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Regents Biology Types of Variables  Dependent Variable - what you measure in an experiment, graphed on the Y-axis  unpredictable change - we don’t know.

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Presentation on theme: "Regents Biology Types of Variables  Dependent Variable - what you measure in an experiment, graphed on the Y-axis  unpredictable change - we don’t know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regents Biology Types of Variables  Dependent Variable - what you measure in an experiment, graphed on the Y-axis  unpredictable change - we don’t know how it will change until we do the experiment  Independent Variable - what I change in the experiment, graphed on the X-axis  predictable change - it only changes because you made it change

2 Regents Biology Control  Control(s) – part of the experiment that DOES NOT change, kept constant or the same

3 Regents Biology Example  How does fertilizer affect the growth rate of plants?  We set up an experiment testing different amounts of fertilizer on plants and measuring the growth of the plants.  Dependent variable (Y-axis)? Height of plants  Independent variable (X-axis)? Amount of fertilizer  Control? Type of plant

4 Regents Biology Example  How does exercise affect the heart rate of a 10 th grade student?  We set up an experiment testing different lengths of time of exercise on the heart rate of a student.  Dependent variable (Y-axis)? Heart rate  Independent variable (X-axis)? Minutes of exercise  Control? Student

5 Regents Biology Example  If you spend more time studying, then your grade will improve?  Dependent variable (Y-axis)? Grade  Independent variable (X-axis)? Amount of time spent studying  Control? Student

6 Regents Biology Example  If the temperature of the room is increased, then the bacteria will grow faster.  Dependent variable (Y-axis)? Bacterial growth  Independent variable (X-axis)? Temperature of room  Control? Type of bacteria

7 Regents Biology 2005-2006

8 Regents Biology Create a Graphing Template  In your IAN notebook, you will create the a foldable to help you create and read graphs in this unit.  Take the 8½” x 11” sheet of paper you are given and turn it Landscape Style as shown.

9 Regents Biology Creating a Graphing Template  Write the follow terms at the top of each box on the doors. Leave room to define these terms in the box. D ependent Variable R esponse Variable Y - Axis I ndependent Variable M anipulated Variable X - Axis

10 Regents Biology Copy the definitions as we go thru the slides, copy what is in red.  Dependent Variable – the possible outcome of the experiment; the effect.

11 Regents Biology 2005-2006 Response Variable – What did I measure? What was the effect of the change?

12 Regents Biology 2005-2006 Y – Axis = The Vertical Axis on a graph.

13 Regents Biology 2005-2006 Manipulated Variable – What did I change in the experiment? What will happen if this changes?

14 Regents Biology 2005-2006 Independent Variable – the variable that you have control over, what you can choose and manipulate.

15 Regents Biology 2005-2006 X – Axis = The Horizontal Axis on a graph.

16 Regents Biology Creating a Graphing Template D ependen t Variable (D.V.) R esponse Variable Y - Axis I ndependen t Variable (I.V.) M anipulate d Variable X - Axis Graph Title Name of D.V. goes here. Name of I.V. goes here. Start each axis with zero. Each axis should be divided into even increments. Label all parts of the graph. Label the units of each axis. Y - Axis X - Axis

17 Regents Biology Creating a Graphing Template  Close the doors to your foldable and draw the lines shown on the two doors to separate them into 3 sections each. Then write the letter shown on each section. DRY-MIX is the acronym we will use to remind you about graphing! D R Y M I X This side of the foldable gives the definition for the Dependent Variable, explains it is the Response to a change in the experiment, and shows it is located on the Y-Axis. This side of the foldable gives the definition for the Independent Variable, explains that it Manipulates a change to the experiment, and shows it is located on the X-Axis.

18 Regents Biology Creating a Graphing Template  Now paste your foldable with the DRY-MIX side up in your IAN. You should be able to open the doors and read everything that is inside! D R Y M I X

19 Regents Biology Types of Graphs  Line Graph – data that shows continuous change

20 Regents Biology Types of graphs  Bar Graph: 2005-2006 – data that shows no continuous change

21 Regents Biology Types of Graphs  Pie Chart 2005-2006 – data that shows percentages of a whole

22 Regents Biology Types of Graphs  Scatter Plot Graph-shows a relationship between two or more sets of data 2005-2006

23 Regents Biology DRY MIX  Dependent Variable = Responding Variable = Y axis  Manipulated Variable = Independent Variable =I control = X axis

24 Regents Biology Graphing: DRY MIX Independent Variable Dependent Variable

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