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Presentation on theme: " Main Ideas & Supporting Details 3RC2.3_2.4_2.5: -identify answers -recall major points and make predictions -distinguish between main."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Ideas & Supporting Details 3RC2.3_2.4_2.5: -identify answers -recall major points and make predictions -distinguish between main ideas and supporting details in expository text details in expository text (6 questions on CST)

2 What is Main Idea? The main idea tells what a paragraph or passage is mostly about. The main idea is the most important thing an author is trying to communicate about a topic.

3 What is Main Idea? TOPIC running MAIN IDEA Running is good exercise. SUPPORTING DETAILS 1. Running is good for your heart. 2. Running is good for your lungs. 3. Running develops your muscles.

4 How Can I Find the Main Idea? Authors frequently tell you the main idea in the following places: –Title – Underline the title & take a moment to predict what the passage might be about. –Introduction - First sentence or first paragraph –Conclusion - Last sentence or last paragraph

5 Implied Main Idea Sometimes the main idea isn’t found in any one place. You can always figure out the main idea by asking yourself: –“–“–“–“What is the most important idea in the paragraph or passage?”

6 The Benefits of Computers Computers are useful tools for students. Today, computers can be used to research most topics on quality internet sites. Any writing project is much easier when completed on a computer. There are also many fun learning games that help students learn on computers. There is no better tool for learning then a computer.

7 Topic, Main Idea, Details TOPIC computers MAIN IDEA Computers are useful tools. SUPPORTING DETAILS 1. Computers can be used for research. 2. Writing is easier on computers. 3. There are many fun learning games.

8 How to Make Yourself Smarter Reading increases your IQ. When a person reads, they’re unlocking new knowledge. This knowledge of new topics develops your intelligence. When a person reads they are also interacting with language. This interaction helps develop spelling, grammar, reading, and writing skills. Therefore, if you want to be smarter you should read every day.

9 Topic, Main Idea, Details TOPIC Reading MAIN IDEA Reading makes you smarter SUPPORTING DETAILS 1. Reading unlocks new knowledge. 2. Reading involves interaction with language. 3. Reading improves spelling, grammar, reading, and writing skills.

10 Graffiti is a major problem that is hurting many communities. Unfortunately, some young people like to “tag” property with spray paint or markers. When this occurs, property owners and tax payers must pay to fix the problem. Studies also show that areas with graffiti also have more crime. This not only makes us unsafe, but it also lowers property values. We must work together to put an end to this type of vandalism. Graffiti Costs All of Us

11 What is the main idea of this passage? (A) Some people destroy property with spray paint or markers. spray paint or markers. (B) Many communities are hurt by graffiti. graffiti. (C) Areas with graffiti have more crime. (D) Graffiti lowers property values.

12 Graffiti does all of the following except (A) hurt communities. (B) increase crime. (C) lower property values. (D) beautify peoples’ property.

13 What would a business owner MOST likely do if their property is vandalized with graffiti? (A) go to jail (B) move to a different country (C) pay someone to fix it (D) take an art class in school

14 Which detail BEST supports the idea that graffiti makes areas unsafe? (A) Some young people like to “tag” property. (B) Areas with graffiti have more crime. (C) Graffiti is ugly. (D) Graffiti is usually done with spray point or markers. markers.

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