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HIV testing for pregnant women: a rights-based analysis of changes in national policy Elizabeth King XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria.

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Presentation on theme: "HIV testing for pregnant women: a rights-based analysis of changes in national policy Elizabeth King XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV testing for pregnant women: a rights-based analysis of changes in national policy Elizabeth King XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria July 22, 2010

2 What changes? Whose rights? HIV testing during pregnancy: new CDC policy, WHO/UNAIDS guidelines. Women may be put at risk for discrimination and violence when their HIV status becomes known. How are pregnant women’s rights protected under these new testing policies?

3 Key findings: what rights? Inconsistent language leads to ambiguous interpretation of “opt-out” procedures Less emphasis on pre-test counseling Emphasis is on the benefits, but little consideration of the potential risks from testing Consent– is it really an option? Women’s autonomy in this process? Refusal?

4 Implications: What comes next? Inclusion of training for counselors in the protocols Research to understand pregnant women’s perceptions of choice to test and right to decline a test Monitoring and evaluation, including field studies to understand how the new testing policies are implemented

5 Thank you UNC research team members: Suzanne Maman, Ali Groves, Matt Pierce, and Sarah Wyckoff This research was funded by the Law and Health Initiative of the Open Society Institute For more information see: aw/articles_publications/publications/hivtesti ng_20080916

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