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FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY UPDATES City Council Workshop July 7, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY UPDATES City Council Workshop July 7, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY UPDATES City Council Workshop July 7, 2008

2 OVERVIEW  FEMA last updated the Fillmore Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) in 1984  FEMA is currently updating the FIRM map in a two step process  Step 1 – Adopt a Digital FIRM (DFIRM) map in about June 2009  Step 2 – Do a complete Flood Insurance Study and adopt a revised Digital FIRM in about 2011

3 Step 1 – First DFIRM Blue shaded areas will have to purchase flood insurance Pole Creek Areas that will have to purchase flood insurance May 30, 2008 Preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map Riverwalk neighborhood is outside of 100-yr Floodplain, no insurance required

4 INITIAL REVIEW COMMENTS ON FEMA STUDY  The only encroachment into the Sespe Levee freeboard is upstream Hwy 126 bridge  FEMA hydraulic model has Hwy 126 bridge 2.5 feet to low, 12 bridge piers rather than 11 and piers 3’ thick instead of 15”.  It is possible once FEMA makes corrections Sespe Creek Flood Plain and Floodway may be eliminate on this draft of the DFIRM

5 Comments of First DFIRM East Hwy 126 bridge 2.5 feet too low Area of encroachment into levee freeboard Pole Creek friction factors to large

6 Step 1  Technical comments due by October 30, 2008  Projected adoption date: June 2009

7 Step 2  FEMA released preliminary draft Flood Insurance Study May 8, 2008  FEMA now accepting comments  FEMA plans to release draft Flood Insurance Study October 2008 and adopt in 2010  Draft preliminary map shows Floodways inside existing city

8 Draft Flood Insurance Study Shows Flooodways in City East Sespe Floodway West Sespe Floodway Pole Creek Floodways Sespe Floodway inside City Santa Clara River Floodway

9 IMPACT OF FLOODWAY  Floodways intended to protect center of river from obstruction  If Floodway established in City: –City cannot issue building permits for room additions or new homes –City cannot issue building permits for business buildings –If a building is destroyed it can only be replaced the same as original

10 FUTURE ACTIVITIES  City working with Ventura County Watershed Protection District to provide technical review  FEMA will hold public workshops in Spring of 2009 prior to map adoption

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