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Dialectal Behavior Therapy By: Jason Carlston And Elizabeth Terrell Psychology 1010.

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Presentation on theme: "Dialectal Behavior Therapy By: Jason Carlston And Elizabeth Terrell Psychology 1010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dialectal Behavior Therapy By: Jason Carlston And Elizabeth Terrell Psychology 1010

2 Marsha Linehan Creator of DBT in the late 70’s

3 Cognitive-behavioral Therapy  Designed to study memory, perception, problem solving and creativity.  Initially use was to study and treat suicidal behavior and self harm tendencies.  Helps to change brain activity in mental illness patients.  Designed to help change negative thought patterns.

4 The Transition  4 Major issues with CBT  Patients became upset and withdrew from treatment.  Therapist were not validating each issue patients were addressing.  Wasn’t developed enough to be effective.  Therapist weren’t given enough time to help each patient.

5 The Progression  Therapist developed more time and investment into each patient.  Therapist learned to directly address and validate each issue.  Patients developing coping skills of mindfulness like breathing techniques, meditation and acceptance.  Patients learning to identify the core emotions.  Started to be used in group settings to deal with and understand interpersonal relationships.




9 DBT in a group setting Our good friend Paul working through his negative self talk with the support of his peers.

10 Developed DBT Skills  Mindfulness  Distress Tolerance  Emotional Regulation  Interpersonal skills

11 Circle chart for class participation

12 Recommendation  When you think about how you are feeling, think about your primary emotion.  Fear, anger, sadness, and happiness.

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