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Mrs. Leon 2 ND Grade Room 15 425-837-7256 Welcome to Curriculum Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Leon 2 ND Grade Room 15 425-837-7256 Welcome to Curriculum Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Leon 2 ND Grade Room 15 425-837-7256 Welcome to Curriculum Night

2 Communication Weekly Newsletters Phone  425-837-7256 Email  Classroom Website  cougar/staff/mrs_leons_site/default.aspx cougar/

3 Daily Schedule 8:30 School Starts morning work 8:40 Calendar, Phonics 9:00-11:45 Literacy, snack, specialist (different time each day) 11:45 Lunch 12:25 Math 1:35 Recess 1:55 Science/Social Studies/Health 2:40 Read Aloud 2:55 Dismissal WEDNESDAY 8:30 School Starts, morning work 8:40 Calendar, Phonics 9:15 Literacy 10:05 Snack 10:20 Music 10:50 Literacy cont. 11:25 Lunch 12:05 Literacy or Math 12:45 Pack Up/Dismissal

4 Specialist Schedule Monday  Library 10:14-10:44 Tuesday  PE 11:15-11:45 Wednesday  Music 10:20-10:50 Thursday  PE 9:40-10:10 Friday  Music 11:15-11:45

5 ISD Standards Online The Grade Level Standards for K-8, Parent Resources for Mathematics, and the High School Course Catalogues are available on the district website.  If you have questions or comments about the standards please contact the Teaching & Learning Services Dept.  425-837-7030

6 GLAD Guided Language Acquisition Design Cooperation, active learning, accountability, literacy, academic language Visible  Desks in groups  Charts on walls Not easily visible  Group expectations Used throughout the year and across all subjects

7 Reading Curriculum Reader’s Workshop  Making Meaning  Guided Reading Groups  Independent Reading/Conferences  Self selected reading from classroom library-”just right”/”good fit” books  Book boxes, reading response journals, logs and goals sheets to keep track of reading progress  Other Components  Phonics/Phonological Awareness  Skills Making predictions, questioning, schema, visualizing, inferring, text features, summarizing, determining importance, sequencing, problem/solution, fact/fantasy, drawing conclusions, vocabulary, grammar  Daily Sharing about Reading  Focusing on skills used that day while reading/responding RAZ Kids  Independent reading with computer comprehension tests

8 Language Arts Curriculum Writer’s Workshop  Writing Process (generating ideas, drafting, revising, editing, publishing)  Units of Study in Opinion, Informational Writing, Narrative Writing and Poetry  Phonics/Spelling

9 Math Curriculum Everyday Mathematics (aligned with Common Core State Standards)  Patterns, Functions and Algebra  Exploring number patterns, relationships between numbers, attributes, rules for number sequences  Geometry  2 and 3 dimensional shapes  Polygons  Measurement  Using tools to measure length, width, temperature, time (clocks and calendars)  Operations and Computation  Addition and subtraction facts  Data and Chance  Interpreting data using tables, charts and graphs  Numbers and Numeration  Counting, reading, writing numbers  Identifying place value  Comparing numbers  Unit Fractions  Money  Estimating  Beginning multiplication

10 In Everyday Mathematics… You can expect to see…  …a problem-solving approach based on everyday situations  …an instructional approach that revisits concepts regularly  …frequent practice of basic skills, often through games  …lessons based on activities and discussion  …mathematical content that goes beyond basic arithmetic

11 Social Studies/Science/Health Curriculum September, October, November  Communities  Sun, Moon and Stars (Shadows)  Health December, January, February  Systems/Technology  Forces & Motion  Health March, April, May, June  Flat Stanley Project  Mapping skills Health  Ecosystems  Organisms, Life Cycle of a Plant  Hand Pollinators, Agricultural Engineers  Wetlands /Changing Ecosystems

12 Field Trips In-House Activities  Kate Poaster  In connection with our science units  Rick Hartman’s (Toymaker) Force and Motion Workshop 1/11/16  In connection with our force and motion unit science  Junior Achievement (October/November, 2015)  In connection with our communities unit in social studies Off-Site Activities  Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue  Waters of the Earth – May 12, 2016 In connection with literature (fables)

13 Assessments Fountas & Pinnell  Fall 9/8 – 10/2/15  Winter 2/1 – 3/11/16 Reading/Writing Conferences Everyday Math Unit Tests ITBS  January 26 th - February 10 th, 2016 CogAT (Highly Capable Programs)  March 8 - 11, 2016

14 Classroom Expectations Take Home Folders  Sent home and brought back to school daily Homework  Weekly homework sheets are posted on line each Monday  Math homework sent home after each lesson (M, T, Th, F)  Occasional sharing projects Behavior  Positive Reinforcement  Classroom Pledge  Treasure Box, Bucket Filler  Table Points  Earned  Marble Jar  Earned as a class  Rewarded when full – to be determined

15 Reminders Volunteers  Sign up sheets on the side table Conferences  Wednesday, December 2 nd  Thursday, December 3 rd  Sign up on-line by ISD Report Cards  November 25, 2015  March 11, 2016  June 16, 2016 Parties  Fall Harvest  Valentine’s Day  End of the Year

16 A Note from PTSA & ISF Thank you for your support! Join PTSA Join ISF 4 Primary Areas of Investment - Academic Excellence - Struggling Students - Professional Development - Connecting Students to their Futures Helping Students Achieve

17 Wish List Books for our Classroom Library Prizes for the Treasure Box Printer Ink Cartridges  HP 93 (color) 98 (black) for coming!

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