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Marine Biology Should the Navy be allowed to use dolphins and sea lions to guard the Kitsap-Bangor Navy Base from underwater intruders?

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Biology Should the Navy be allowed to use dolphins and sea lions to guard the Kitsap-Bangor Navy Base from underwater intruders?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Biology Should the Navy be allowed to use dolphins and sea lions to guard the Kitsap-Bangor Navy Base from underwater intruders?

2 Pro: The U.S. Navy already has sea lions that can restrain unknown swimmers. They have trained dolphins to attach lighted beacons to potential threats.

3 Con #1 Animal rights activists are concerned that the dolphins will suffer in the cold water. Con #2 Environmentalists worry the local habitat may suffer from the droppings of these patrollers. *Pro: Navy Officials say that their plan will protect both

4 Con # 3 Tom Lapuzza says "we're able to do this right now if we need to do that. The other alternatives would take us time and money and research before we'd be able to put them in place." * Pro: Marine Veterinarian Dr Pete Schroeder says "these animals are going to well care for, they're going to be safe, and in my judgment, they're going to be happy."

5 Cold Water Impacts – The Truth The Navy did a few studies to show that the Dolphins were not going to negatively impacted by the cold water. The studies were done with the animals remaining relatively still so since they are going to be moving around, there shouldn’t be much of an impact. – Lapuzza They are going to keep the animals in enclosed pens at 52 degrees. (Fahrenheit), because for smaller and older animals it was 51. “Were not going to do anything that puts the animals at risk or that is unethical or inhumane.” –Lapuzza In a video shown about the work of dolphins and sea lions in providing security, each animal was accompanied by a raft with sailors on board and at no time were the animals unaccompanied. ingdolphinstoKitsap_20090212 ingdolphinstoKitsap_20090212

6 *Pro: The Swimmer Interdiction System would provide additional security capabilities along the base’s waterfront in Hood Canal. Con # 4 The Progressive Animal Welfare Society and other environmental groups sued the Navy over its plans to deploy Dolphins at Bangor. Con # 5 Primary objections include that the Dolphins will not be in their normal habitat and will not ever be able to freely swim in open waters except when on duty and under the control of humans. *Pro: The Navy has found that the unique biological sonar of Dolphins, called electrolocation, makes them effective at locating sea mines so they can be avoided or removed. U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program

7 Pro - Options *Pro: S ea lions can carry in their mouths special cuffs attached to long ropes. If they found a suspicious swimmer, they would clamp the cuff around the person's leg. The intruder can then be reeled in for questioning. * Pro: The effect of all of the alternatives on the environment would range from none to minor, the draft report states, and within state and federal standards. Each option could affect, but probably not adversely affect, species protected by the Endangered Species Act. There would be no "takes" of marine mammals.

8 Conclusion Dolphins and Sea lions could prove to be very beneficial to the security of the waters. The worries and arguments stand justified by the Navy with their strong assurance that they will be well taken care of.

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