most of the members of the cabinet are called secretaries. Most of the members of the cabinet are called secretaries.

23 The Cabinet The head of the Department of Justice is called the attorney general. The head of the Department of Justice is called the attorney general. The newest department is the department of Homeland Security. It was formed in 2002. This department works to defend the nation against terrorist attacks. The newest department is the department of Homeland Security. It was formed in 2002. This department works to defend the nation against terrorist attacks.

24 The Cabinet The cabinet members advise the president. They talk about issues related to their departments. The cabinet members advise the president. They talk about issues related to their departments. Ex: the secretary of agriculture tells the president about the nation’s farmers. Ex: the secretary of agriculture tells the president about the nation’s farmers. The cabinet meets whenever the president decides a meeting is needed. The cabinet meets whenever the president decides a meeting is needed.

25 The Cabinet The VP sometimes has little authority. Some VP’s, however, are given more duties. The VP sometimes has little authority. Some VP’s, however, are given more duties. The President’s spouse is called the First Lady or the First Gentleman. The President’s spouse is called the First Lady or the First Gentleman. They can make important contributions to the country. They can make important contributions to the country. Historically, First Ladies have often served the country by working for special causes. Historically, First Ladies have often served the country by working for special causes.

26 The Federal Bureaucracy The groups and employees that make up the executive branch are called the federal bureaucracy. The groups and employees that make up the executive branch are called the federal bureaucracy. The federal bureaucracy does the jobs that keep the government running each day. The federal bureaucracy does the jobs that keep the government running each day. It watches the activity of banks and other businesses. It watches the activity of banks and other businesses.

27 The Federal Bureaucracy Hundreds of independent agencies work for the branch. Hundreds of independent agencies work for the branch. There are three types of independent agencies. There are three types of independent agencies. 1. Executive agencies work with special government programs, such as the space program. 1. Executive agencies work with special government programs, such as the space program.

28 The Federal Bureaucracy 2. Government corporations act like private businesses but are run by the government. The USPS is a government corporation. 2. Government corporations act like private businesses but are run by the government. The USPS is a government corporation. 3. Finally, regulatory boards and commissions make rules that businesses must follow. 3. Finally, regulatory boards and commissions make rules that businesses must follow.

29 The Federal Bureaucracy Most government employees are civil service workers. They operate the civil service system. Their jobs are usually permanent. Most government employees are civil service workers. They operate the civil service system. Their jobs are usually permanent. In the 1800s, most government jobs were awarded as political favors. This is called the spoils system. In the 1800s, most government jobs were awarded as political favors. This is called the spoils system.

30 The Federal Bureaucracy Each president would replace workers with his own supporters. Each president would replace workers with his own supporters. In 1883 Congress passed the Pendleton Act, also called the Civil Service Reform Act, to reform the spoils system. In 1883 Congress passed the Pendleton Act, also called the Civil Service Reform Act, to reform the spoils system. Now the civil service system is a merit system. People are hired on the basis of civil service work requirements. Now the civil service system is a merit system. People are hired on the basis of civil service work requirements.

31 Making Foreign Policy Foreign policy is the plan a nation follows when dealing with other nations. Foreign policy is the plan a nation follows when dealing with other nations. The US has four main foreign policy goals: The US has four main foreign policy goals: 1. national security-keeping the country safe from attack 1. national security-keeping the country safe from attack 2. trade with other countries 2. trade with other countries 3. world peace 3. world peace 4. spreading democracy 4. spreading democracy

32 The President and Foreign Policy The president guides US foreign policy with the help of special departments and agencies within the executive branch of government. The president guides US foreign policy with the help of special departments and agencies within the executive branch of government. Congress plays a role in US foreign policy. Congress plays a role in US foreign policy. It can declare war and stop some military actions, and decides how to spend money for defense. It can declare war and stop some military actions, and decides how to spend money for defense.

33 The President and Foreign Policy The President and Congress use many tools to meet foreign policy goals. The President and Congress use many tools to meet foreign policy goals. With Senate approval, a treaty, or formal agreement, helps the US work with other nations. With Senate approval, a treaty, or formal agreement, helps the US work with other nations. Without Senate approval, the president can make an executive agreement with a foreign leader for a similar purpose. Without Senate approval, the president can make an executive agreement with a foreign leader for a similar purpose.

34 The President and Foreign Policy The US also sends ambassadors to other countries to represent the US government. The US also sends ambassadors to other countries to represent the US government. Some tools punish other countries. Trade sanctions make it hard for some countries to trade with the US. Some tools punish other countries. Trade sanctions make it hard for some countries to trade with the US. Sometimes the US joins an embargo, an agreement among nations to refuse trade with a target nation. Sometimes the US joins an embargo, an agreement among nations to refuse trade with a target nation.

35 The President and Foreign Policy The president has the power to use military force to carry out US foreign policy decisions. The president has the power to use military force to carry out US foreign policy decisions.

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