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Implementation of the 2008 SNA Experience of Cameroon By: TALOM KAMGA Alain National Institute of Statistics, Cameroon 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of the 2008 SNA Experience of Cameroon By: TALOM KAMGA Alain National Institute of Statistics, Cameroon 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of the 2008 SNA Experience of Cameroon By: TALOM KAMGA Alain National Institute of Statistics, Cameroon 1

2 Contents i.Context ii.Methodological aspects of the 2008 SNA implemented iii.Impact of changes due to the 2008 SNA iv.Difficulties encountered in the implementation of the 2008 SNA v.Future actions 2

3 I. Context 3 1.Create a new year base (2005) to replace the old base of 1990 2.Take into account new data sources (household consumption- budget survey-ECAM3, survey on employment and informal sector-EESI, General business census-RGE, general population and housing census –RGPH) 3.Improve some aspects of the 1993 SNA i.Final household consumption ii.Distinction between transport and trade margin iii.Gross Fixed Capital formation by sector (activity) iv.Etablish financial accounts

4 4 1.Adaptation of activities classification to ISICS 4 regarding the 2008 SNA 2.The calculation of the output of non life-insurance using ajusted (expectation approach) claims le calcul de la production de l’assurance non-vie par le calcul des indemnités ajustées ; 3.The calculation of FISIM from deposits and loans, and its allocation between users (institutional sectors and activity sectors) ; 4.The inclusion of database, software and intangible product in GFCF ; 5.The inclusion of holding companies in financial activities ; [The calculation of non-market output of central banks (the Central Bank (BEAC ) is an extraterritoriality).] Five major points of the 2008 SNA have been implemented in the 2005 new year base : II. Methodological aspects of the 2008 SNA implemented(1/7)

5 II. Methodological aspects of the 2008 SNA implemented(2/7) 5 2.1 Adaptation of activities classification  Merge, demerge, moving, clarification For example Branches " subsistence farming " and " Industrial agriculture and export" were merged to overcome the existence of products in both positions (banana) The " Water and Sanitation " was created according to ISIC 4; This section includes the branches 'Water distributed’ and ‘sanitation and waste management‘. A new group called " information and communication service " was created to reflect the current ICT development and in accordance with ISIC 4. MAJ_Nomenclatures_base_2005.pdf

6 II. Methodological aspects of the 2008 SNA implemented(3/7) 6 2.2 The calculation of the output of non life-insurance using  The expectation approach was used to estimate ajusted claims to be considered in the calculation of the output of non life insurance  The mean excess function was used to dectect claims treshold in order to identify extrem values  The de Box & Jenkins smoothing was used Calcul_production_assurances_nonVie.docx

7 II. Methodological aspects of the 2008 SNA implemented(4/7) 7  Approach of calculation Estimation : o On one part, loans and déposits availabes in statistics published by the Central Bank, o And other part, interest rate applied to sectors. Since, only the interest rate cap for loans and interest rate floor for deposit were available at the Central Bank, Finally after discussions with banker an interest rate per sector was estimated This approach resulted to a production of FISIM higher than the one obtain by 1993 SNA approach (the difference between property income receivable and interest payable). 2.3 The calculation of FISIM from deposits and loans of institutional sectors and a reference rate (1/2)

8 II. Methodological aspects of the 2008 SNA implemented(5/7) 8 2.3 The calculation of FISIM from deposits and loans of institutional sectors and a reference rate (2/2) Two hypothesis for the evaluation of exports and imports of FISIM : (i)Investment income of financial institution are used for export when Government and non financial companie investment icome are used to calculate import of FISIM (ii)Bilateral and multilateral aids are not considered Mesure_SIFIM_selon_SCN_2008_base_2005.pdf In all, calculation of FISIM regarding the 2008 SNA has an negative impact on GDP (contribution of -0,44%)

9 II. Methodological aspects of the 2008 SNA implemented(6/7) 9 2.4 the inclusion of database (in the new category « software and database »), licences as GFCF Data relative to research an development, licences are available in statistics and fiscal report of companies. The estimation of these items, formerly classified as intermediary consumption accordind to the 1993 SNA, increased the Gross Fixed Capital Formation by 0,2% and the GDP by 0,04%.

10 II. Methodological aspects of the 2008 SNA implemented(7/7) 10 2.5 The inclusion of holding companies in financial activities The 2008 SNA and the ISICS 4 recommend that holdings companies should always be allocated to the financial corporations sector and treated as captive financials institutions. The 1993 SNA recommended to assign these companies, which were indeed, misidentified in the old series, to the institutional sector focusing the principal activity of the group. The General business census-RGE identified such companies and their integration in 2005 raised the GDP of 3.4 billion FCFA

11 III. Impact of changes due to the 2008 SNA 11 The Global impact of all the changes in the 2005 new year base is an increase of 8,2% of GDP But the impact due to the 2008 SNA is a decrease of -0,39% of GDP caused by FISIM SourceValue added (2008 SNA) Absolute difference (millions F CFA) Relative (%)* 2008 SNA-33 762-0,39 Non-life insurance service58 023-1 938-0,02 FISIM82 807-38 440-0,44 Holding Companies3 439 0,04 R&D, databases, licences, etc.3 177 0,04 (*) Ecart relatif=Ecart absolu/PIB selon l’ancienne base Tableau : Impact of changes due to the 2008 SNA

12 IV. Difficulties encountered in the implementation of the 2008 SNA 12  Absence of a clear strategy for the implementation of the 2008 SNA during the work on the base year 2005  Difficult consideration of the production of the Central Bank in the context of sub- regional bank  Difficult access to the data on military expenditure  Difficulties in applying some methodologies. Some specific aspects should be reviewed : (i)The estimation of capital service and its impact on the operations and the aggregates should be evaluated before its implementation in the national accounts (ii)Other aspects of goods and services produced by households for their own use and not included in the production (iii)In addition, the extension of the central framework must continue to include the accounts of other changes in assets in the accumulation accounts and balance sheets

13 V. Perspectives 13 On the implementation level of SNA in Cameroon, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the development of the base year 2005 positions Cameroon to a satisfactory level. However, as noted by the report of the Inter- Secretariat Working Group on National Accounts, these levels do not evaluate the conceptual and qualitative aspects. In this context, an assessment mission of the statistical system for insertion into the basis of the report data on compliance methodologies and codes ( Reports on the Observance of Standards and Code- ROSCs ) is desirable. Such mission has been conducted to evaluate the implementation of the 1993 SNA.

14 V. Perspectives 14 Publish the serie of National Account 1993-2013 by end 2015 Continue the implementation of the 2008 SNA in the context of the New year base 2015 to be implemented in 2017 In fact, of the 44 points marking the improvements SNA 2008 from the 1993 SNA, only 07 items were reviewed during the implementation of the 2005 base and 05 were successfully implemented. This shows the size of the task that lies ahead. Difficulties relating to the integration of other points could be numerous and require, as appropriate, technical assistance. On this item on technical assistance, Cameroon is part of the implementation strategy developed at the African level. When the points to be implemented will be selected by these organizations, the NIS will request technical assistance (if needed) for the selected items but not yet implemented in the 2005 base. Points to be implemented

15 Institut National de la Statistique PO Box : 134 Yaoundé - Cameroun Tel : (+237) 222 22 04 45 Fax : (+237) 222 23 24 37 Web Site : 15

16 16 Thank you for your attention.

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