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Photo Composite Digital compositing is the process of digitally assembling multiple images to make a final image.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo Composite Digital compositing is the process of digitally assembling multiple images to make a final image."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo Composite Digital compositing is the process of digitally assembling multiple images to make a final image.

2 Steps for photo composite Step 1: Collect images Background – Landscape, interior Focal point – People, animals, objects Use old photos or negatives and scan Scan objects Step 2: Design composition with the images you have Focal point Format – Vertical or horizontal (background will decide if vertical or horizontal) Horizon line – Goes above or below center Unity- repetition of art elements (repetition= 3)

3 Step 3: In Photoshop, create new document 10.5 X 8 (horizontal) 8 X 10.5 (vertical) Step 4: All images must have same resolution Unclick resample After changing resolution, re-click resample and three boxes Change size in inches

4 Step 5: Select the background and paste on new document Step 6: Select objects Edit-copy, edit-paste To Change the size of an object – Transform – Move tool, check transform controls or Edit transform scale – Hold shift and drag from corner Step 7: Move objects around to get best composition Step 8: Add filters/change blend modes/adjust layer opacity/add texture

5 Assignment Create a digital composite that includes: A scanned photo A scanned object Your own digital shots *All images must be your own! It should tell a story or have a theme to it-like a big idea


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