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Nutrition Job Outlook Haley Lydstone Keene State College Dietetic Intern.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition Job Outlook Haley Lydstone Keene State College Dietetic Intern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition Job Outlook Haley Lydstone Keene State College Dietetic Intern

2 Activity State your name Why did you choose to study nutrition? What field of nutrition are you interested in?

3 Summary of Presentation What is going on? Factors that influence the job market Career paths RD Non-RD Certifications and Specialties How can you make yourself marketable to potential employers?

4 What is going on? Factors that influence the nutrition job market Economy Health care reform Aging population Increasing chronic disease Increased public awareness of health and nutrition Technology

5 Economy Source: Economic Policy Institute Entry Level Wages of Male and Female College Graduates 1979-2010

6 Economy Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics

7 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Emphasis on prevention Develop National Prevention Strategy Create Prevention and Public Health Fund Support delivery of evidence-based prevention and wellness services Menu labeling – chain restaurants & vending machines Source: Kaiser Family Foundation -

8 Source: The state of aging and health in America 2007. Aging Population

9 Increase in Chronic Disease

10 Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 2010 No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30% Increase in Chronic Disease Source:

11 Increased Public Awareness Source:

12 Technology 35% of hiring managers use Google to do online background checks on job candidates 23% percent look people up on social networking sites. About one-third of those Web searches lead to rejections, according to the survey. Source:

13 Registered Dietitian and Dietetic Technician, Registered

14 Registered Dietitian (RD) Bachelor’s degree in an ADA accredited program Completes Supervised Practice/Dietetic Internship Passes a national examination Completes continuing professional educational requirements to maintain registration. About 50% of RDs hold advanced degrees. Some have specialty certifications. Source: Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics -

15 RD Salary & Job Outlook Annual Salary Range* All RDs$48,006 - $69,992 Less than 5 years experience $39,998 - $52,000 Job outlook is average– expected to grow 9% from 2008 to 2018 Source: and ADA Compensation and Benefits Survey, *Salary ranges presented are 25th to 75th percentile and are based on a 40 hour work week.

16 Clinical Dietitian Assess patients’ nutritional needs, may manage food service department Provide medical nutrition therapy (MNT) to treat, prevent disease Work in hospitals, nursing care facilities Work collaboratively with healthcare team Annual Salary Range All RDs$48,006 – 69,992 Inpatient$46,009 – $62,400 Outpatient$49,732 – $66,664 Long-term Care$48,339 – $69,576

17 Community Dietitian Provide education and counseling to groups & individuals on nutrition Work in State/local health departments, home health agencies, WIC, other grant-funded programs May work with special populations – low income, elderly, children, individuals with special needs Annual Salary Range All RDs$48,006 - $69,992 Community RD$42,993 - $62,441

18 Management Dietitian Oversees “large-scale meal planning and preparation” Budget, enforce regulations, supervise other RDs and food service workers Work in healthcare facilities, company cafeterias, schools, prisons Annual Salary Range All RDs$48,006 - $69,992 Management RD$60,008 - $87,006

19 Specialty Certifications for RDs Board Certified Specialist in: Gerontological Nutrition Sports Dietetics Pediatric Nutrition Renal Nutrition (CSR) Oncology Nutrition (CSO) Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) RDs with Specialty Certs earn $2.54/hr more than those without the certs

20 Dietetic Technician, Registered DTR New Eligibility Pathway III Students with Bachelor’s degree from approved program can sit for the DTR exam without logging 450 hours of supervised practice. “DTRs work independently or as a team member under the supervision of registered dietitians in a variety of employment settings, including health care, business and industry, community/public health, foodservice and research.” Annual Salary Range All DTRs$34,278 - $47,736 Less than 5 years experience$29,723 - $38,958 Bachelor’s Degree$33,862 - $50,003

21 Other Certifications Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) Certified Personal Trainer (ACE, ACSM) CPR/First Aid Certified Dietary Manager Certified Food Protection Professional

22 Non-RD Career Opportunities

23 Health Educator Educates individuals/communities about health-related topics, such as nutrition. Puts programs together. Good communication and public speaking skills. Being sensitive to cultural differences. Bachelor's degree, a master's degree may be required for some positions. Salary: $44,000 Job Outlook: Expected to grow by 18% through 2018 CHES – Certified Health Education Specialist

24 Wellness/Health Coach Health and wellness seminars, develops health education materials and customized care plans. Take interest in others feelings and perspectives, strive to recognize and meet customer needs. Bachelor’s degree in nutrition or other health related fields. Salary: $59,000 Job Outlook: Expected to grow by 18% through 2018

25 Food Service Management Daily operations involved in food preparation/service, ensures customer satisfaction, oversees inventory and ordering, etc. Good communication and leadership skills. Being good at problem solving. Experience is an integral part of finding a food service management position, applicants with a degree are more competitive. Salary: $46,230 Job Outlook: Expected to grow 5% through 2018

26 Food Scientist Develop new or better ways to preserve, process, store, and deliver foods, analyze nutrient content in foods. Oral and written communication, being able to communicate clearly and concisely. Bachelor’s degree, advancement requires a master’s or doctoral degree. Salary: $59,520 Job Outlook: Expected to grow by 16% through 2018

27 Sales Representative Sales reps describe their products, conduct demonstrations, make customers interested purchasing their product(s). Patience and perseverance, great communication skills, desire to sell their product, goal oriented, persuasive. Scientific/technical product sales require a bachelor’s degree. Salary: $70,200 Job Outlook: Expected to grow by 7% through 2018

28 Writer (Medical/Technical) Develop documentation about medical procedures, products, equipment Express ideas clearly and logically, creative, self-motivated. Bachelor’s degree, science background. Salary: $61,620 (if salaried)-many writers have other incomes Job Outlook: Expected to grow 18% through 2018

29 Research Assistant Designs and implements research studies, performs independent research and conducts fieldwork. Teamwork skills, ability to work with diverse populations. Bachelor’s degree in nutrition or related field, masters or doctoral degree is sometimes required. Salary: $43,000 Job Outlook: Expected to increase by 25% through 2018

30 Community Nutritionist (ex: WIC) Provide nutrition education and counseling, teach nutrition classes, develop nutrition care plans. Sensitivity to working with ethnically and culturally diverse individuals, good communication skills. Bachelor’s degree. Salary: $32,000 Job Outlook: Expected to increase 9% through 2018

31 What do supervisors look for in WIC Nutritionists? Drive to help improve nutrition and health among our low-income population Good communicator, comfortable speaking to a group Computer skills Organized & able to work under pressure/time constraints Enjoys fast-paced environments** Culturally competent** Good listener and avoids judgment** Desire to help moms succeed at breastfeeding

32 Other Possibilities Certified Personal Trainer Food service technician Health & Human Services (many government positions) Author (books, cookbooks, etc.) Food Safety & Quality Compliance Specialist/Food Safety Coordinator Caterer Workplace Wellness Specialist/Wellness Director Recipe Tester Restaurant Consultant Health Speaker Marketing Specialist Research Chef Dietary assistant

33 Experience is key Internships Volunteer work Teaching Assistant Job shadowing (find out what you like and what you don’t!) Contacts are vital Be open to change How can I make myself marketable to potential employers?

34 What did you learn? ( 1) Name two factors that influence today’s job market for nutrition professionals. (2) Identify at least one non-RD career option. (3) What is one way to make yourself more marketable?

35 Call to Action Research jobs that interest you Be flexible Talk with your advisors and other professionals already in the field Seek out internships and volunteer opportunities to gain more experience

36 Thank You! Questions/Comments

37 Non-RD Job References emphasis/index.asp s/careers.shtml wic+nutritionist

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