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What causes noninfectious diseases? Noninfectious Disease: diseases that are NOT caused by pathogens. CANNOT be transmitted from person to person.

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Presentation on theme: "What causes noninfectious diseases? Noninfectious Disease: diseases that are NOT caused by pathogens. CANNOT be transmitted from person to person."— Presentation transcript:

1 What causes noninfectious diseases? Noninfectious Disease: diseases that are NOT caused by pathogens. CANNOT be transmitted from person to person.

2 Cancer A disease in which cells grow and divide uncontrollably, damaging the parts of the body around them. Over 100 types Can reduce the risk of cancer by avoiding smoking, eating a healthy diet, and protecting the skin from sunlight.

3 Cancer How Cancer Spreads 1. A mutation occurs in the cell. 2. Cells divide over and over. This mass is called a tumor. 3. Cancer cells break off from the main tumor and enter the bloodstream and spread through the body.

4 Cancer 3 ways to treat cancer 1. Surgery 2. Radiation 3. Chemotherapy

5 Birth Defects Abnormality that is present at birth. Results in a physical or mental disability. Ex) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Pregnant women should not consume alcohol.

6 Asthma Inflammatory disorder of the bronchial airways. Can be triggered by poor air quality, exercise, or allergens. Can use an inhaler to minimize symptoms.

7 Autoimmune Disorder When the immune system loses its ability to distinguish between foreign substances and its own cells. Ex) Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus

8 Learning and Behavioral Disorders When neurotoxins cause people to learn and behave differently from their peers. ADHD

9 Heart Disease When the arteries that deliver blood to the heart no longer function properly. They are “clogged.” America’s #1 killer Risks include high cholesterol and blood pressure.

10 Diabetes: when the levels of glucose in the blood are too high. Type One (1): usually begins in childhood. Pancreas produces little or no insulin. Type Two (2): develops during adulthood. Body’s cells do not respond to insulin.

11 Kidney Disease Failure of the kidney’s to cleanse the body by removing excess fluids and wastes so that toxins do not damage the body. Diets high in salt can lead to kidney disease.

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