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Shao Yuhao ; Sun Zhouyang ; Yang He ; Sun Chufan Datafication: Managing the Global Data Set.

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Presentation on theme: "Shao Yuhao ; Sun Zhouyang ; Yang He ; Sun Chufan Datafication: Managing the Global Data Set."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shao Yuhao ; Sun Zhouyang ; Yang He ; Sun Chufan Datafication: Managing the Global Data Set

2 1. Account for and exemplify big data in digital age. 2. Analyze the significance of big data currently.

3 1. Background 2. Applications & Significance 3. Effects 4. Future

4 The word “data” means “given” in Latin, in the sense of a “fact.” Today, data refers to a description of something that allows it to be recorded, analyzed, and reorganized.

5 Previous methods : missile trajectory tables, censuses, and the weather. Atoms and bits : Nicholas Negroponte of the MIT Media Lab published his landmark book in 1995 called Being Digital, one of his big themes was the shift from atoms to bits. Storage capacity, processing power, and bandwidth have increased.

6 “The ability to record information is one of the lines of demarcation between primitive and advanced societies.” ( Cukier, K. 2013)

7 An average of 30 billion monthly content is created in 2014. Facebook has saved 140 billion pictures; this year will increase by 70 billion. YouTube states that users of video uploaded every minute length is 72 hours. According to the IDC’s monitoring statistics, in 2013, the total global data has reached 1.8ZB.

8 1.Production 2.Expression 3.Recording

9 With the popularity of computers, mobile phones, and some small-scale cameras appearance, each owner can easily create their own information on the Internet.

10 The traditional information dissemination, newspapers, television and radio, whatever in terms of timeliness and breadth of the spread, is always subject to certain restrictions.

11 With the development of information storage technology, not only can we put such a large data produced, but also the complete saved.

12 1. Background 2. Applications & Significance 3. Effects 4. Future

13 a. How big data work? b. Significance


15 Float regular Chaos regular Constant regular

16 Digging reason Collecting data Building hypothesis Making solution Take action

17 Theoretical research Deducing Logical relationship Conclusion

18 Analysis big data ReflectCharacteristic Conclusion

19 Theoretical research Deducing Logical relationship Conclusion Analysis big data ReflectCharacteristic Conclusion


21 Amount number of data & Characteristic of dataCorrelativityDirect expression

22 QuantitativeQualitative

23 1. Background 2. Applications & Significance 3. Effects 4. Future

24 a. Examples b. Shifting c. Effects



27 Information providerMethod of information transmissionFriends circleMethod of information storage

28 Strategic resourcesIntegration of different areaDeveloping technology

29 1. Background 2. Applications & Significance 3. Effects 4. Future

30 a. Digital life b. Datafication war c. The age of Artificial Intelligence


32 0100010101010101001010111001 10100101010110101111010010 111011000001011010101011010 10101010111010101010101 1110100000101101110101010 10100101010110101111010010 10101010111010101010101

33 Big Data





38 Practice Establishing hypothesis Collecting data ApplicationData mining



41 1. Background a. What is big data? b. How and why it came out? a. How big data work? 2. Applications & Significance a. Example b. Shifting b. Significance 3. Effects 4. Future a. Digital life b. Datafication war c. The age of Artificial Intelligence c. Effects

42 Big data really sharply increase the society. In business area, many applications has been found, such as Siri, Google, Baidu have already improved our life. Big data will more significant. People who get data can get the world.

43 Crawford, K. and boyd, d. (2012). Information, Communication & Society,15(5), 662–679. Cukier, K., & Mayer-Schonberger, V. (2013). Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think. John Murray, Reading 1: pp. 1-19; Reading 2: 73-97.

44 1.Have you got any new idea about how to use big data in your career? 2.Have ever heard any example of big data?


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