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Philosophy of Mind The Mind/Body Problem. Overview  The Mind/Body Problem  Some Possible Solutions Dualist Solutions Monist Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Philosophy of Mind The Mind/Body Problem. Overview  The Mind/Body Problem  Some Possible Solutions Dualist Solutions Monist Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosophy of Mind The Mind/Body Problem

2 Overview  The Mind/Body Problem  Some Possible Solutions Dualist Solutions Monist Solutions

3 The Mind/Body Problem  How are the mind and body related?  How can mental events cause physical events?  How can physical events cause mental events?  Is the mind a computer program? Could a machine think?

4 Solutions to the Mind Body Problem  Dualism Substance Dualism: The world contains two fundamentally different kinds of “stuff” – mental stuff (minds) and physical stuff. Property Dualism: The world contains two fundamentally different kinds of properties – mental properties and physical properties  Monism Idealism: The world consists entirely of minds and mental states. Physicalism/Materialism: The world consists entirely of the physical; there are no nonmaterial minds. Neutral Monism: There is only one kind of stuff in the world, and it is not best described as physical or as mental.

5 Substance Dualism  There are two fundamental kinds of stuff – mental stuff (minds) and physical stuff (such as bodies).  The Problem of Interaction  Some Solutions Interactionism Epiphenomenalism Occasionalism

6 Physicalism  The world is the physical world; there are only physical objects and their properties.  Physicalist Explanations Behaviorism Reductive Physicalism Functionalism Eliminative Materialism

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