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NACTEI Conference May 2013 Alisha Hyslop, ACTE Catherine Imperatore, ACTE SCED, CEDS and WDQC: An Alphabet Soup of National Data Quality Initiatives.

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Presentation on theme: "NACTEI Conference May 2013 Alisha Hyslop, ACTE Catherine Imperatore, ACTE SCED, CEDS and WDQC: An Alphabet Soup of National Data Quality Initiatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 NACTEI Conference May 2013 Alisha Hyslop, ACTE Catherine Imperatore, ACTE SCED, CEDS and WDQC: An Alphabet Soup of National Data Quality Initiatives

2 National Data Trends Focus on data and accountability remains strong A great deal of focus on measuring credential attainment Data to aid consumers, ensure accountability for federal funds, and improve programs Interest in reducing data burden; but at same time providing more information “Balance the need for accountability with the burden of federal requirements”

3 Secondary School Course Classification System: School Codes for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Published by NCES in 2007 Presents a taxonomy and course descriptions for secondary education Designed to help schools and education agencies maintain longitudinal information

4 Timeline CTE invited to a SCED revision meeting in July 2012 CTE Revision Team formed Developed materials, surveys, timelines and a website Formed 16 CTE Working Groups aligned to Career Clusters Kick-off webinar on November 6 Submitted revisions to NCES Forum in January 2013 Continued to work with NCES and Family and Consumer Sciences through April NCES solicited practitioner input in April Revised SCED to be released September in online format 4

5 SCED CTE Revision Team Sharon Enright – Ohio Department of Education Alisha Hyslop – Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Catherine Imperatore – Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Dean Folkers – National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc), now Nebraska Department of Education Robin Utz –Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Division of Academic and Technical Education 5

6 SCED CTE Working Groups 16 Career Cluster® working groups Teachers, administrators, state personnel, business and industry and others Over 140 volunteers Selected on geographic and experience diversity

7 Work Plan 1. Working group members completed survey to keep/delete/move/revise courses – Nov. 16 2. Working group chairs analyzed responses – Nov. 28 3. Working groups developed consensus on courses to keep/delete/move/revise – Dec. 18 Most collaborated through Google Docs, e-mail or conference call 4. Revision team finalized and submitted to NCES Forum – Jan. 10

8 Pathways − Some have no SCED courses Human Services Career Cluster Current & Proposed SCED “Subject Area” Name Current & Proposed SCED “Section” Name Current SCED “Course Title & Description” Maintain As-is? Revise? Delete? (Make notes to share with colleagues) 8

9 Recommended Revisions Consistent use of Particular Topics, Work-based Learning and Independent Study courses for each pathway Removed Aide courses Technology references added and updated Cross-listed courses, with one “business owner” Blueprint Reading: STEM and Architecture & Construction

10 Challenges Tight timeline Collaboration difficulties Confusion over process for Family and Consumer Sciences courses Under Miscellaneous, CTE or its own section Maintaining career-focused courses in CTE, with FCS attributes Still in progress SCED combined with CSSC?

11 Common Education Data Standards NCES initiative A national collaborative effort to develop voluntary, common data standards for a key set of education data elements Domains within CEDS CTE (NEW in V3.0) Adult Education (NEW in V3.0) Workforce (NEW in V3.0) Postsecondary

12 History V1.0 released in September 2010: almost no CTE engagement V2.0 released in January 2012: the public comment period received a lot of feedback on CTE Formed a CTE Work Group V3.0 released in January 2013: included new elements and revisions relative to CTE V4.0 is in the works

13 CEDS is NOT Required: Adoption of CEDS is voluntary. All or nothing: Not all CEDS elements have to be utilized to realize benefits. A data collection: CEDS collects no data. An implementation: There is no single implementation that will work for every user. Physical implementation decisions will be made by practitioners and solution providers in the field based on their specific objectives. Solely an ED undertaking: NCES is developing these standards with a group of stakeholders and publishes drafts for several public review cycles. A federal unit record system: CEDS is not a student record system.

14 CTE CTE Student Demographics Program Participation: participant, concentrator, displaced homemaker, single parent/pregnant woman, start and exit date Similar under Postsecondary -> PS Student -> CTE Academic Record: completion, credential earned, nontraditional completion Credentials include industry certificate, apprenticeship certificate, licensure Program Program Type: CTE, work-based learning Course Credit Type Earned: CTE, converted occupational experience credit Additional Credit Type Awarded: dual credit, CTE and simultaneous CTE/academic credit

15 Postsecondary Assessment Assessment Academic Subject: CTE Assessment Subtest Score Metric Type: workplace readiness score PS Student -> Teacher Education Preparation Alternative Route to Certification or Licensure

16 Adult Education Certification Type Instructional Program Type Postsecondary Transition Action: postsecondary enrollment after program exit or when co-enrolled Program Environment Functioning Level … much more

17 Workforce Employed While Enrolled Employed After Exit Employment NAICS Code Person Employed in Multiple Jobs Professional or Technical Credential Conferred Quarterly Employment Record Earnings Workforce Program Participation After Exit

18 Interagency Working Group on Expanded Measures of Enrollment and Attainment (GEMEnA) Started fall 2009 Includes representatives from Education, Labor, Commerce, National Science Foundation, OMB, Council of Economic Advisors Aims to obtain better federal survey data on non-degree credentials gemena

19 Goals Develop survey items related to subbaccalaureate certificates Develop survey items related to industry credentials and licenses Consider new measures for education and training for out-of- school youth and adults Help NCES develop and deploy a new household survey on education, training and credentials

20 WDQC Initiated by the National Data Quality Campaign Led by National Skills Coalition, a broad-based coalition working toward a vision of an America that grows its economy by investing in its people so that every worker and every industry has the skills to compete and prosper Engage in organizing, advocacy, and communications to advance state and federal policies that support these goals Members include business, labor, community colleges, community-based organizations, and the public workforce system

21 WDQC Purpose Encouraging the development of comprehensive, aligned and market-relevant education and workforce systems Identifying potential areas for federal and state policy reform that could encourage the development of such data systems across the 50 states Including the diversity of students and workers and the range of education and labor market outcomes

22 WDQC Partners Association for Career and Technical Education Center for Law and Social Policy Data Quality Campaign National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education National Association of State Workforce Agencies National Skills Coalition New America Foundation

23 WDQC Funding Lumina Foundation Joyce Foundation Apollo Group 3-year funding commitment In the process of hiring a director, possibility of other staff

24 WDQC Priorities Including All Students and Pathways Counting Industry‐Recognized Credentials as well as Degrees Assessing Employment Outcomes for all Participants Expanding Use of Labor Market Information Ensuring Appropriate Data Access and Use

25 WDQC Federal Priorities Make data expectations clear and consistent across pending reauthorizations Restructure federal funding for states’ development of aligned education and workforce data systems Encourage state participation in cross‐state sharing of employment data

26 WRIS2 The Wage Record Interchange System (WRIS) facilitates the exchange of wage data among participating states for the purpose of assessing and reporting on state and local employment and training program performance WRIS2 extends the WRIS data sharing model to required One- Stop career center partner programs not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Labor and other appropriate partners WRIS2 allows states to share their wage data in aggregate form with Third Party Entities


28 WRIS2 Participation is voluntary and dependent on state laws governing use of employment compensation information Goal is all state participation – “Getting to 50” WDQC actions: - Coalition of the willing - Convene states - State leaders - Demonstrate benefits - Agency guidance and incentives - Keep score - Individual state outreach

29 Contact Us Catherine Imperatore Research Manager 703-683-9324 Alisha Hyslop Director of Public Policy 703-683-9331

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