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Bipolar Disorder Manhattan Johnson & Reyes Serrato J. Morgan Health 1500 October 3rd, 2014.

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1 Bipolar Disorder Manhattan Johnson & Reyes Serrato J. Morgan Health 1500 October 3rd, 2014

2 What is it?  Bipolar disorder is usually characterized by sudden moods swings that consist of extreme sessions of euphoria (happiness), or drastic sessions of depression.  Another name for Bipolar Disorder is Manic-Depressive Illness  The four categories are:  Bipolar 1  Bipolar 2  Rapid-Cycling  “Mixed Features”

3 Bipolar 1  This form of manic-depressive disorder involves periods of severe mood episodes from mania to depression.  Mania: Happiness, excitement, positive self image, or even rage.  May also include irrational decision making  Depression: sadness, gloomy, sleepy, a sense of impending doom.  Most severe  Manic episodes last up to 4 months  Depressive episodes last longer, but usually doesn’t last longer than 1 year.  During this time, suicide is a high risk and may require hospitalization.

4 Bipolar 2  The milder form of Bipolar 1 disorder  Most common form of manic-depressive disorder  Experience less intense euphoric (hypomanic) episodes  But is followed by more intense depressive states  This may appear as only an outgoing personality  Makes it hard to diagnose  Without treatment, it can progress into Bipolar 1

5 Rapid Cycling  Described as having four or more mood episodes within a 12-month period  Symptoms must last for a specified minimum number of days to be classified as an episodes.  Can be within a single week or within a single day  This is known as “Ultra-Rapid Cycling” Depression Mania Depression Mania

6 Mixed Features  Mixed features means that multiple signs and symptoms occur at the same  Marked by  High energy  Sleeplessness  Racing thoughts  But at the same time may be marked by  Thoughts of suicide  Hopelessness  Despair  And thoughts of suicide

7 Treatments  Medication  Mood stabilizing medication  Make a more stable baseline  Psychotherapy  Therapy with working with stress  Know what sets off the mood (triggers)  Lifestyle management  Eliminate the stressors  Things that set you off

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