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Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 19 th October 2010 Harvest Festival This.

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Presentation on theme: "Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 19 th October 2010 Harvest Festival This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons)Email Info from Newsletter sent on 19 th October 2010 Harvest Festival This Friday is our Harvest Festival in our church at 1.30. You are all warmly welcome to our celebration and we are happy for family members, neighbours and villagers to join us. Please do invite them. This year, as last, we will be collecting non perishable foods for the Salvation Army who support needy families in our own area and community. You are always so very generous and we know that this year will be no exception. Unlike other years though, Janie from the Salvation Army in Dorchester, will be joining us on Friday and taking away any good that you have generously sent in.

2 Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons)Email Info from Newsletter sent on 19th October 2010 Communication We try to keep in touch with parents through our newsletters, memos, the website which is frequently updated by Mr Duffin and the bus book for children travelling by bus. We are having some issues re contacting parents – either in an emergency or in a hurry. If your child has an accident at school we NEED to be able to contact a parent or someone designated by yourself.

3 Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons)Email Info from Newsletter sent on 19th October 2010 I have been contacted by the bus company both very early in the morning and during the day about changes or cancellations and have tried to speak to parents to give the information. I have left messages on answerphones but, have found out subsequently, that these have not been listened to. Can every single parent please ensure that Sandy has a telephone number that either you can be contacted on or is regularly checked by yourself. Very seldom do we need to contact you – if we do, it is usually important. If the number/s we have are working and listened to ‘Thank you’.

4 Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons)Email Info from Newsletter sent on 19th October 2010 Class 2 Meeting Thank you to everyone that attended the Class 2 meeting and parents’ consultations. It was great seeing so many of you.

5 Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons)Email Info from Newsletter sent on 19th October 2010 Educational Visits Although it is only week 7, Class 2 has visited the round house at the Prince of Wales School, Maiden Castle and the Roman town house in Dorchester. They were accompanied by Gill Copson from the Thomas Hardye School. Years 3 and 4 have been to Waitrose as part of the ‘Let’s Get Cooking’ initiative as well as having a whole afternoon tasting fruit and vegetables provided by Waitrose – thank you very much. The whole school joined in the sponsored walk around our local country side and collected £314 so far. Class 1 visited the local area with Mary-Ann Featherstone as part of our involvement in the International Tree Foundation. Lots more visits organised!

6 Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons)Email Info from Newsletter sent on 19th October 2010 Building work Building work will start again over half term. The ceiling in Class 1 is being removed and a new one, new lighting, is being installed over the half term break. This will involve quite a considerable amount of work on our behalf preparing for this and the children will probably be taught from the village hall on Friday as the electricians will be in school. Please help us by taking EVERYTHING you need from school on Thursday. The school will probably be off limits on Friday. Thank you.

7 Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons)Email Info from Newsletter sent on 19th October 2010 Holidays Can I take this opportunity to say have a great holiday – probably no electricity on Thursday or Friday so no more newsletters!!! We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Friday and children can bring in any produce or goods from tomorrow. We will take them to the church on Friday.

8 Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons)Email Info from Newsletter sent on 19th October 2010 Newsletters are also to be found on the school website on the news page. Remember that there is a wealth of information on our website!

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