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Jeopardy PEOPLE 500 400 300 200 100 EVENTS WAR & BATTLES THEMESVOCAB MISC 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy PEOPLE 500 400 300 200 100 EVENTS WAR & BATTLES THEMESVOCAB MISC 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy PEOPLE 500 400 300 200 100 EVENTS WAR & BATTLES THEMESVOCAB MISC 100 200 300 400 500

2 He believed that all people were born with rights to life, liberty & property Answer Category 1 - 100

3 He was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety and ruled France during the Reign of Terror Answer Category 1 - 200

4 As the foreign minister from Austria, he was the most influential & significant representative at the Congress of Vienna, and wanted to restore the balance of power and the status quo Answer Category 1 - 300

5 He was the prime minister of Sardinia, and utilized the policy of realpolitik to eventually unite Italy Answer Category 1 - 400

6 Author of The Wealth of Nations, encouraged capitalist economy & free trade Answer Category 1 - 500

7 Battle strategy used by the Germans to invade Poland (lightening war) Answer Category 2 - 100

8 This is the turning point in the French Revolution, the move from words to action by the 3rd Estate Answer Category 2 - 200

9 German battle strategy in WWI that called for a quick defeat of France followed by an invasion of Russia; hope to avoid two-front war Answer Category 2 - 300

10 Treaty that ended WWI and caused great resentment in the German people; one cause of WWII Answer Category 2 - 400

11 Brutal pogrom in Germany in November 1938, in which Jewish homes and businesses were looted and destroyed; name means the “Night of Broken Glass” Answer Category 2 - 500

12 Allied invasion of Europe to defeat the Nazis Answer Category 3 - 100

13 Battle in which the Luftwaffe dropped many bombs on targets in Great Britain, including London; Hitler eventually called off the invasion Answer Category 3 - 200

14 Battle in which Napoleon was defeated for the last time Answer Category 3 - 300

15 Naval battle at which Horatio Nelson & the British defeated Napoleon Answer Category 3 - 400

16 Theory that justified American involvement in Korea & Vietnam; fear that if one nation in a region became communist, the others would also Answer Category 3 - 500

17 Period of time in which great discoveries and advancements were made in mathematics and science Answer Category 4 - 100

18 This is when one country takes over another country to control the economy and government of that place Answer Category 4 - 200

19 Imaginary division between East & West, between communism and democracy Answer Category 4 - 300

20 Period of reason and exploration of political and economic theory; apply reason to government Answer Category 4 - 400

21 Agreement between the government and the governed that determines who holds what powers and rights Answer Category 4 - 500

22 Politics used to unite Germany; politics based on reality Answer Category 5 - 100

23 Process by which iron is smelted to make steel Answer Category 5 - 200

24 Napoleon’s quick overthrow of the French government; lead to his dictatorship Answer Category 5 - 300

25 American foreign policy during the 2nd half of the 20th century that was focused on stopping the spread of communism Answer Category 5 - 400

26 Nations whose governments were established / controlled by the USSR to be friendly governments; all were communist governments either controlled or influenced by the USSR Answer Category 5 - 500

27 Form of government in which factors of production, industry and welfare are controlled by the government Answer Category 6 - 100

28 Type of warfare in which soldiers fought from tunnels & ditches, and in which few gains were made by either side; resulted in stalemate Answer Category 6 - 200

29 Wealthy members of the 3rd Estate in France Answer Category 6 - 300

30 This was “issued” to Austria prior to WWI, in which Germany promised unconditional support in the event of war Answer Category 6 - 400

31 This means “hands off” the economy by the government; the government does not get involved in economic affairs Answer Category 6 - 500

32 John Locke Return to Jeopardy Board Category 1 - 100

33 Maximillian Robespierre Return to Jeopardy Board Category 1 - 200

34 Klemens von Metternich Return to Jeopardy Board Category 1 - 300

35 Camilo Cavour Return to Jeopardy Board Category 1 - 400

36 Adam Smith Return to Jeopardy Board Category 1 - 500

37 Blitzkrieg Return to Jeopardy Board Category 2 - 100

38 Storming of the Bastille Return to Jeopardy Board Category 2 - 200

39 Schlieffen Plan Return to Jeopardy Board Category 2 - 300

40 Treaty of Versailles Return to Jeopardy Board Category 2 - 400

41 Kristallnacht Return to Jeopardy Board Category 2 - 500

42 Operation Overlord Return to Jeopardy Board Category 3 - 100

43 Battle of Britain Return to Jeopardy Board Category 3 - 200

44 Battle of Waterloo Return to Jeopardy Board Category 3 - 300

45 Battle of Trafalgar Return to Jeopardy Board Category 3 - 400

46 Domino Theory Return to Jeopardy Board Category 3 - 500

47 Scientific Revolution Return to Jeopardy Board Category 4 - 100

48 Imperialism Return to Jeopardy Board Category 4 - 200

49 Iron Curtain Return to Jeopardy Board Category 4 - 300

50 Enlightenment Return to Jeopardy Board Category 4 - 400

51 Social Contract John Locke? Thomas Hobbes? Return to Jeopardy Board Category 4 - 500

52 Realpolitik with whom is this associated? Return to Jeopardy Board Category 5 - 100

53 Bessemer Process Return to Jeopardy Board Category 5 - 200

54 Coup d’etat Return to Jeopardy Board Category 5 - 300

55 Containment Return to Jeopardy Board Category 5 - 400

56 Satellite nations (puppet nations) Return to Jeopardy Board Category 5 - 500

57 Socialism Return to Jeopardy Board Category 6 - 100

58 Trench warfare Return to Jeopardy Board Category 6 - 200

59 Bourgeoisie Return to Jeopardy Board Category 6 - 300

60 Blank check Return to Jeopardy Board Category 6 - 400

61 Laissez faire Return to Jeopardy Board Category 6 - 500

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