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Stephanie Barger, Executive Director Earth Resource Foundation

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1 Stephanie Barger, Executive Director Earth Resource Foundation

2 Solid Waste = 4.4 lbs/person/day Recycled = -1.3 lbs/person/day Net Waste = 3.1 lbs/person/day = 1,132 lbs/person/yr “Throwaway Society” Photo Credit: Peter Stackpole, Aug 1, 1955 (Getty Images) 2 USEPA 2001

3 Global Markets Global Growth Global Regulations Peak Oil Concerned Consumers China European Union Water and Air pollution

4 Reduce Reuse Recycle = Zero Waste GOING BEYOND RECYCLING

5 Definition of Zero Waste* Zero Waste is a goal that is both pragmatic and visionary, to guide people to emulate sustainable natural cycles, where all discarded materials are resources for others to use. Zero Waste means designing and managing products and processes to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not burn or bury them. Implementing Zero Waste will eliminate all discharges to land, water or air that may be a threat to planetary, human, animal or plant health. *

6 Zero Waste & Global Warming Recycling & composting all remaining discards in CA = eliminating all auto exhaust in CA ZW should be part of Local, State and Business Sustainability Plans Wasteberg  Landfills are one of the largest sources of Greenhouse Gases (GHG)  Methane is 21 x more potent than CO 2 71 Tons Upstream per Ton MSW

7 Provide Incentives Before Ban or Mandate Eliminate Waste by Designing Out of Products and Processes Foster Sustainable and Green Businesses Retailers Take Back Difficult to Recycle Materials Resource Recovery Park Producer Responsibility Expand City Outreach & Technical Assistance and Lead by Example Jobs from Design & Discards © Copyright Eco-Cycle, 2004 with text modifications by permission. Empowered Consumer The Zero Waste Economy Designing a Full-Cycle system – Upstream and Downstream

8 Zero Waste Businesses are Leading the Way ( >90% Waste Diversion) Anheuser-Busch, Fairfield, CA Apple Computer, Elk Grove, CA Del Mar Fairgrounds Fetzer Vineyards Frankie’s Bohemian Café, SF Greens Restaurant, SF Hewlett-Packard, Roseville, CA Mad River Brewery New Belgium Brewery, Fort Collins, CO NUMMI, Fremont, CA Pillsbury Playa Vista, LA, CA Ricoh Electronics, Inc San Diego Wild Animal Park Scoma’s Restaurant, SF Vons-Safeway Xerox Corp Yost Printer, Monrovia, CA Presented at the Zero in on Zero Business Conference Source:

9 Ricoh’s “Recipe for Success” = Total Participation Objectives Leadership Benchmarking Organization Project plan Training & Promotion Use of 5R Concept Verification Continuous Improvement

10 Partnership With Suppliers Green Procurement RETURNREUSERECYCLEREFUSEREDUCE Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept Reduce total cost within Supply Chain REDESIGNRESPECT

11 Earth Resource Foundation Zero Waste Business Consulting and Training Services “How Much of Your Waste Are You Wasting?” – Audit and Baseline Report “Is Your Bottom Line Going to Waste” – Leadership and Employee training – Development of Zero Waste Plan “Stopping Waste In It’s Tracks” – Zero Waste Plan Implementation

12 Zero Waste Businesses Leading the Way* Anheuser-Busch, Fairfield, CA Apple Computer, Elk Grove, CA Del Mar Fairgrounds Epson (OR) Fetzer Vineyards Frankie’s Bohemian Café, SF Greens Restaurant, SF Hewlett-Packard, Roseville, CA Kean Coffee – Martin Dietrich Mad River Brewery NUMMI, Fremont, CA Pillsbury Playa Vista, LA, CA Ricoh Electronics, Inc. San Diego Wild Animal Park Scoma’s Restaurant, SF Straus Family Farms Toyota Vandenburg AFB Vons-Safeway Xerox Corp Yost Printer, Monrovia, CA *(>90% Waste Diversion) ERF Zero Waste Conference presenters

13 Zero Waste Certification Follow US Green Building Council model – Zero Waste Certified Businesses – Zero Waste Professional Accreditation Establish consistent standards Establish “Zero In on Zero Waste Certification Program” as the benchmark Additional education and business opportunities

14 Zero Waste Advisory Board Proposed  Ryan McMullan, Environmental Programs Administrator, Toyota Motor Sales  Sue Beets, Corporate Sustainability Manager, SBM Site Services, LLC.  Jo Licata, Hilton San Francisco  Nancy Strauss, Environmental Director, Del Mar Fairgrounds  Eiko Risch, Director, EHC & Sustainability, Ricoh Electronics  Martin Diedrich, Owner, Kean Coffee

15 Zero Waste Certification Initial Funding Request Initial Funding request for $400,000 for first two years:  Development of program first year  Marketing and recruitment  Funds for rollout in year 2 Founding Advisory Board  One representative from 20 different business sectors  $20,000 initial seed money from each representative

16 Organizational Collaborations ZWIA – Zero Waste International Alliance ZERI - Zero Emission Research Initiatives GRRN - Grassroots Recycling Network USGBC – US Green Building Council MFSA – Mailing & Fulfillment CRRA – California Resource Recovery Association NRC – National Recycling Coalition Recycling Works – GAIA and Workforce RONA – Recycling Organizations of North America

17 The ZERO WASTE Development Team Rick Anthony, Rick Anthony & Associates, GrassRoots Recycling Network 40 years experience as accomplished researcher, presenter and innovator in zero waste management Co-founder of numerous international and national “zero waste/recycling” organizations Developing Zero Waste communities in England, France and Italy Gary Liss, Zero Waste International Alliance Over 30 years experience in solid waste and recycling field Certified ZERI System Designer Written the most Zero Waste plans for Cities in the United States Dan Knapp, Owner and Founder Urban Ore 30 plus years in reuse and recycling Designer of Zero Waste Disposal Facilities – Resource Recovery Parks Stephanie Barger, Founder and Executive Director 15 years experience in management consulting, accounting, event planning and nonprofit development (past CPA) Noted speaker, Grassroots and youth training expert Award-winning and respected expert in the field

18 Sustainability Strategy Scalability of Program: Additional Education Resources (books, workshops, webinars) Growth into the large or small business sectors Development of additional levels of certification (i.e., specialty for retail, hospitality, manufacturing, food) Certification for cities and communities Growth of Chapters in United States and Internationally

19 If you’re not for Zero Waste, how much waste are you for?

20 Earth Resource Foundation P.O. Box 12364, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-645-5163

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