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Environmental Information Initiatives Stocktake and Assessment Perth Workshop 30 th April 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Information Initiatives Stocktake and Assessment Perth Workshop 30 th April 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Information Initiatives Stocktake and Assessment Perth Workshop 30 th April 2009

2 Session 1 Welcome and introduction

3 Workshop objectives Engage with key stakeholders across relevant state agencies. Familiarise key stakeholders with the project. Seek input from key stakeholders to: Identify the full range of state environmental information initiatives relevant to the project, and Identify key linkages between initiatives, gaps and issues for consideration in the analysis of environmental information initiatives.

4 Project context NRPPC has requested the Australian Government progress the development of a national environmental information system (NEIS) to coordinate the collection, analysis, synthesis and delivery of environmental information. To inform this process, DEWHA agreed to undertake a stocktake and assessment of environmental information initiatives across Australian, State and Territory jurisdictions. The stocktake and assessment aims to obtain a clear, up-to-date picture of the: range of initiatives across jurisdictions, including linkages among them, and results of previous initiatives in coordinating the collection, analysis and delivery of environmental information.

5 Vision A NEIS should build on existing environmental information initiatives provide relevant, consistent, accurate and timely data at national to regional levels streamline information collection and dissemination processes inform rational and prioritised information collection and gap filling support prioritisation of investment across environmental info themes allow for value adding by enabling easy access and linking to available information, including socio-economic and other information sources enhance the national coordination of environmental information overall, equip Australia with comprehensive and robust environmental information and analytical capability which will underpin present day decision making on sound management of the environment and natural resources.

6 Project scope Environmental information initiatives are those which contribute to a state or national application, or provide capabilities at those levels. Focus is on initiatives of government organisations. Environment refers to: biological, meteorological and atmospheric systems, ocean, water and land systems, and their interaction with human (social & economic) systems including the built environment. Environmental information includes taxonomic, spatial, availability, condition and trend, measurement and monitoring information.

7 Project key steps and timing

8 Project method – analytical framework Capture information on each initiative: Application - what is environmental information used for now and in the future? Content - what information do the initiatives cover? Management - how is environmental information funded and managed?

9 Analytical framework (to be updated)

10 Analytical framework

11 Stocktake examples Examples of national environmental information initiatives: National Pollution Inventory Online System for Comprehensive Activity Reporting State of the Environment Reporting NLWRA (comprised of sub-initiatives) Sustainable Rivers Audit Murray Darling Basin Authority The Australian Water Resources Information System National Elevation Data Framework Environmental Resources Information Network (comprised of sub-initiatives) Reef Atlas

12 WA stocktake examples Indian Ocean Climate Initiative (IOCI) Shared Landform Information Platform (SLIP) State Land Information Capture Program (SLICP) WA Herbicide Resistance Initiative (WAHRI) WA coastal waterways geomorphic habitat mapping Native vegetation condition – Western Australia Distribution of rare and threatened flora, fauna and ecological communities Status and Trends in Suspended solids/turbidity of surface waters Contaminated sites – Western Australia

13 Session 3: Current situation OBJECTIVE: to identify the suite of environmental information initiatives, and identify selected features of each initiative. OUTPUTS List of state initiatives and sponsors. Identify linkages with other initiatives, especially national.

14 Session 4: Issues and Assessment OBJECTIVE: to identify the major gaps and opportunities for improvement across the initiatives identified in Session 3. OUTPUTS Major gaps in the current suite of initiatives and reasons why, and Opportunities for improving initiatives (specific to individual initiatives or general issues).

15 Priorities from Canberra Workshop Need for leadership Use and compliance with standards and common methods Need to improve primary data Focus investment to fill gaps, reduce duplication and meet key national priorities Continuity of data collection Need to identify key drivers for environmental information Resolve needs of individual drivers and information infrastructure to support many needs Need for national custodians and coordination Link environmental information to the economy

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