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Energy Conservation Initiatives Joan Kowal Energy Manager, UMCP May 1, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Conservation Initiatives Joan Kowal Energy Manager, UMCP May 1, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Conservation Initiatives Joan Kowal Energy Manager, UMCP May 1, 2008

2 Previous Initiatives:  Combined Heat and Power Plant  Doubled efficiency of boiler plant from 35% to nearly 70% with combined production of electricity and steam  Energy consumption reduced by 32%  Reduced carbon emissions by converting to natural gas and No. 2 oil  NO x, So x, PM 10 emissions 50% – 95% below thresholds established by EPA  Combined Heat and Power Plant  Doubled efficiency of boiler plant from 35% to nearly 70% with combined production of electricity and steam  Energy consumption reduced by 32%  Reduced carbon emissions by converting to natural gas and No. 2 oil  NO x, So x, PM 10 emissions 50% – 95% below thresholds established by EPA

3 Energy Savings: Trillions of BTU’s Equivalent to Energy Consumed by 7,590 Homes

4 Previous Initiatives (cont’d) :  Changed lamps from T-12s to T-8s (1994-1996); changed magnetic ballast to electronic  Added variable frequency drives to large motors to allow for more efficient operation  CO2 sensors added to efficiently monitor the needs of outside air  Broadened the band of standard comfort zone range from 68 to 78 degrees  Total campus savings of approximately 10-15% or $2-3M at today’s electricity rates

5 Planned Initiatives:  New Lighting Retrofits  Project will replace T-8 lamps with T-5s  Reduced lighting levels in most areas  Hallway demonstration lighting in 1 st floor of AV Williams  Addition of occupancy sensors  Changing light color to “full spectrum” – looks brighter  Configure to allow for use of timers; remote control through building automation system

6 Planned Initiatives:  Energy Audits  Energy Service Companies (ESCO) to audit various buildings on campus for energy conservation upgrades;  5-10 buildings will be reviewed in FY08;  Implementation of recommendations should begin as early as summer, 2008.  ESCO will guarantee energy savings over the term of the contract  State to facilitate funding for up-front capital costs

7 Planned Initiatives:  Renewable Energy  Signed MOU with Maryland Environmental Service to review campus for renewable energy applications.  Study will consider various technologies and make recommendations for the most cost effective applications.  University will review recommendations; evaluated methods for financing; and select projects for installation.  MES has ability to provide procurement and turnkey installation services.

8 Additional Initiatives:  Pursuit of LEED – Silver certification for new buildings  Renovation of existing buildings using LEED standards  Enhanced remote control capability of building systems to allow for electric demand curtailment  Pursue procurement of renewable energy for at least 15% of electric requirements

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