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Enjoy your life …. Love, like nobody did hurt you until now…

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2 Enjoy your life ….

3 Love, like nobody did hurt you until now…

4 Work as hard, as you would need no money

5 Dance, as if nobody would watching you...

6 Sing, as if nobody would listen to you

7 Do only things you like to do....

8 Live your life, as you would be in paradise..

9 Take care for your friendships......

10 Enjoy the moment, and do your best at each situation....

11 Don‘t let hang down your head, if something don’t work like it should....

12 ... Think: the real winners are these, they fight and never give up !!!

13 It don‘t happen anything, if you don‘t sent this mail not to others...... but maybe, you will perform a magic laughing to a friends face ????

14 I wish you a wonderful day, and enjoy your live, because you just have this one....

15 Vu sur

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