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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL FIMS COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING Y- 12 NEW HOPE CENTER OAK RIDGE, TN MARCH 25, 2014 GAYLE SMITH Accomplishing FRPP Reporting and Improving Data Quality."— Presentation transcript:


2 Federal Real Property Profile FRPP - government-wide centralized real property database Mandated by EO 13327, Federal Real Property Asset Management  Requires agencies to report all owned, leased and otherwise managed Federal real property assets  Owned – real property for which the United States holds title  Leased – real property for which a Federal agency has signed a lease  Otherwise Managed – state or foreign government owned properties where a U.S. state or foreign government holds title to the real property, but rights for use have been granted to a Federal Government entity in an arrangement other than a leasehold This includes Withdrawn from Public Domain Land

3 Federal Real Property Profile continued Each year the Federal Real Property Council (FRPC) defines the specific data fields that will be reported on an asset level basis DOE has been reporting to the FRPP since 2005 December 15 th – annual reporting deadline November - FIMS data is captured and reviewed for reporting  FY2014 snapshot date - November 10, 2014

4 FY 2013 FRPP Reporting Statistics  Buildings – 10,457 assets  Includes DOE Owned and DOE Leased buildings and trailers  OSF 7,670 assets  Includes DOE Owned and DOE Leased OSFs  Land – 574 records  Includes DOE Owned, Withdrawn from Public Domain and DOE Leased land  Dispositions  Buildings – 251 assets  OSFs – 242 assets  Land – 16 records

5 Yearly Data Quality Review Beginning October 1  An extensive review of the FIMS data reported to the FRPP begins  A series of anomaly checks are initiated and sites contacted for a response/data updates After the November year-end database snapshot  The extensive review continues  Operating Cost allocation  Ensuring there are no blank data fields  Verifying that assets reported in the previous year can be accounted for if not being reported in the current year, includes Archived Admin Corrections Assets that changed property type, i.e. building to an OSF Assets that ownership changed, i.e. owned to contractor leased

6 Yearly Data Quality Review continued Let’s take a look at some of the anomaly checks

7 Data Quality Review – Anomaly Checks Operating Cost  Verify that all site level Operating Cost have been populated  Zeroes should be entered for any Operating Cost that is not expended at a Site, i.e. Snow Removal  Site level cost must include all asset level entered costs, including Leases, Permits, and GSA owned/leased  Site level cost cannot exceed the sum of all entered asset level cost for that Site

8 Data Quality Review – Anomaly Checks continued Operating Cost data allocation issues: Recycle Costs Building A$1000 Building B$1000 Building Cleft blank Site level Recycle Cost$1800 Janitorial Costs Building A$30,000 Building B$30,000 Building C$o Site level Recycle Cost$62,000

9 Data Quality Review – Anomaly Checks continued Hours of Operation > zero for assets in a shutdown Status  Hours of Operation is a component of the Operating Cost allocation  Shutdown assets are typically not in operation and therefore don’t consume utilities – there are exceptions Missing Outgrant detail  Verify that all the data on the Outgrant window is populated if Outgrants are designated

10 Data Quality Review – Anomaly Checks continued Estimated Disposition Year cannot contain a past fiscal year  If the asset was not disposed of during the current fiscal year, update the Estimated Disposition Year to a future fiscal year Excess Indicator = Yes and the Status = Operating  Does not necessarily indicate an error, however does warrant a review to confirm the accuracy of the data Excess Indicator = Yes and the Mission Dependency = Mission Critical  Mission Critical assets are not typically disposed

11 Data Quality Review – Anomaly Checks continued Excess Indicator = Yes and Utilization > 0  Typically an asset would not continue to be used if it has been declared excess OSF Primary Quantity and/or Secondary Quantity are blank  For new OSFs, the Dimension window must be populated to insert this information  The FIMS Population report identifies missing required values  Blanks cannot be reported to the FRPP

12 Data Quality Review – Anomaly Checks continued Replacement Plant Value with low values, i.e. $100  RPV is the current cost to replace an existing asset with a new asset based on comparable size and current usage using current technology, codes, standards and materials  Regardless of current Status of asset Lease Annual Rent = $0  Ensure that $0 is a correct value and was not just used a placeholder when the record was created

13 Data Quality Review – Anomaly Checks continued Lease Expiration Date is a past date  FIMS Standard report #062 Expired Ingrant report identifies these  Expired or leases that are terminated early, need to be archived and removed from DOE’s inventory Total Cool Roof Projected Area contains a value that is equal to the Gross Square Feet of an asset where the Number of Floors is greater than one  Need to verify why the roof area is greater than a calculated building footprint (gross square feet / number of floors)

14 Data Quality Review – Anomaly Checks continued Disposition Method = Federal Transfers  Verify transfer is to another federal agency such as Department of Defense, Department of Agriculture, …  City or County government does not qualify as a federal agency Disposition Method = Other  Verify that a comment has been placed in the Notes field to explain the disposition method  Valid for:  Trailers converted to personal property for disposition

15 Data Quality Review – Anomaly Checks continued Disposition Method = Lease Early Termination  Verify actual Lease Early termination and not an Expiration  Check Lease Expiration Date versus Disposition Date Disposition Method = Lease Expiration  Verify Lease Expiration Date = Disposition Date Ensure Annual Actual Maintenance and Operating Cost are entered for Leases  No longer using the Lease Other Cost for reporting these values

16 Data Quality Review – Anomaly Checks continued Using Organization ≠8900 DOE  Compare against reported values of the previous year to determine if there are additional assets for the current reporting year  Verify additional assets are correct and not typos Public and Non-Public Miles and Lane Miles  Verify populated for OSF Usage Codes  1729 Primary Roads  1739 Secondary Roads  1749 Tertiary Roads

17 Usage Code: Processing Change Recent OMB inquiry as to why Usage Code was changed from FY12 FRPP reporting to FY13 reporting  A data call was made to the sites to obtain an explanation  To eliminate the need for any future data calls, a process change was made to the Usage Code  For building and trailer assets currently designated as Office (Usage Code 101) or Warehouse (Usage Codes 400 -450), the Usage Code is protected in FIMS  Existing buildings and trailers cannot be updated to assign an Office or Warehouse Usage Code  The FIMS upload process does not allow Usage Code to be changed from or to Office or Warehouse

18 Usage Code: Processing Change continued  To eliminate the need for any future data calls, a process change was made to the Usage Code continued  To request a Usage Code to be updated to or changed from Office or Warehouse, send an email to and your Program Office FIMS Property ID Current Usage Code Requested Usage Code Explanation as to the circumstance for the change  The Usage Code will be changed by FIMS Support, the explanation documented, and the requestor notified

19 FRPP Reporting All anomalies have to be satisfied prior to formatting the FIMS data for the FRPP upload  Minimize OMB inquiries Occasionally data issues are discovered during the FRPP upload  Congressional Districts  Invalid Zip Codes Site should review their data before the fiscal year-end snapshot date  Use the FIMS Population reports to ensure all data is populated  Look for the anomalies mentioned

20 FRPP Reporting and Data Quality

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