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FAIRTRADE; about The Fairtrade Foundation is the independent non-profit organisation that licenses use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on products in the UK in.

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Presentation on theme: "FAIRTRADE; about The Fairtrade Foundation is the independent non-profit organisation that licenses use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on products in the UK in."— Presentation transcript:


2 FAIRTRADE; about The Fairtrade Foundation is the independent non-profit organisation that licenses use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on products in the UK in accordance with Fairtrade standards. Their vision is to put sustainable development are at the heart of trade structures and practices so that everyone, through their work, can maintain a decent and dignified livelihood and develop their full potential. Fairtrade seeks to transform trading structures and practices in favor of the poor and disadvantaged. The Fairtrade movement empowers citizens to campaign for an international trade system based on justice and fairness.

3 FAIRTRADE; a history 1988 Launch of the FAIRTRADE label branded ‘Max Havilaar’ after a fictional character who opposed the exploitation of coffee workers in Mexico The first FAIRTRADE coffee from Mexico was sold into Dutch supermarkets Late 80’s the FAIRTRADE initiative is replicated across Europe and US 1992 Fairtrade foundation established 1994 Green & Blacks, Café Direct & Clipper Tea certified 1992 House of Commons switched to using FAIRTRDE through out Westminster. 1998 first honey to carry FAIRTRADE & divine chocolate launched. 2001 retail value reached 30million 2002 Lancashire words first FAIRTRADE town. Sainsbury's, Coop, Waitrose & Asda all launch FAIRTRADE products By 2009 Cadburys committed to FAIRTRADE. Beauty products launched. Starbucks 100% Total retail sales 799 Million pounds in UK

4 FAIRTRADE; the mark The FAIRTRADE Mark is a registered certification label for products sourced from producers in developing countries. Adopted logo in 2002. Logo is open to interpretation but is most traditionally understood to represent; Green = grass Blue = sky Black line & dot = person holding their arm out Figure is the person at the heart of the fairtrade system. A farmer; shopper; campaigner YING YANG – similarities to this. Peace, harmony. WORLD – movement, can all be involved in.

5 FAIRTRADE; success story Why do I think the brand value is rising? Brand is a feeling. FAIR. Feel good factor, self conscious decision/other products = UNfair More environmentally aware society Pay more for more High awareness – Major brands in partnership. Clever advertising. Becoming less of a choice, more of an everyday = high value. Wide range of products – multiple opportunities


7 ROYAL MAIL; about o Royal Mail Group is the parent company of Royal Mail, The Post Office, Parcel Force. o Royal Mail is their letter and packaging business o Covers whole of the UK o Employ over 155,000 people o Operates on a one price goes anywhere universal service o For 370 years it has been a publicly run company (government) until 2010 recently announcement that is is to become private

8 ROYAL MAIL; a history Royal mail dates back 376 years 1657 Oliver Cromwell established the general post office Control given to the treasury until 1969 1680 the Penny Post is developed, same day delivery 1784 First mail coach service 1849 The first postage stamps; the penny black, two penny blue & Mulready (env) 1853 Pillar boxes appear 1919 First overseas air mail 1959 Modern post codes introduces to help sorting 1969 Corporation status 1971 NATIONAL POSTAGE STRIKE – pay, living standards 2001 CONSIGNIA ‘to entrust the care of’. Commercial & international. £2m 2002 Back to Royal Mail 2003 Mail rail closes – underground service in London 2004 Open to competition. Any company licensed by postcomm can now deliver 2006 Pricing in proportion scheme 2009 STRIKES 2010 Privatised

9 ROYAL MAIL; the mark The Cruciform. Late 70s design and locks to ideas together. Crown – run by the government, the queens post. Originally used to form a monogram – stamp of the crown on pillar boxes. The crown is an integral part of the logo. Shows connection between two parts of company, GPO and telecommunications. ‘Royal Mail’ – same reason as the crown. Gives brand authority, trust and purpose. Also distinguishes the separate operation. Royal mail red – consistent and familiar – same as post office and parcel force. Its is a brand that is recognized to reach people everyday. Logo also comes in Welsh (language) and Scottish (crown)

10 ROYAL MAIL; losing value Other media choices Bad PR – strikes, pension crisis Losing its history – 6 days, once, loss in community as post offices close Rebranding failure, confusion?? Big company – massive turn to change Private – relying on trust & investment to secure its value. Losing ‘royal’ authority.

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