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Photos from the Third Annual St. Olaf Olympics September 27, 2008 (co-sponsored by the Society for Ancient History and the Delta Chi chapter of Eta Sigma.

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Presentation on theme: "Photos from the Third Annual St. Olaf Olympics September 27, 2008 (co-sponsored by the Society for Ancient History and the Delta Chi chapter of Eta Sigma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photos from the Third Annual St. Olaf Olympics September 27, 2008 (co-sponsored by the Society for Ancient History and the Delta Chi chapter of Eta Sigma Phi) Pictures courtesy of Prof. McMenomy, designated photo journalist.

2 Prof. Reece defeats Prof. Groton with one finger!

3 Hesiod, Sir Arthur Evans, and the Persian Sibyl compete in the costume contest.

4 Prof. Brunelle reads a Pindaric victory ode.

5 Vergilian verses win the poetry contest.

6 Spartan relay: grab the candy--if you dare!

7 To the victor go the pipe cleaners!

8 Hoplites create their own helmets...

9 and armor...

10 and greaves!

11 Haven't we met somewhere before?

12 The battle ends in a tie.

13 Classics students prepare for the tug-o'-war.

14 Prof. Reece presides over the rope...

15 which immediately snaps in half!

16 A duel of champions ends the Olympics.

17 Ephebe Julian Brunelle is ready for next year.

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