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1 Quiet Skies Project Sue Ann Heatherly, Ron Maddalena National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Quiet Skies Project Sue Ann Heatherly, Ron Maddalena National Radio Astronomy Observatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Quiet Skies Project Sue Ann Heatherly, Ron Maddalena National Radio Astronomy Observatory

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4 4 Why Dark Skies/Quiet Skies? Optical and radio astronomy can be done from the ground! Credit: Windows to the Universe, thence to NASA/STSCI/JHU

5 5 Green Bank Telescope Very Large Array Very Long Baseline Array Atacama Large Millimeter Array NRAO Telescopes

6 6 Why quiet skies? 0.00000000000000000000000001 watts/m 2 /Hz

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8 8 Quiet Skies Project and IYA 1.Conduct “Be an Interference Detective” Activity in your museum, school, scout meeting AM Radio Scavenger Hunt of any interior space. Can be “Try it at Home”, or guided activity.  Limited to AM Frequencies. How Can You Get Involved?

9 9 2.Measure RFI in your communities using Laptop and Xirrus widget  Download free widget and install.  Measure RFI from wireless hotspots!

10 10 3.Borrow Quiet Skies Kits:  Sensitive instrument which detects RFI at 800-1700 MHz (scientifically interesting).  Loan Program: 20 units in the US, each unit forwarded to 10-20 locations throughout IYA.

11 11 Measurements reported to NRAO data base resulting in… the radio version of…

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