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Welcome to Biology! 2015 – 2016 School Year College Park High School Courtney Sweebe

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1 Welcome to Biology! 2015 – 2016 School Year College Park High School Courtney Sweebe

2 Who Am I  Courtney Sweebe  Bachelor of Arts in Biology from the University of Texas at Austin  Favorite biology topics: microbiology and biotechnology  Best way to contact me: —Please include your name and your student’s name when emailing me.

3 What Your Student Will Learn  That cells are the basic structures of all living things with specialized parts that perform specific functions and that viruses are different from cells  How an organism grows and the importance of differentiation  The mechanisms of genetics, including the role of nucleic acids and the principles of Mendelian Genetics  That evolutionary theory is a scientific explanation for the unity and diversity of life

4 What Your Student Will Learn  That taxonomy is a branching classification based on the shared characteristics of organisms and can change as new discoveries are made  The significance of various molecules involved in metabolic processes and energy conversions that occur in living organisms  That biological systems are composed of multiple levels  That biological systems work to achieve and maintain balance  That interdependence and interactions occur within an environmental system

5 Class Website  For a list of daily topics and important due dates, click the calendar link on my website.  Click Faculty Emails and Websites  Scroll down to my name  Click to send email or visit website

6 This Year at a Glance  Fall Semester –  Scientific Method  Biochemistry  Cells and Cell Processes  DNA Structure, Replication, & Cell Cycle  Protein Synthesis & Mutations  Genetics

7 This Year at a Glance  Spring Semester –  Natural Selection  Taxonomy  Microorganisms  Plants  Comparative Animal Systems  Ecology

8 Grading  How will your student’s grade be determined?  70 % Major (Tests & Projects)  30% Daily (in-class assignments, labs, quizzes, etc.)  Minimum of 4 major grades per nine weeks (at least 1 project)  A summative quiz will be given before each unit test.  Tests will be given at the end of each unit. Time outside of class will be required to prepare for unit tests.  Tests may be retaken in accordance with the school’s retake procedure.

9 Retest Policy  Students may retake any test after meeting the following requirements  Attend an hour of tutoring —Some of this time must be used for test corrections  Complete a retest form —The form requires that students notify their teacher that they intend to retest  Complete a study skills course before their first retest in each grading period  Retest is within two weeks of the original test date —Retest will only be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the retest room. Students must plan accordingly.

10 Parent Access  Parent Access Center is a free program available to all CISD parent/guardians that allows viewing of helpful information regarding student attendance, report cards, progress reports, daily grades, state test results, Students Achieving Excellence (SAE), discipline and available lunch money.  Parents may also sign up to receive an email alert when an assignment score is uploaded or updated.  Parents/Guardians wishing to access this service must have a valid email address.  Go to the Conroe ISD homepage, click Students/Parents, and then click Parent Access.

11 Absences  It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed and to make up any assignments after an absence.  An absence on a review day before a test does not excuse a student from the test on the day they return.  Students are responsible for all information that was covered during their absence.  Missed assignments resulting from an absence will be accepted within the time limit stated in the student handbook.

12 Class Supplies  Spiral notebook  This will be collected periodically for a grade  Pencils  Red grading pen  3 Ring Binder  Map Pencils  Blue or Black Pens  Glue sticks  Scissors  Graph paper  Various supplies for projects

13 Classroom Expectations  Treat all others with courtesy and respect. This includes fellow students, substitute teachers, and myself.  Be ready. Students should be seated and ready to work when the bell rings. Anyone not seated will be considered tardy to class.  Be responsible. Complete all class or homework. This will make a huge difference in your success in all your classes.  Demonstrate honesty, integrity, cooperation, maturity, and sincere effort. Your attitude toward learning is reflected in your classroom etiquette.

14 Tips for Success  Ask questions during class.  Read over class notes daily.  Try summarizing or explaining the class notes to someone else.  Come to tutorials.  For additional study tips, see the study tips handout you picked up when you came in (Students will receive this tomorrow).

15 Tutoring MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Before School Coleman – 2616 6:45 – 7:10 Minchew – 2611 6:45 – 7:10 Coleman – 2616 6:45 – 7:10 Minchew – 2611 6:45 – 7:10 Watson – 2606 6:30 – 7:10 Coleman – 2616 6:45 – 7:10 Minchew – 2611 6:45 – 7:10 Williams – 2614 6:30 – 7:10 Barcenas – 2611 6:30 – 7:10 Coleman – 2616 6:45 – 7:10 After School Williams – 2614 2:45 – 3:15 Steinke – 2616 2:45 – 3:15 Sweebe – 2617 2:45 – 3:15 Steinke – 2616 2:45 – 3:15 Sweebe – 2617 2:45 – 3:15 Watson – 3205 2:45 – 3:15

16 Additional Resources  Students can login to their Canvas account to access class notes and handouts.  Click “modules”  The textbook is online through  Student information will hopefully be uploaded by tomorrow.

17 Upcoming Important Dates  Wednesday, September 2 nd – Scientific Method Quiz  Thursday, September 3 rd – Scientific Method Test  Wednesday, September 9 th – Minnow Lab Report Due

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