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Western Rock Lobster Research Simon de Lestang Jason How Matt Pember WRL Technical Team & Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Western Rock Lobster Research Simon de Lestang Jason How Matt Pember WRL Technical Team & Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Western Rock Lobster Research Simon de Lestang Jason How Matt Pember WRL Technical Team & Industry

2 WRL Research Whales Puerulus settlement Juveniles Deep water settlement –Mesh Pots –Deep water collector Tagging project Aging project Elemental Sea Lion Depredation ? ?

3 Entanglements per season Mainly commercial

4 Entanglements

5 Entanglements per season Reduction in entanglements Gear modifications introduced Could also be a change in overlap between fishing and whale migration

6 Whale Movements

7 Fishing Practices 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40+ MayJun Jul Oct

8 Possible change in whale migration –Offshore – anecdotal –Early – entanglements | whale watching Minimal change in fishing effort –May & June same as last year –July-Oct reduction (impact of gear mods?) Appear gear mods partially responsible for reduction in entanglements Evaluate 2014 Modifications

9 Same gear mods for 2015 –Whale ‘zone’ (<20 m depth) –15 increase to 18 fathoms 2015 Gear Modifications

10 Spatial Data Improved information on where and when whales are located Inform management (more tailored)

11 Spatial Data Develop spatial model for humpbacks off WA coast Only one data input App and satellite tracking data

12 Satellite Tracking

13 Whale Surveyors Trip back to port Start & End July and September

14 Settlement & Juveniles Low settlement period Change in timing

15 Settlement

16 Puerulus to Juveniles Kackers –Dongara (7 Mile) –& Lancelin Meshed Pots



19 26 37 32 29 21 16 2015.16 2

20 Developed in Tasmania Modified for WRL Trialed along-side traditional gear Next - run off commercial vessel Deep Water Collector

21 FRDC Tagging Project Validate the stock assessment model and inform quota setting decisions New baselines for lobster biomass and exploitation rates. Migration, growth and mortality estimates Implications of increased high grading

22 86mm CL non-setose female white 394km in 2.6 months (5.1km/day) 126mm CL ovigerous female 1km in 18 years (112mm in 1996) Recaptures

23 Tag Releases 11000 lobsters already tagged (20000+ total) Released in pulses (2/6) 6 main areas (inc BB) Success of the entire project hinges on reporting of tag recaptures. 200+ reported by industry Estimates of reporting rates are required

24 Releases 46 Fishers (107 WRL) 5 Fishers (7 WRL) Reporting Rate Recaptures

25 REPORTING Congratulations to winners! Thank you to all making returns Success of the entire project hinges on reporting of tag recaptures. We don’t care how we get them. Use the App! Write in CDR! Use Tag Cards! Use the Web! SMS Details! Email or ring us! Tag number Date Location

26 Release Survival Release Damage Big Bank

27 Aging Currently from tagging / length frequency Southern Cross University –Crustacean scientists around Australia Direct age of lobster –How old –Age at maturity –Growth rates through fishery Currently –Stained lobsters –Sectioning for aging 27 mm ♀ 124 mm ♂

28 Elemental my dear Watson Given known locations Blind test (random) Successful location id

29 Expand the project [funding ?] Combine with aging –Locations through life cycle Answer questions –Origin of Big Bank lobsters as juvenile –Degree of cross zone movement Elemental my dear Watson

30 Sea Lion Depredation


32 Conclusions Variety of programs Whales; Sea Lions; Tagging; Elemental; Deep-water settlement; Aging Industry is often an official partner in the research [Whales & Tagging] Need industry assistance in getting data All for the betterment of the industry

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