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Section Leader Assistant Section Leader Music manipulative kit White boards Dry erase markers Pencils Supplies Day 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Section Leader Assistant Section Leader Music manipulative kit White boards Dry erase markers Pencils Supplies Day 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section Leader Assistant Section Leader Music manipulative kit White boards Dry erase markers Pencils Supplies Day 1

2 Musical Scavenger Hunt Key Meter Tempo Repeat Signs 1 st and 2 nd endings D.S. al Coda D.S. al Fine

3 Section Leader Assistant Section Leader Music White boards Dry erase markers Pencils Day 2 Supplies

4 Section Leader Assistant Section Leader Music Mallets Pencils Day 3 Supplies

5 Section Leaders Assistant Section Leaders Music Mallets Pencils Day 4 Supplies

6 Things that they did well Things that they need to work on I like that you played all the right notes. I thought that your group played together. I thought that you stayed in time. I thought that your group sounded just like the music. Your group needs to work on playing the notes correctly. I think your group needs to work on staying together. I think your group needs more practice with listening to the music and then playing it. Constructive Criticism Examples

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