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1 CAPCOA Health Impacts of Air Pollution on Communities September 19-20, 2007 9:10 - 10:35 Current Paradigms: Strengths and Limitations -- 1. Source Category.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CAPCOA Health Impacts of Air Pollution on Communities September 19-20, 2007 9:10 - 10:35 Current Paradigms: Strengths and Limitations -- 1. Source Category."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CAPCOA Health Impacts of Air Pollution on Communities September 19-20, 2007 9:10 - 10:35 Current Paradigms: Strengths and Limitations -- 1. Source Category Regulations 2. Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Information and Assessment Act & Risk Reduction Program 3. New Source Review for Air Toxics Chris Halm (916) 323-4865

2 2 Outline 1.AB 2588 Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Program –Overview –Health Risk Assessment (HARP) –Public Notification and Risk Reduction –Relationship to Statewide Regulations 2.Community Health Air Pollution Information System (CHAPIS) 3.Air Quality Maps (AQMIS) 4.Environmental Justice

3 3 AB 2588 Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Program “Hot Spots” addresses health risk posed by air toxics from facility to nearby receptors Applies to stationary sources like refineries, power plants, dry cleaners, and gas stations Implemented by local air districts –ARB adopts emission inventory guidelines –OEHHA develops risk assessment guidelines

4 4 The “Hot Spots” Process Local air district identifies facility as subject to “Hot Spots” Facility estimates annual air toxic emissions –Local air district reviews emissions data –Facilities are prioritized into risk categories Facility with potential risk conducts health risk assessment –District and OEHHA review risk assessment –Emissions and risk data sent to ARB

5 5 HARP: Risk Assessment Software

6 6 The Hotspots Analysis and Reporting Program (HARP) is a Tool to … Create and manage facility emissions data Perform air dispersion modeling and risk analyses –New On-RAMP allows AERMOD and CALPUFF dispersion modeling results to be used Make reports and maps And... it’s free!

7 7 HARP: Facility and Emissions Module

8 8 HARP: Risk Analysis Step-through

9 9 HARP: Risk Window and Map Risk contours show health risk posed by facility in community.

10 10 Public Notification and Risk Reduction Facilities required to send letters notifying neighbors of significant risks Most facilities voluntarily reduce risk to avoid public notification if at all possible Facility has up to 5 years to reduce risk Risk communication is very difficult –What does a risk of 10 per million mean?

11 11 Recent Amendments to “Hot Spots” Risk from stationary diesel engine emissions now included in Program –Even after State regulation established hour limits for each engine, “Hot Spots” needed as a backstop to ensure residual risk from all engines at facility is acceptable –Portable diesel engines subject in 2010, but only if likely to pose a significant risk New substances and health values added

12 12 Relationship Between “Hot Spots” and Statewide Regulations AB 2588 was landmark right-to-know law Lessons learned from “Hot Spots” used to develop statewide regulations (perc dry cleaners and chrome platers) Statewide regulation usually more cost- effective than individual facility evaluations Regulations able to address future risks from new sources

13 13 “Hot Spots” Can’t Do Everything Cumulative risk from multiple facilities is not addressed On-site mobile sources generally not included, but risk can be significant Only requires risk reduction, not emission reductions –No neighbors... no significant risk... no controls required –Tall stack... toxics are diluted... fewer controls required....Questions?

14 14 CHAPIS Emissions Maps AQMIS Air Quality Maps

15 15 CHAPIS (Community Health Air Pollution Information System) Maps location of emissions sources Includes mobile sources, consumer products, and industrial/commercial facilities Multiyear effort, collaboration with districts

16 16 CHAPIS: Pick an Area of Interest – by Zip, County, Air District or Region

17 17 Pick a pollutant, then zoom in

18 18 ABC Company (12345) Hover over triangle - shows facility name

19 19 Link to ARB’s inventory for detailed emissions ABC COMPANY INC.

20 20 Compare Toxics with Other Facilities

21 21 Grids – combine mobile, areawide, and facility emissions

22 22 ABCD Company GHT Company XYZ Company Summarize emissions ( graph and facility list )

23 23 CHAPIS has links to Air Monitoring Data

24 24 Air Quality and Meteorological Information System (AQMIS) Provides “real time” and historical data from 200 ARB and district air monitoring sites Key pollutants are ozone and particulate matter

25 25 AQMIS - Ozone and PM Trends

26 26 Ambient Air Toxic Trends

27 27 Environmental Justice

28 28 Environmental Justice “Fair treatment of all people...” ARB’s EJ Policies require EJ to be considered in all decisions –Next is Climate Change and EJ impacts Focus on cumulative risk Local land-use decisions always key factor

29 29 Multimedia Maps for Special Projects

30 30 Risk vs Distance Source CategoryAdvisory Recommendations - Avoid siting new sensitive land uses... Freeways and High-Traffic Roads within 500 feet of a freeway, urban roads with 100,000 vehicles/day, or rural roads with 50,000 vehicles/day Distribution Centers  within 1,000 feet of a distribution center (that accommodates >100 trucks per day, >40 trucks with TRUs/day, or where TRUs operate >300 hrs/wk). Rail Yards  within 1,000 feet of a major service and maintenance rail yard Ports  immediately downwind of ports in the most heavily impacted zones. Refineries  immediately downwind of petroleum refineries Chrome Platerswithin 1,000 ft. Perc Dry Cleaners  within 300 feet of any dry cleaning operation. Gasoline Dispensing Facilities within 300 feet of a large gas station

31 31 Links (today’s presentation) (air quality handbook) (public participation) (complaint resolution) (emissions maps) (risk assessment software) (public participation guidebook) (ambient toxics data) (AB 2588 “Hot Spots”) (toxics data) (top 25 sources) (air quality data) (ASPEN maps) (Spanish docs) (map)

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