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Published byDominic Mitchell Modified over 9 years ago
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T.Chujo Proving Quark Gluon Plasma via Baryon Production at RHIC Tatsuya Chujo University of Tsukuba
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Outline 1.Introduction 2.Overview of bulk properties at RHIC 3.Systematic study of baryon enhancement 4.What’s the origin of baryon enhancement? 5.Exploring the QCD phase diagram at RHIC 6.Summary 1.Introduction 2.Overview of bulk properties at RHIC 3.Systematic study of baryon enhancement 4.What’s the origin of baryon enhancement? 5.Exploring the QCD phase diagram at RHIC 6.Summary 2
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 1. INTRODUCTION 3
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Why baryons* ? (* protons and antiprotons in this talk) Heavier mass than the light mesons, sensitive to the collective phenomena, such as a radial flow. Sensitive to the baryo-chemical property of the matter. Different number of constituent quarks from that for mesons, test of recombination models. 4
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo A lots of data and publications on baryons from RHIC experiments; 1 (spectra, yields, and jet correlations) BRAHMS –Nuclear Stopping in Au+Au Collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV, PRL 93, 102301 (2004). PHENIX –Scaling Properties of Proton and Antiproton Production in √s NN = 200 GeV Au Au Collisions, PRL 91, 172301 (2003). [TC] –Identified charged particle spectra and yields in Au+Au collisions at √s NN =200 GeV, PRC 69, 034909 (2004). [TC] –Nuclear effects on hadron production in d + Au collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV revealed by comparison with p + p data, PRC 74, 024904 (2006). [(TC)] –Jet structure of baryon excess in Au+Au collisions at √s NN =200 GeV, PRC 71, 051902 (R) (2005). –Particle-Species Dependent Modification of Jet-Induced Correlations in Au+Au Collisions at √s NN =200 GeV, PRL 101, 082301 (2008). –Correlated production of p and pbar in Au+ Au collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV, PLB 649 (2007) 359-369. –Au+Au 62.4 GeV (preliminary) [TC], Cu+Cu 200 GeV (preliminary), –Cu+Cu 22.5, 62.4 GeV (preliminary) [TC], p+p 62.4 GeV (preliminary) [TC] –p+p 200 GeV (new data) * note: not the complete list. 5 to be published before QM09 (hopefully)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo A lots of data and publications on baryons from RHIC experiments; 2 (spectra, yields, and jet correlations) PHOBOS –Identified hadron transverse momentum spectra in Au+Au collisions at √s NN = 62.4 GeV, PRC 75, 024910 (2007). STAR –Identified Baryon and Meson Distributions at Large Transverse Momenta from Au+Au Collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV, PRL 97, 152301 (2006). –Energy dependence of ±, p and p-bar transverse momentum spectra for Au+Au collisions at √s NN = 62.4 and 200 GeV, arXiv:nucl-ex/0703040. –Identified hadron spectra at large transverse momentum in p + p and d + Au collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV, PLB 637 (2006) 161-169. –Systematic Measurements of Identified Particle Spectra in pp, d+Au and Au+Au Collisions from STAR, arXiv:0808.2041. * note: not the complete list. 6
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo A recent STAR publication (systematic study of PID spectra in p+p (200 GeV), d+Au (200 GeV), Au+Au (62, 130, 200 GeV), arXiv:0808.2041) , K ±, p, pbar p T spectra (low p T region only, dE/dx by TPC). A nice full paper (60 pages)! 7
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 2. BULK PROPERTIES AT RHIC 8
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo What are the bulk properties (EOS)? Energy density ( ) Temperature (T): –critical temperature (T c ), initial temperature (T ini ), chemical freeze-out temperature (T ch ), kinetic freeze-out temperature (T kin ) Chemical potential ( ): –baryon chemical potential ( B ), strangeness chemical potential ( s ), strangeness suppression factor ( s ) Collective flow velocity ( ) Pressure gradient ( P), particle emission anisotropy (v 2 ) Particle multiplicity (dN/dy, N) Transverse energy (dE T /dy, E T ) Transverse momentum distribution (Ed 3 N/dp 3 ) Particle abundance and ratio Average transverse momentum ( ) HBT radii (R out, R side, R long, ) Velocity of sound (v s ) Shear viscosity – entropy ratio ( /s) …. 9
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo What are the bulk properties (EOS)? Energy density ( ) Temperature (T): –critical temperature (T c ), initial temperature (T ini ), chemical freeze-out temperature (T ch ), kinetic freeze-out temperature (T kin ) Chemical potential ( ): –baryon chemical potential ( B ), strangeness chemical potential ( s ), strangeness suppression factor ( s ) Collective flow velocity ( ) Pressure gradient ( P), particle emission anisotropy (v 2 ) Particle multiplicity (dN/dy, N) Transverse energy (dE T /dy, E T ) Transverse momentum distribution (Ed 3 N/dp 3 ) Particle abundance and ratio Average transverse momentum ( ) HBT radii (R out, R side, R long, ) Velocity of sound (v s ) Shear viscosity – entropy ratio ( /s) …. 10 red: directly measured by p T spectra pink: indirectly measured by p T spectra How the bulk properties change as a function of centrality, system and beam energy? How the bulk properties change as a function of centrality, system and beam energy?
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 11 Charged particle multiplicity at RHIC Cu+Cu Preliminary 3-6%, N part = 100 Au+Au 35-40%, N part = 99 PHOBOS Same number of participants, ~same number of charged particle density at RHIC. Focus at the mid-rapidity to study the multiplicity scaling of bulk properties.
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Average p T vs. N ch scales with √((dN /dy)/S), p+p 200 GeV, Au+Au 62.4, 130, 200 GeV data. Suggests that the kinetic freeze-out properties in Au+Au collisions are energy independent. CGC (gluon saturation): small x gluons overlap and recombine, reducing the total number of gluons and increasing their transverse energy. Predicts a lower particle multiplicity and larger. In CGC, scales with √((dN /dy)/S). Data is consistent with CGC picture. 12 factor ~2 S T : Transverse overlap area [fm 2 ] STAR, arXiv:0808.2041
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Antiparticle-to-Particle Ratios vs. N ch 13 pbar/p: A slight decrease with centrality (130, 200 GeV) Considerable drop with centrality (62 GeV) indicating that larger baryon stopping in central collisions. STAR, arXiv:0808.2041 - / + : Flat and unity. STAR, arXiv:0808.2041
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 14 PHENIX 62.4 GeV Au+Au Hum… pbar/p ratio: seems decreasing with N part in PHENIX data too. DNP2004 (TC)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Bulk properties vs. N ch (1) 15 T ch, T kin <T><T> T ch : constant with dN ch /dy. close to the lattice QCD: Tc ~160 MeV. universality at RHIC energies. T kin : decreasing with dN ch /dy. same trend for all systems at RHIC (with dN ch /dy) indicating strong expansion and cooling? STAR, arXiv:0808.2041 : incleasing with dN ch /dy.
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Bulk properties vs. N ch (2) 16 B,s ss B : finite value, weak centrality dependence (baryon stopping at central) s : close to zero. s : approaching to unity with dN ch /dy. Strangeness production is strongly suppressed in p+p, dAu, peripheral Au+Au. In central Au+Au, implying that strangeness is as equally equilibrated as light quarks. STAR, arXiv:0808.2041
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Bulk properties vs. N ch (3) 17 PHENIX A. Enokizono HBT v2/v2/
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Bulk properties vs. N ch (4) 18 K-/-K-/- “Only” N ch (or initial energy density) determines the bulk properties at RHIC? “Only” N ch (or initial energy density) determines the bulk properties at RHIC? STAR, arXiv:0808.2041
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 20 Baryon enhancement at RHIC PHENIX: PRL 91, 172301 (2003), PRC 69, 034909 (2004), PRC 74, 024904 (2006) In Au+Au s NN = 200 GeV central collisions: R CP (or R AA ) Pions: Strong suppression of yields above p T ~ 2 GeV/c, due to jet quenching. Protons: No suppression at intermediate p T (2-5 GeV/c). p/ and pbar/ ratios Factor ~3 more (anti) protons than pions at intermediate p T (2-5 GeV/c). Strong centrality dependence.
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 21 Systematic study of PID spectra: Au+Au, Cu+Cu, p+p at s NN = 22.5, 62.4, 200 GeV 0 p T spectra in Cu+Cu 22.5 GeV
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 22 p+p 62.4 GeV, set the baseline for HI data. PHENIX data agrees with ISR data. * No weak decay feed-down correction applied. s dep. of pbar/ - ratio (central)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 23 Cu+Cu 22.5 GeV, pbar/ ratio in central agrees with p+p. s dep. of pbar/ - ratio (central)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 24 Cu+Cu 62.4 GeV, pbar/ ratio larger than those in p+p and Cu+Cu 22.5 GeV. s dep. of pbar/ - ratio (central)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 25 Cu+Cu 200 GeV, similar to those in Cu+Cu 62.4 GeV. s dep. of pbar/ - ratio (central)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 26 Au+Au 62 GeV, pbar/ - is unchanged from Cu+Cu 200 GeV s dep. of pbar/ - ratio (central)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 27 Au+Au 200 GeV, p-bar/ - is enhanced. s dep. of pbar/ - ratio (central)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 28 Peripheral collisions for all systems Conversing to the same line s dep. of pbar/ - ratio (peripheral)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 29 * No weak decay feed-down correction applied. In 22.5 GeV Cu+Cu: weak centrality dependence, pbar/ - ratios are ~0.3-0.4 at p T = 2 GeV/c, which is close to the value in p+p. In 62.4 GeV Cu+Cu: pbar/ - ratio in central collisions reaches R=~0.6 at p T = 2 GeV/c, decreasing towards the peripheral events. Centrality dep. of pbar/ - (22 GeV vs. 62 GeV) 0.3
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 30 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 p T (GeV/c) Comparison with SPS data 0.25 Pb+Pb 17.2 GeV (central) T. Schuster, A. Laszlo (NA49) nucl-ex/0606005 SPS Pb+Pb: consistent with Cu+Cu 22.5 GeV pbar/ . (Au+Au 200 GeV) (Pb+Pb 17.2 GeV)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 31 Increasing as a function of s. Indicates the onset of baryon enhancement is in between 22 GeV and 62 GeV. * No weak decay feed-down correction applied. pbar/ - ratio (central): summary
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 32 0 p T spectra in Cu+Cu and p+p at 22.4, 62.4, 200 GeV PHENIX: PRL 101, 162301 (2008)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 33 0 R AA in Cu+Cu: energy dep. Enhancement at 22 GeV. Consistent with no energy loss model. PHENIX: PRL 101, 162301 (2008)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 4. WHAT’S THE ORIGIN OF BARYON ENHANCEMENT? 34
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 35 Jet induced baryon enhancement? Near side Away side Away side two peaks (shoulder) Sonic shock wave? Baryon/Meson effect?
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Jet-pair distribution for associated M/B Trigger particle: charged hadron (2.5 <p T,trig < 4.0 GeV/c) Associate particle: meson or baryons (1.0 – 2.0 GeV/c). Near side: substantially weaker for associated baryons. Away side: similar for associated mesons and baryons. “Shoulder” structure appeared. 36 PHENIX: PRL 101, 082301 (2008)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Conditional jet yields for M/B Mesons: –exponential decrease with increasing p T, assoc. –Yield increase from peripheral to central, with different slope – Incompatible with in- vacuum fragmentation –Due to contribution from correlated soft partons, softening of FF, recombination, energy loss, etc… ? Baryons: –different strongly from those for mesons. –Not exponential shape. –Yield (away) > Yield (near). –Much stronger increase with centrality than those for mesons. –Might be due to the correlated soft parton recombination. 37 PHENIX: PRL 101, 082301 (2008)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Baryon/meson ratios associated with high p T hadron trigger (2.5 < p T < 4GeV/c) 38 Peripheral ratios ~ vacuum fragmentation In-jet ratios ~ inclusive p/( +K) Away-side “shoulder”, and baryon enhancement in single spectra: might be the common origin. * Recombination of correlated soft partons induced via strong parton medium interactions? PHENIX: PRL 101, 082301 (2008)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Au+Au 0-10% STAR preliminary 3 < p t,trig < 4 GeV/c p t,assoc. > 2 GeV/c Intermediate p T ridge & Jet (near side only) (from SQM08, O. Barannikova, STAR) p T trig > 4.0 GeV/c 2.0 < p T Assoc < p T trig p+p / + + - Au+Au: 2 < p T trig < 3 GeV/c Cu+Cu: 3 < p T trig < 6 GeV/c Jet+ridge yields follow similar trend in p T for all trigger types (left bottom) Production mechanisms for jet and ridge are different (p/ , /K)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 5. EXPLORING THE QCD PHASE DIAGRAM AT RHIC 40 Figure from “Future Science at the Relativistic heavy ion Collider (Aug. 25, 2006 version)”, by RHIC II Science Working Groups
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Excitation functions of freeze-out properties 41 μ B : falls monotonically. T ch : rapidly rises at SIS and AGS energy, saturates at SPS and RHIC energies (a unique T ch ~ T c from lattice QCD). T kin : decoupled at √s NN ~10 GeV from T ch. Due to the strong collective flow, matter is cooled prolong period of chemical freeze-out and kinetic freeze-out. : rapid increase from SIS to AGS, increasing slowly from SPS to RHIC. Q: Freeze-out properties changes from AGS to SPS (e.g. √s NN ~10 GeV )? Q: Freeze-out properties changes from AGS to SPS (e.g. √s NN ~10 GeV )? STAR, arXiv:0808.2041
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo “hone” at SPS is true? K − /π − ratio : steadily increases with √s NN,while K+/π+ sharply increases at low energies. A maximum K+/π+ value is reached at about √s NN ≈ 10 GeV. K + /K - vs sqrt(s): smooth decrease (log scale). using the functional forms for K + /K - and K - / -, then make the function for K + / +. Generates a maximum at 10 GeV (“horn”).. More detail energy scan is needed. 42 STAR, arXiv:0808.2041
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Yet another onset at RHIC Cu+Cu Au+Au Emergence of opacity Approach to constant v 2 and hydrodynamic limit? PHENIX: PRL 101, 162301 (2008)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 44 Onset of Quark Number Scaling?
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 45 Increasing as a function of s. Indicates the onset of baryon enhancement is in between 22 GeV and 62 GeV. * No weak decay feed-down correction applied. p-bar/ - ratio vs. √s NN
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo Search for QCD Critical Point (QCP) From C. Nonaka (JPS2008 fall)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 47 From C. Nonaka (JPS2008 fall)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 48 From C. Nonaka (JPS2008 fall)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 49 Observable: look at pbar/p vs. p T. From C. Nonaka (JPS2008 fall)
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 6. Summary Baryons (protons and antiprotons) has a unique role to characterize the many bulk properties of matter, hadronization mechanism, and medium response. Bulk properties at RHIC (at mid-rapidity) : governed by the charged particle multiplicity –R elevant to the CGC gluon saturation picture. Systematic study of baryon enhancement: –qualitative difference between 22 GeV and 62.4 GeV on the property of baryon enhancement (while freeze-out properties seems to be already changed at 10 GeV). –Jet correlation: indicating the jet induced baryon enhancement. Towards the understanding of QCD phase diagram and QCP search. 50
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 51 Backup Slides
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 52 s NN dep. of p/ + ratio (central) decreasing as a function of s. * No weak decay feed-down correction applied.
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 53 0 R AA vs. s NN D. d’Enterria, nucl-ex/0504001
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 54
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo STAR p+p 200 GeV data (x T scaling) 55 STAR: PLB 637 (2006) 161-169 In p+p collisions, x T (=2p T / s) scaling works for both inclusive charged hadrons and identified hadrons (pions, protons, and antiprotons). Invariant cross sections can be expressed as the following equation: The power “n” = 6.3-6.5 showed a good scaling in p+p collisions (c.f. PPG023). Indicates soft and hard transition by data.
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 56 s NN dep. R AA for antiprotons (by ISR fit) Used ISR data at 23 GeV and 63 GeV (Alper. NPB 100, 237) for p+p reference. Similar R AA for all three systems. * Note: p+p 62.4 GeV p+p data has been measured by PHENIX, still working on the trigger bias and cross section seen in the detector. Here we use ISR fit to obtain R AA. * No weak decay feed-down correction applied. Nuclear Modification Factor
Heavy Ion Café, Univ. of Tokyo (Dec. 6, 2008) T. Chujo 57 s NN dep. R AA for charged pions (by ISR fit) Error notations: - Error bars: statistical error for HI spectra - Boxes: 1) sys. error for p+p reference. 2) sys. error for HI spectra. - Lines: N coll error (1 .) Used ISR fit (nucl- ex/0411049, D. d’Enteria) for p+p parameterization. Moderate suppression for Au+Au 62.4 GeV. Greater than unity for Cu+Cu 62/22 GeV (p T > 2.0 GeV/c). * No weak decay feed-down correction applied.
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