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Grade 10 Objective 2.

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1 Grade 10 Objective 2

2 1 The illustration above shows a cell model with starch solutions both inside and outside the cell. In which of the following situations will the solution rise highest in the tube? A B C D

3 2 Which would most likely cause the liquid in Tube A to rise?
F Starch concentrations being equal on each side of the membrane G Water passing from a region of lower starch concentration to one of higher starch concentration H Water and starch volumes being the same J Solute in the tubes changing from a higher temperature to a lower temperature

4 3 Energy conversion within an animal cell would be severely limited by removal of the cell’s —
A mitochondria B chloroplasts C plastids D lysosomes

5 4 Food provides the human body with all of the following except —
F calories G amino acid H hydrochloric acid J lipids

6 5. The diagram shows different parts of a human sperm cell
5 The diagram shows different parts of a human sperm cell. Which part of the cell is most likely specialized for mobility? A Q B R C S D T

7 6 Which of these is a function of the cell membrane in all cells?
A Producing cellular nutrients B Preserving cellular wastes C Neutralizing chemicals D Maintaining homeostasis

8 7 The structures marked 3 in the diagram are responsible for —
A absorbing oxygen B carrying genetic codes C lining up amino acids D serving as an anticodon

9 8. DNA molecules separate into single strands, which are then. used to
8 DNA molecules separate into single strands, which are then used to construct two identical strands of DNA. This process ensures that the — A cytoplasm is in equilibrium B mitochondria are genetically identical to the chloroplasts C parent cells use little ATP D daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cells

10 3′ AATCGC 5′ 9 Which of the following nucleotide base sequences complements the section of DNA modeled above? F 5′ UTCGCA 3′ G 5′ TTAGCG 3′ H 5′ GCGATT 3′ J 5′ TTUCGC 3′

11 10 The information in the box identifies some of the organs of the kitten. Which of the following is identical for every cell in each of the four organs? A Amount of ATP B Function of cell C Size of cells D Genes in DNA

12 11 Which molecule resembles the shape of a twisted ladder?
A DNA B Sugar C ATP D Lipid

13 12. The diagram represents the chromosomes of a person with a
12 The diagram represents the chromosomes of a person with a genetic disorder caused by nondisjunction, in which the chromosomes fail to separate properly. Which chromosome set displays nondisjunction? F 2 G 8 H 21 J 23

14 13. The chain above represents three codons
13 The chain above represents three codons. Which of the following changes would be expected in the amino acid chain if the mutation shown above occurred? F The amino acid sequence would be shorter than expected. G The identity of one amino acid would change. H The amino acid sequence would remain unchanged. J The identities of more than one amino acid would change.

15 14. Ultraviolet radiation can cause mutations in the DNA of skin cells
14 Ultraviolet radiation can cause mutations in the DNA of skin cells that have been overexposed to the sun. This mutated DNA has no effect on future offspring because — F changes in skin cell DNA are homozygous recessive G mutations must occur within the RNA codons H offspring reject parental skin cells J only changes to gamete DNA can be inherited

16 15. The diagram shows three generations of cells produced by a single
15 The diagram shows three generations of cells produced by a single cell through mitosis. In the process, a single mutation occurred at the point indicated. The mutation caused changes within a dominant allele. How many of the 15 cells contain the mutation? Record and bubble in your answer on the answer document.

17 16. This illustration is an example of a normal DNA sequence. Which of
16 This illustration is an example of a normal DNA sequence. Which of the following represents a single base change in the sequence?

18 17 In order for a species to survive, it must be able to —
F consume a wide variety of food G reproduce successfully H maintain a constant body temperature J destroy competing species

19 18. If an organism has the genotype RrSsTtUu, what proportion of
18 If an organism has the genotype RrSsTtUu, what proportion of its gametes will be RSTU? A B C D

20 19. Dogs (Canis familiaris) are most closely related genetically to
19 Dogs (Canis familiaris) are most closely related genetically to which of the following organisms? A African hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) B Gray wolf (Canis lupus) C Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) D Domestic cat (Felis catus)

21 GGLl (male) x Ggll (female)
20 What trait will most likely be observed in all offspring of the above set of parents? A Green feathers B Yellow feathers C Long beak D Short beak Bird Traits Gene Trait G Green feathers (dominant) g Yellow feathers (recessive) L Long beak (dominant) l Short beak (recessive) GGLl (male) x Ggll (female)

22 GgBb (male) x ggBB (female)
21 According to the table, which of the following phenotypes would probably occur in all the offspring from the parents shown above? F Solid gray fur G Striped gray fur H Green eyes J Blue eyes Allele Trait Type G Solid gray fur Dominant g Striped gray fur Recessive B Green eyes b Blue eyes GgBb (male) x ggBB (female)

23 22. A pea plant with the genotype TtWW is crossed with a pea plant
22 A pea plant with the genotype TtWW is crossed with a pea plant with the genotype ttWw. How many different genotypes can be expressed in the offspring? F 1 G 2 H 3 J 4

24 T tall t short S smooth s wrinkled
23 If a plant that is homozygous tall and wrinkled is crossed with a short, wrinkled plant, which percentage of genotypes would most likely be found in the first-generation offspring? F 50% TTss, 50% ttSS G 100% TtSs H 100% Ttss J 50% TtSS, 50% ttSS T tall t short S smooth s wrinkled

25 A Orcas and sharks prey on sea lions.
California Sea Lions 24 Male sea lions can be twice the size of female sea lions. Which best explains the difference in size between male and female sea lions? A Orcas and sharks prey on sea lions. B Male and female sea lions hunt on land and at sea. C Sea lions hold their breath while diving. D Males compete with one another for females. • Mammals • Hold breath while diving • Can dive as deep as 250 m • Hunt on land and at sea • Preyed on by orcas and great white sharks • Establish large communities • Males compete for females • Males can reach a mass of 300 kg • Females can reach a mass of 150 kg

26 Punnett Square for Corn Height
25 Square 4 of this Punnett square represents the genotype of the offspring if — F ovule T is fertilized by pollen grain T G ovule t is fertilized by pollen grain T H ovule T is fertilized by pollen grain t J ovule t is fertilized by pollen grain t

27 26 Which two kingdoms have members that are photosynthetic?
A Eubacteria and Fungi B Protista and Animalia C Plantae and Protista D Animalia and Fungi

28 27 In this food web, how many organisms are in kingdom Animalia?
A B C D 5

29 28. A laboratory investigation included examining prepared slides of
28 A laboratory investigation included examining prepared slides of pond water. Single-celled organisms with a nucleus and either cilia or flagella were visible. These organisms probably belong to the kingdom — F Animalia G Fungi H Plantae J Protista

30 29. Multicellular eukaryotes that are usually mobile and obtain food
29 Multicellular eukaryotes that are usually mobile and obtain food from other organisms probably belong to the kingdom — A Plantae B Fungi C Animalia D Protista

31 30. Some zooplankton belong to the kingdom Protista. Members of
30 Some zooplankton belong to the kingdom Protista. Members of this kingdom are characterized as — A having segmented bodies with jointed appendages B containing one or more eukaryotic cells C laying eggs with a leathery protective shell D having a four-chambered heart

32 31 The cell above most likely belongs to an organism of the kingdom —
F Animalia G Plantae H Fungi J Eubacteria

33 32. Which is a characteristic of members of the plant kingdom that
32 Which is a characteristic of members of the plant kingdom that distinguishes them from members of the animal kingdom? A Storage of energy in chemical bonds B Exchange of H2O with the environment C Use of mRNA during protein production D Use of chlorophyll for solar-energy transformation

34 Characteristics of a Newly
Discovered Organism 33 Knowledge of which of these is most important in classifying this new organism into a kingdom? F The color of light absorbed by the organism G The type of radiation emitted H The use of photosynthesis J The color of the organism • Absorbs blue light • Emits infrared radiation • Contains RNA in nucleus • Appears as a red organism in full daylight • Can obtain nutrition through photosynthesis

35 34. Which of these statements describes the vertebrate circulatory
34 Which of these statements describes the vertebrate circulatory system and its primary function? A A web of structures that provide support while protecting vital organs B A series of ductless glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood C A network of tissues that carry nutrients and oxygen through the body D A complex of cytoplasmic cell membranes that transport materials made by the cell

36 35. Which structure in the upper arm is responsible for raising the
35 Which structure in the upper arm is responsible for raising the lower arm? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

37 levels of CO2 in the blood and stimulates a response from the —
36 The medulla, part of the brain stem, reacts quickly to increased levels of CO2 in the blood and stimulates a response from the — A excretory system B immune system C respiratory system D integumentary system

38 37. Which system is responsible for producing enzymes that aid in
37 Which system is responsible for producing enzymes that aid in breaking down substances to be absorbed for the body’s growth and repair? F Digestive system G Reproductive system H Respiratory system J Skeletal system

39 38 Which of the following is directly caused by muscle action?
F Regeneration of nerves G Healing of wounds H Release of hormones J Extension of limbs

40 39. Which system of the body would be directly affected if a large
39 Which system of the body would be directly affected if a large number of T cells were attacked by a virus? A Cardiovascular system B Immune system C Endocrine system D Respiratory system

41 40. In the diagram above, one cell creates and releases chemicals
40 In the diagram above, one cell creates and releases chemicals that travel to a second cell and quickly induce that cell into action. This diagram represents part of the — A endocrine system B skeletal system C muscular system D nervous system

42 41. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to body cells. Which body system
41 Hemoglobin carries oxygen to body cells. Which body system contains hemoglobin? A Circulatory system B Respiratory system C Endocrine system D Nervous system

43 42. Pelicans prevent serious wing damage
42 Pelicans prevent serious wing damage by entering the water in the manner shown above. Which two organ systems in the pelican work together the most to accomplish this maneuver? A Circulatory and nervous systems B Nervous and muscular systems C Muscular and digestive systems D Digestive and circulatory systems

44 Grade 10 Objective 2 Answer Key

45 Grade 10 Objective 2 Answer Key
Question Correct Answer Objective Measured Student Expectation Source - item number 1 D 2 BIO 4B 2004 Info Booklet – 9 G 2003 TAKS – 14 3 A 2003 TAKS – 27 4 H 2004 TAKS – 8 5 2006 TAKS – 5 6 2006 TAKS – 13 7 B BIO 6A 2004 Info Booklet – 10 8 2004 TAKS – 21 9 2004 TAKS – 36 10 2006 TAKS – 41 11 2002 Biology EOC – 39 12 BIO 6C 2003 TAKS – 22 13 2003 TAKS – 26 14 J 2004 TAKS - 26 15 2004 TAKS - 20 16 2006 TAKS – 39 17 2002 Biology EOC – 22 18 BIO 6D 2004 Info Booklet – 6 19 2003 TAKS – 1 20 2003 TAKS – 53 21 2004 TAKS - 40

46 Grade 10 Objective 2 Answer Key
Question Correct Answer Objective Measured Student Expectation Source - item number 22 J 2 BIO 6D 2004 TAKS – 46 23 H 2006 TAKS – 34 24 D 2006 TAKS – 55 25 2002 Biology EOC – 34 26 C BIO 8C 2004 Info Booklet – 7 27 A 2004 Info Booklet – 26 28 2003 TAKS – 4 29 2003 TAKS – 37 30 B 2004 TAKS – 17 31 G 2004 TAKS – 38 32 2006 TAKS – 31 33 2006 TAKS – 52 34 BIO 10A 2004 Info Booklet – 8 35 2003 TAKS – 17 36 2003 TAKS – 25 37 F 2003 TAKS – 48 38 2004 TAKS – 6 39 2004 TAKS – 41 40 2004 TAKS – 51 41 2006 TAKS - 15 42 2006 TAKS - 47

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