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Unit3 Science and nature.

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1 Unit3 Science and nature

2 Free talk Science is developing so fast that
sometimes it is beyond our imagination. Man has created many things ,can you list some major scientific and technological achievements of the nearly 50 years?

3 Clone cell phone television moon landing computer gene clone
Clone: produce an exact copy of an animal or a plant from its own cells, it is one of the more advanced technologies.

4 A better understanding
about cloning

5 The first mammal cloned
from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep, born in Scotland in 1996. The scientists who cloned Dolly are to stop experiments because of concerns that deadly new diseases could be passed on to people. Dolly

6 Idaho Gem The world‘s first
cloned mule was born on May 4, He is created from a cell of his brother, Taz, a racing mule that has won many competitions. Idaho Gem

7 Cc Rainbow The world's first cloned kitten named Cc. Its name is from “Copy cat ”. Scientists in the USA created it with a cell taken from its mother, Rainbow. It was born in December 2002.

8 Five cloned pigs The world's first cloned pigs were produced
from an adult female pig using a different technique from the one that produced Dolly. They were born on March 5, in USA. Their names are Noel, Angel, Star, Joy and Mary. Five cloned pigs

9 Tetra The first cloned monkey named Tetra, born in January, It is the first genetically modified (转基因的)monkey. The technology is different from that used for Dolly.

10 From these pictures, can you identify the differences between the cloned animals and normal ones?

11 Discussion Can these cloned animals lead a normal life as normal animals? Do you think it would be a good idea to clone humans some day? Why or why not?

12 Party A They should, for… Cloning can help cure many
diseases and save a lot of people lives. 2. …… 3. …… reasons:

13 Party B They shouldn’t, for… Cloning can lead to
ethical(伦理的) problems. 2. …… 3. …… reasons:

14 Unit3 Science and nature
The perfect copy

15 Read a newspaper article and two readers'letters abut cloning

16 Understanding scientific terms
Reading strategy: Understanding scientific terms 1. Read the first and last paragraphs for an idea of what the article is about. 2. Scan the body of the article. Circle the words you don’t know. 3. Read through the article a few times.

17 Skimming and Scanning Both Dolly Anti-cloning
1.Does the article give an anti- or pro-cloning point of view, or both? 2.What was the name of the first cloned animal? 3. Is Ian Wilmut pro- or anti-cloning? Both Dolly Anti-cloning

18 2.Dolly, the first cloned mammal, is exactly the same as other sheep.
True or False 1.People all over the world are happy about the idea of cloning human beings. 2.Dolly, the first cloned mammal, is exactly the same as other sheep. 3.According to the article, the scientist who created Dolly does not agree with cloning human beings. 4.Cloning can be used to cure diseases because it can produce new tissues and organs. 5.Cloning human beings is illegal in many countries, so no scientists want to clone human beings. F Not all people F Not exactly T T F some scientists

19 Reading comprehension:
1.The announcement of successful human embryo cloning has caused much debate because________. people still have no clear idea about the results of human cloning B. valuable tissues and organs can be used to save humans C. mankind is going to produce terrible monsters D. people know that nature will punish mankind for human cloning A

20 C 2.The success of the cloned sheep Dolly has proved that_________.
cloning will lead to more diseases in animal world B. cloned animals will die at a much younger age than normal C. man has been able to produce an exact copy from an adult cell D. man can interfere with nature at his will C

21 3.According to the passage, what is the real intention of Ian Wilmut’s cloning research?
A. To create copies of humans in the end. B. To destroy human embryos in the end. C. To create new tissues or organs for sale. D. To cure deadly diseases eventually. D

22 B 4. How does a woman who cannot give a birth benefit from cloning?
She can have a baby by using another woman’s egg. B. She can have a baby genetically related to her. C. She can adopt someone else’s child by cloning. D. She can have more children. B

23 B 5. What can we infer from the whole passage?
A. Cloning animals is illegal in Italy. B. Chinese scientists are trying to benefit mankind by using cloning technology. C. Chinese scientists want to be the first to clone a human baby. D. Ian Willmut agrees with the scientists who want to clone a human baby.

24 embyo 7 pay The debate The first cloned human1. caused much debate.
On the one hand, valuable can be produced to save human lives. On the other hand, people may the price for toying with nature. Dolly the sheep Dolly the sheep was the first to be cloned successuflly which only lived for years. The public praised the scientists for the great Cloning hunman beings Ian Wilmut, didn’t to create copies of human beings. He thought creating the tissues and organs was the main8. Faye Wilson was anxious to have a Situation China China has successfully produced clones of cows and goats and tries to do more research to mankind. human tissues pay mammal 7 scientific advance. intend point/purpose/intention cloned baby benefit

25 Part D. E D. d 2. g 3. f 4. b 5. c 6. e 7. a E Check the answers
1. Physician cell toy with 4. real-life After all 6. exact 7. legal pushing ahead with

26 Key phrases 一方面 指出 有价值的组织 被用来做某事 另一方面 包括 玩弄 用这种方法 在去…的途中/即将 Para1.
on the one hand point out valuable tissues be used to do sth on the other hand including sb/sth toy with in this way on the/one’s way to Key phrases 一方面 指出 有价值的组织 被用来做某事 另一方面 包括 玩弄 用这种方法 在去…的途中/即将

27 对…感到吃惊 考虑做某事 集中于…;专心于… 抱有/带着…目的 Para2. 10. be worried that 11. lead to
12. in general 13. be praised for Para3 14. be shocked that 15. consider doing sth 16. concentrate on 17. with the intention of 18. show no respect for 担心 导致 一般来说,总的来说 因…受赞扬 对…感到吃惊 考虑做某事 集中于…;专心于… 抱有/带着…目的 对……不尊重

28 Para4 18. even though 19. be anxious to do sth 20. adopt a child Para5 21. push ahead with sth 22. in order to do sth Para6 23. focus on 24. as well as 25. succeed in doing sth 26. continue to /doing do sth P43 即使 急切地想做某事 收养一个孩子 推进/加紧… 为了 集中于、聚焦于 和,也 成功做某事 继续做某事

29 处理,对付 待售 用光、用尽 高兴做某事 对…发表评论/看法 完全同意 毕竟;终究 就个人而言 死于…(内因) 讲得通,有意义 偶遇 27. deal with 28. for sale 29. use up 30. be delighted to do sth 31. comment on sth 32. in complete agreement with 33. after all 34. on a personal note 35. die of 36. make sense 37. come across

30 using While Difficult sentences
Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal (use) its cells. L8 If I had the chance , I would have a cloned baby right now. L24 cloning human embyos is not legal in many countries, some scientises are already pushing ahead with research in order to produce a cloned human baby. using While

31 补充: 1. 有关hand的常用搭配: at hand 在手边,在附近 by hand 亲手,手工
in hand 手头现有的,正在进行,在处理中 hand in hand 手拉手 Hands up! 举起手来! Hands off! 请勿动手!不许干涉!

32 链接高考 If you’re driving to the airport, can you give me a _____? (2003安徽) A. hand B. seat C. drive D. lift D

33 It is certain that he will ____ his business to his son when he gets old. (2004福建)
A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over C

34 2. intention by intention 故意地 with good intention 善意地,诚意地
with the intention of 为了,以…为目的 intend v. 想要; 打算

35 1) 你这么做的目的是干什么? 2) 他总是故意和他妈妈争论。 What's your intention by doing this? He always argues with his mother by intention.

36 3. adopt、adapt的用法 1、 adopt vt. 采用, 收养
Our teachers adopts the new method of teaching. Many families began to adopt the orphans in the earthquake.

37 2、 adapt  vt.  使适应, 改编 She lacked the ability to adapt easily. The movie was adapted from a novel.

38 常用句型: adapt for 使适合于; 为...改编[改写] adapt from 根据...改写[改编] adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于某事 adapt sth. to 使某事物适应或适合

39 用adapt与adopt的正确形式填空。
1). You must ________ to the norms of the society you live in. 2). Paul’s mother had him _________ because she couldn’t look after him herself. 3). This machine has been specially _________ for underwater use. 4). These styles can be _________ to suit individual tastes. 5). We should _________ the consumers’ suggestion. adapt adopted adapted adapted adopt

40 4. (2011天津) She ______ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store. A. turned down B. dealt with C. took after D. came across 解析:考查动词短语的辨析。 句意:昨天她在百货商店购物的时候碰到了一个老朋友。come across偶遇;碰见;turn down拒绝;deal with处理,对付;take after像,相似。根据句意选D项。

41 5、If虚拟语气 did/were had + done If从句谓语 主句谓语 would/ should/ could/ might
与现在事实相反 与过去事实相反 与将来事实相反 would/ should/ could/ might + do did/were would/ should/ could/ might + have + done had + done would/ should/ could/ might + do ①did ②should + do ③were to + do

42 1. (2013北京卷)34. If we ________ a table earlier, we couldn’t be standing here in a queue.
have booked B. booked C. book D. had booked 2. (2013天津卷)14. If he had spent more time practising speaking English before, he able to speak it much better now. will be would be C. has been D. would have been

43 3. (2013福建卷)30.—Do you think George has passed the driving test?
—No. If so, he _____his car to our college yesterday] would drive B. drove C. would have driven D. had driven 4. (2013陕西卷)12. My mom suggests that we eat out for a change this weekend. A. should B. might C. could D. would

44 5. (2013重庆卷)29. — It rained cats and dogs this morning
5. (2013重庆卷)29. — It rained cats and dogs this morning. I’m glad we took an umbrella. — Yeah, we would have got wet all over if we ________. hadn’t B. haven’t C. didn’t D. don’t 6. (2013浙江卷)8. Eye doctors recommend that a child’s first eye exam ________ at the age of six months old. was B. be C. were D. is

45 Thank you

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