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Ch.1.  Counseling psychology  The application of mental health, psychological or human development principles, through cognitive, affective, behavioral.

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1 Ch.1

2  Counseling psychology  The application of mental health, psychological or human development principles, through cognitive, affective, behavioral or systemic interventions, strategies that address wellness, personal growth, or career development, as well as pathology.  Psychotherapy  Focuses on serious problems associated with intrapsychic, internal, and personal issues and conflicts.  Guidance  Process of helping people make important choices that affect their lives such as choosing a preferred lifestyle

3  Counseling was starting to be developed  Interdisciplinary field  functions were shared by individuals from other fields (i.e., teachers and social reformers)  Developed out of the humanitarian movement  Concerned about those affected by the industrial revolution

4  Frank Parsons  Founder of guidance  Worked with young people making career decisions  Used questionnaires asking about experiences, preferences, and morals  Clifford Beers  Advocate for the “mentally ill”  Hospitalized with depression  Realized the conditions were poor for the patients and wrote a book about it

5  1913 – National Vocational Guidance Association began publishing a bulletin  World War I  Began using intelligence tests for placement  Used with civilians after the war  Psychometrics was established

6  Harvard  Education courses focused on vocational guidance  SVII  Strong Vocational Interest Inventory was developed  1 st marriage and family counseling center

7  Great depression  Emphasis placed on helping strategies and counseling methods  E. G. Williamson  Modified Parson’s theory for guidance  Established the trait-factor theory of counseling Traits (e.g., aptitudes, interests, personalities, etc.) integrated to form factors (constellations of individual characteristics)  Ascertain a deficiency in the client (i.e., lack of knowledge or a skill) and prescribe a solution to solve it

8  Carl Rogers  Client centered approach to counseling  Emphasized nonjudgmental attitude and acceptance  New emphasis on counseling  Relationship research  Technique  Selection and training of counselors  Goals and objectives of counseling

9  Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17) was formed in APA  Defined counseling as working with a “normal population” than seen by clinical psychologists  New Theories  Applied behavioral analysis i.e., systematic desensitization  Cognitive Theories Ellis – Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Beck – Cognitive Therapy

10  Community Mental Health Services Act  Establishment of community mental health services  Alcohol and drug abuse counseling  Divorce rated causes an influx in marriage and family counseling centers  The Counseling Psychologist  First published  The premier counseling journal

11  Diversification  Community counseling became an emphasis in a variety of locations i.e., hospice, mental health clinics, rehabilitation centers, employee assistance programs, psychiatric hospitals  Helping skills training Ecclectic/humanistic Traux and Carkhuff / Ivey  State Licensure  APGA moved toward state and national licensure for counselors

12  Standardization on training and certification  CACREP formed Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs  Continual movement toward becoming a distinct profession Liability insurance policies New counseling specialty publications  Profession continues to diversify Employed in primary and secondary schools

13  Became ACA  American Counseling Association  Multicultural competencies were developed  Managed health care

14  Training and education focuses specific concerns  survivors of violence, trauma and crises  Social justice  Promoting Wellness

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