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Back to School Night: Fifth Grade North Boulevard Elementary School 2015-2016 If you did not already do so, please make sure you sign in! Thank you!

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night: Fifth Grade North Boulevard Elementary School 2015-2016 If you did not already do so, please make sure you sign in! Thank you!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night: Fifth Grade North Boulevard Elementary School 2015-2016 If you did not already do so, please make sure you sign in! Thank you!

2 Thank You! I appreciate your dedication-Now lets have a little laugh!I appreciate your dedication-Now lets have a little laugh! (Click the link to see Ray Romano at a Back to School Night Presentation)

3 A Little Bit About Me… This is my 8 th year teaching-I have only taught Fifth Grade-I really believe it is the best age to teach! It is my second year at North Boulevard-thrilled to be here! Beyond striving to ensure that students learn the fundamental content of the curriculum I teach, my objectives as a 5 th grade teacher are : * to foster critical thinking skills * to facilitate the acquisition of lifelong learning skills * to help students develop problem-solving strategies * to foster a love for reading

4 My Pledge to Your Children I will trust them until they give me reason to do otherwise. I will respect them and work with them to solve any and all problems. I will promptly correct and offer feedback on their work. I will honor their ideas and opinions. I will work with them to meet their learning goals. I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should they need them.

5 Daily Schedule Special English Language Arts Math Recess/Lunch Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Humanities

6 Specials Schedule Monday - Library/Media Center (Ms. Meyerson) Tuesday - Music (Mr. DeVizio) Wednesday & Friday - Physical Education (Mr. DeBell) Thursday - Art (Mrs. Skula)

7 New in Fifth Grade This Year… Novels-The Little Prince, Toys, Number the Stars, etc. More Chromebook usage-mostly all classwork will be completed using Google Docs and Google Classroom Real Time Standards Based Report Cards-feedback on student work Polar Express Cookie Exchange (December) Mock Trial (March-April) Field trip to Liberty Science Center (May-June)

8 Math Miss Setlock and I will be team teaching Mrs. Z will also frequently visit during Math We will continue to use the Math in Focus program Weekly facts quizzes-students will track progress Some topics we will cover are: * Place Value * Multi-digit Multiplication * Decimals * Fractions * Problem Solving * Introduction to Algebra Extra help will be provided before and after school- Dates to be determined. You will be notified via e mail.

9 English Language Arts Writers Notebook & Chromebooks Steps of the writing process Mentor Texts-Picture books Writing strategies i.e., ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions Narrative, opinion, literary essays One-on-one writing conferences Small group writing conferences

10 English Language Arts Fostering a love for reading “Real Reading” Beginning months cycle-Concrete experiences, sensory exercises, wordless picture books, time for text The goal is independence, but I start where the students are, not where I wish they were or where someone else says they should be. Written and oral responses to literature in Readers Notebooks and organizers on Chromebooks

11 Humanities/Health & Safety Monday – Thursday Humanities Throughout the year, students will focus on the analysis and evaluation of primary source documents that hold historical significance. Continue to apply critical reading, writing, and thinking skills Friday Health and Safety Lessons will be designed to build good character and establish guidelines for making good decisions.

12 Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics (STEM) Calendar Math Will begin following Next Generation Science Standards Hands-on experiments (labs) Analysis and evaluation of primary source documents that hold scientific significance Continue to apply critical reading, writing, and thinking skills

13 Homework Policies The purpose for homework is to reinforce critical skills that were taught It is your child’s responsibility to copy the homework down on a daily basis-Our websites are another source of information for homework Spiral reviews-Keep the skills fresh Quality over quantity work-A few questions that require deep thinking vs. 25 mind numbing questions

14 We are a TEAM  Communication is key!  Weekly updates and reminders  Website updated daily  Mr. Biagiotti's Homepage Mr. Biagiotti's Homepage  Positive “surprise” calls or e-mails

15 Thank You, again! It has been a pleasure meeting you all this evening. I really appreciate you all taking the time out of your schedules to come in and show your support. I hope that I will have your ongoing support throughout the year!

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