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Opening Assignment Login to my website and go to “My Blog” in the upper right corner. Today we will be doing research on Echinoderms using a blog.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Assignment Login to my website and go to “My Blog” in the upper right corner. Today we will be doing research on Echinoderms using a blog."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Assignment Login to my website and go to “My Blog” in the upper right corner. Today we will be doing research on Echinoderms using a blog.

2 Opening Assignment On Thursday you made a blog post and answered a few questions on our last phylum in this unit. 1.What type of symmetry do echinoderms have? 2.What are 3 types of echinoderms? 3.What ocean zone do echinoderms live in?

3 Phylum Echinodermata Latin means “spiny skin”

4 Common Names

5 Common Organisms

6 General Characteristics Radial Symmetry (based on 5 part body plan called penta radial) Complete digestive system (mouth and anus) Endoskeleton made of calcium carbonate –Called a test, not a shell ONLY live in marine environments

7 Anatomy No defined head, No left or right sides Oral surface and aboral surface Central Disk Madreporite Mouth Arm (or Ray) Ambulacral Groove Spines Tube feet are located on the oral surface in the ambulacral groove

8 What makes an echinoderm an echinoderm? Water vascular system –Series of tubes that contain water which control tube feet –Like a hydraulic system –Madreporite- opening to water vascular system

9 What makes an echinoderm an echinoderm? (continued) Tube feet –Muscular extensions of the water vascular system –Have suction cups on the ends –Used for feeding, attachment and locomotion

10 What makes an echinoderm an echinoderm? (continued) Pedicellaria –Pincher like appendages used for defense and to keep larvae from settling on the echinoderm

11 Unique defense characteristics Pedicellaria: jaw-like structures found along the body and at end of arms –Keep larvae from being able to settle on slow moving animal Eviscerate: expel internal organs –Common in sea cucumbers –Body regenerate organs –Animals perform this when stressed or under attack Use regenerative capabilities to escape –Animal “drops” an arm to escape

12 Echinoderms Echinoderms – Shape of Life (13:29) Jonathon Bird’s Blue World – Sea Stars (8:29) RHaAw RHaAw True facts of the Sea pig ZivHCY ZivHCY

13 Video time Some Deep Sea Echinoderms Starfish Eating

14 Opening Assignment List 2 adaptations that echinoderms have that help them survive. Explain how this feature is used to help the organism.

15 Today’s Assignment We are going to split into groups to research the 5 classes of echinoderms Each group will : –Complete their portion of the “echinoderm jigsaw activity worksheet” – Produce 3 Google presentation slides in the shared class presentation that: contains all of the information that is covered on the worksheet diagrams of the general body design pictures of various animals in the class (video clips, songs, etc.) You will have today and half of tomorrow to finish these slides. Your group will then present these to the class during the second half of class tomorrow. –You can use the chromebooks and text books to complete your research THIS IS A CONTEST! THE CLASS WITH THE BEST PRESENTATION WILL WIN A DOUGHNUT PARTY NEXT THURSDAY!

16 World Water Day Sunday is World Water Day! To celebrate and help conserve water I am asking that you volunteer to give skip your daily shower on Sunday. A 10 minute shower uses approximately 40 gallons of water! If we can get 100 people to make the pledge we can save 4,000 gallons of water in just 1 day!

17 Opening Assignment (remember to write the question!) 1.Briefly explain the 3 characteristics that are unique to Phylum Echinodermata. 2.What will a sea cucumber do if threatened? 3.What surface of the starfish are we looking at?

18 Echinoderm Lab Objectives: In this lab you will observe and draw preserved echinoderm endoskeletons. For every specimen you should identify and label the oral and aboral surfaces as well as the lines of symmetry. (The Sea Star has additional parts that you must locate, identify and draw.)


20 Opening Assignment (remember to write the question!) 1.The side of an echinoderm where the mouth is located is called the _____________ surface. 2.Where are the tube feet located? 3.What type of symmetry do echinoderms have? What other phyla that we have studied have this type of symmetry? 4.The opening to the water vascular system is called the _________________.

21 Opening Assignment (remember to write the question!) Classes in Phylum Echinodermata: Holothuroidea, Echinoidea, Ophiuroidea, Asteroidea, Crinoidea Correctly match the classes to the common names of the animals listed. Please write the name of the class on the line. ________________ Starfish ________________ Sea cucumber ________________ Brittle star ________________ Sea lily ________________ Sea urchin List the class that is associated with the following characteristics: ________________________ Arms meet at central disk ________________________ Evisceration of organs ________________________ Movement by “snake-like” movement of arms ________________________ Body covered by long spines ________________________ “Flower-like” filter feeder

22 Opening Assignment Please use the switch it up strategy!!! 1.What type of symmetry do echinoderms have? 2.On which surface of a starfish are the tubefeet located? In what structure are they found? 3.What type of skeleton do echinoderms have? What is it called when the animal is dead? 4.What does echinoderm mean in Latin?

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