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Colton High School OACTE Conference Sunriver, Oregon April 18, 2008 Extended Application.

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Presentation on theme: "Colton High School OACTE Conference Sunriver, Oregon April 18, 2008 Extended Application."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colton High School OACTE Conference Sunriver, Oregon April 18, 2008 Extended Application

2 Demographics  Small, rural high school in SE Clackamas County approximately 35 miles SE of Portland  Unincorporated area; limited business (post office, market, telephone company, gas station, fire station, public schools)  School district encompasses 189 square miles  230-250 student population at high school (includes 8 exchange students)  15 certified teachers (2 part-time); 1 principal; 1 counselor  26 credits required for diploma  7 period day; 4 day week

3  5 high school principals in the last 9 years; 3 in last 3 years  Decreasing budgets and enrollment  Staff buy-in early on  Communication with parents and community Challenges

4 What worked  Commitment and support of administrators  Focus on contextual/project-based learning  Dynamic administrator at the high school to lead the way (1999-2003) and administrative leader to move us forward (2008) -- right people at the right time  Core leadership group of “out of the box” thinkers  Consistent focus on “What’s best for kids.”  Continuous improvement model that is dynamic and fluid  Common use of language around rigor, relevance, and career-related learning

5 How Colton is Approaching the Diploma Requirements  8 th grade semester long “Careers Exploration” class  Freshmen Focus class – 6 rotations of skill building courses  Guidance curriculum activities in classroom and small groups  Individual planning – guidance and career counselors  Advisory programs at both middle and high school  Senior project approach to “Extended Application”  “Post-secondary planning” guided activities component added to senior year

6 Senior Seminar  Required class since 2005-06  Purpose: Student-designed senior project approach to extended application  Product  Performance  Paper Demonstration of CRLS through senior project Collection of evidence that meets the graduation requirements

7 Extended Application Standard  The student will be able to apply and extend academic and career-related knowledge and skills in new and complex situations appropriate to the student’s personal, academic and/or career interests and post-high school goals. Students will apply and extend their knowledge in new and complex situations related to the student’s personal and career interests and post- high school goals through critical thinking, problem solving, or inquiry in real world contexts. (The Oregon Diploma and Summary of State Board Action – January 2007)

8 Extended Application Standard  Rigor and Relevance Career Research Project Proposal – CIS “My EA Projects” Developmental Abstract  Reflection Reflective Essay – CIS “My EA Projects”

9 1 2 3 4 5 6 12345 Rigor/Relevance Framework® Knowledge/Application Framework A C B D K n o w le d g e T a x o n o m y T a x o n o m y Application Model

10 Career-Related Learning Standards  Personal Management Detailed project timeline Organization and management of senior project Two page paper that: Paraphrases meaning of the specific standard. Provides specific examples/evidence from high school educational career Provides specific example/evidence associated with senior project:  Teamwork/Collaboration  Problem-Solving  Communication  Employment Foundations – response paper  Career Development – response paper

11 Career-Related Learning Experiences  One at the senior level directly associated with senior project Defined learning objectives using CIS CRLE Planner Evaluation by community/work-based mentor Experience specifically addressed in personal/reflection essay

12 Assessment  Sufficiency: how much evidence is necessary to make a valid and reliable decision about whether a student has met the standard.  ODE Guidelines for a Sufficient Collection of Evidence (EA and CRLS) CHS version for diploma scoring purposes: EAEA CRLS Each piece must meet “sufficiency” performance standard Outcome: Collection of evidence that meets requirements for diploma – Evaluation of Student Collection of EvidenceEvaluation of Student Collection of Evidence  Proficiency: how well a student must perform to meet the standard.

13 Continuous Improvement  System that is dynamic and fluid  New for 2008-09: Junior level class “Intro to Senior Seminar”  All about the “process” of the senior project  Putting it all together 1 st semester senior seminar class to complete project and Collection of Evidence All staff engaged as project “mentors” All seniors will do project presentations  Incorporation of “essential skills” into all course content Use of authentic assessments – industry standards, Oregon Skill Sets, ACT WorkKeys, ASVAB, etc.  Opportunity for student “Extended Application” projects beginning at middle school

14 Contact us Tom Crane, Principal Diane Parham, Career Learning Coordinator Colton High School 30205 S. Wall Street Colton, OR 97017 Presentation materials posted to website.

15 Thank you.

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