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Biology 10/29/13 Mrs. Turgeon DO NOW: 1.Get out your cell lab worksheet 2.In your notes: Describe one difference between an animal cell and a plant cell.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology 10/29/13 Mrs. Turgeon DO NOW: 1.Get out your cell lab worksheet 2.In your notes: Describe one difference between an animal cell and a plant cell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology 10/29/13 Mrs. Turgeon DO NOW: 1.Get out your cell lab worksheet 2.In your notes: Describe one difference between an animal cell and a plant cell. AGENDA: 1.Finish part F of cell lab as a group 2.Take notes on diffusion and osmosis REMINDERS: 1.Science Club today after school, room 312! 2.Science Fair judges still needed

2 CELL LAB The lab questions are due tomorrow!

3 Biology 10/30/13 Mrs. Turgeon “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.” –G. Washington Carver DO NOW: 1.Pass forward your Cell Structure Lab 2.In agenda book: “T”notes due Thursday: Sec. 8.1 ( 10 entries min.) 3.Put everything away (under your desk) in preparation for the lab AGENDA: 1.Osmosis Lab REMINDER: 1. Science Fair Judges!

4 Biology 10/31/13 Mrs. Turgeon Happy Halloween! “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom” -George Washington Carver DO NOW: 1.Pass forward your “T” notes for 8.1 2.In your notes: Which of the four major biomolecules is useful to us because it stores energy? AGENDA: 1.Take quiz 2.Osmosis Practice

5 Diffusion and Osmosis Diffusion: Section 6.2 Osmosis: Section 8.1

6 11/25/14 BIOLOGY MRS.TURGEON “ Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” ---Julia Child OBJECTIVES SWBAT: 1.Explain how molecules are transported across the cell membrane DO NOW: 1. What is the fancy name for the TYPE of membrane that the plasma membrane is?

7 12/1/14 BIOLOGY MRS.TURGEON “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” –Carl Sagan OBJECTIVES SWBAT: 1.Explain the difference between a hypotonic and hypertonic environment DO NOW: 1.Describe an isotonic environment for a cell

8 12/1/14 Biology MRS.TURGEON Reminders: 1. Human population graph needed to be re-done by most students. Pass it forward if applicable. 2. Agenda book: Foldable for 8.1 is due Wednesday, December 3 (minimum of 12 entries)

9 12/2/14 BIOLOGY MRS.TURGEON “ Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.” -Margaret Mead OBJECTIVES SWBAT: 1.Explain how molecules are transported across the cell membrane DO NOW: 1. What is the fancy name for the TYPE of membrane that the plasma membrane is?

10 Objective SWBAT explain how molecules are transported across the cell membrane.

11 Diffusion The net movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

12 Osmosis The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane.

13 Osmosis In a cell, water always moves to reach an equal concentration on both sides of the cell membrane.

14 Osmosis The direction of osmosis depends on relative concentrations of dissolved particles on the two sides of the membrane.

15 Direction of Osmosis Isotonic Solution –concentration of dissolved particles outside and inside the cell are equal. –there will be no net movement* of water. *water diffuses into and out of the cell at equal rates.

16 Direction of Osmosis Hypertonic Solution –concentration of dissolved particles outside the cell is higher than in the cytosol. –water will diffuse out of the cell.

17 Direction of Osmosis Hypotonic Solution –concentration of dissolved particles outside the cell is lower than in the cytosol. – water will diffuse into the cell.

18 Diffusion Diffusion results because of the random movement of particles. Three key factors: concentration, temperature, pressure affect the rate of diffusion. Equilibrium is reached when there is an even distribution of solute molecules 2 3 1 4 (water)


20 Passive Transport Movement of molecules across the cell membrane Does NOT require energy Examples: diffusion and osmosis

21 Facilitated Diffusion Passive transport of materials across the cell membrane using transport proteins. Examples: –Carrier Proteins –Ion Channels

22 Chapter 5 Movement of particles across the cell membrane against the concentration gradient – (lower concentration  higher concentration) Requires ENERGY!!! Example: –Carrier proteins, endocytosis, exocytosis Active Transport

23 Chapter 5 Active Transport Exocytosis –Excretion of materials from a cell. Expels wastes, hormones etc.

24 Biology 11/4/13 Mrs. Turgeon DO NOW: 1.In your notes: If a cell is in a hypotonic solution, how will it react to maintain equilibrium? 2.Turn in your homework AGENDA: 1.Students will be able to determine what direction the water will move depending on the type of environment a cell is in by working in groups to finish worksheet 2.Go over quiz 3.Take a few notes

25 Biology 11/5/13 “Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.” – Sydney J. Harris DO NOW: 1.Pass forward your homework (pg. 178) & diffusion review WS 2.In your notes: Describe one similarity and one difference between a hypertonic and a hypotonic environment of a cell. AGENDA: 1.Students will understand active & passive transport by taking notes 2.Work on a new Osmosis worksheet in groups ANNOUNCEMENT: No science club today because many members have science fair projects due tomorrow.

26 Chapter 5 How Cells deal with Osmosis To remain alive, cells must compensate for the water that enters the cell in hypotonic environments and leaves the cell in hypertonic environments.

27 Chapter 5 Facilitated Diffusion

28 Chapter 5 Active Transport Endocytosis –Cells ingest external materials by folding around them and forming a pouch. Engulfs bacteria, food etc.

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